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Просим Вас принять участие в эксперименте, который проводится в рамках исследования "Развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции при использовании английских народных сказок в учебном процессе" студенткой образовательной программы магистратуры Департамента иностранных языков Национального исследовательского университета "Высшая школа экономики" Аллой Крыловой. В целях соблюдения чистоты исследования, пожалуйста, во время выполнения заданий не пользуйтесь никакими дополнительными материалами, включая словари и Интернет. Вам предстоит изучить две английский народные сказки и выполнить упражнения к ним. Before reading the first tale, we'd like you to do an exercise, so that it'll be easier for you to read the text. 1) Deduce the meaning of CAPITALISED words from the sentences. 1) I’ll eat ’EM now. 2) Get one O’ them. 3) "AIN'T you got my name yet?" 4) AIN'T it good for her? 5) We AIN'T going to visit him. 6) She AIN'T seen me for a month. 7) "Is that old?" - "No, T'AIN'T ". 8) I SHAN'T be able to come to your party. 9) My son HA’ eaten five pies today. 10) She OPED the window and looked out of it. 11) "Sally is my youngest DARTER," - the mother said. 12) One day a king was riding a HOBBY. 13) I'm AFEARD when it's dark and I'm alone. So, just for you to make sure, that you've understood all the words, here are the answers. ’EM is THEM, O' is OF, AIN'T means AM NOT, ISN'T, AREN'T, HAVEN'T, HASN'T, T'AIN'T means IT ISN'T, SHAN'T means SHALL NOT (or WILL NOT in modern English), HA' is HAVE, OPED is OPENED, DARTER is surely DAUGHTER, a HOBBY is a HORSE and AFEARD means AFRAID. Now, read the first part of the tale and listen to the second. Следующую часть студенты прослушивают:
Now, we'd like you to do some exercises based on the tale. 2) Put the events of the story in the correct order: 1) The king approached the mother. 2) The girl guessed the impet's name. 3) The girl cried bitterly. 4) The mother backed five pies. 5) The king told the girl how he saw a spinning creature in the pit. 6) The girl ate whatever she wanted. 7) The impet comforted the girl. 8) The girl listed all kinds of names in vain. 9) The girl ate everything that had been made. 3) Decide whether the sentences are True (T), False (F) or Not Stated (NS) 1) The girl ate all the pies because she was very hungry. 2) The king was impressed when he heard that the girl could spin five skeins in one day. 3) The mother was sure that the king would forget about spinning in eleven months. 4) The girl had to sleep on the floor in the special room. 5) The king visited the girl every day. 6) The king noticed the chalk-pit, where the impet was, because of some noise coming out of it. 7) The impet always looked serious. 8) The girl happily lived with the king until the end of her life. 4) Choose the correct alternative. 1) Why didn't the family have supper right after the meal was ready? A. They weren't hungry yet. B. The meal was spoilt and they had to prepare another. C. They had to wait a little while so that it tasted better. D. They were very busy doing some important work. 2) Why did the mother sing another song to the king? A. She wanted to show how good her daughter was. B. She wanted the king to hire her daughter as a spinner for the royal family. C. She wanted to impress him, so that he would marry her daughter. D. She was embarrassed to show how greedy her daughter was. 3) Why did the woman agree to marry her daughter to the king? A. She wanted to participate in an enjoyable wedding of her daughter's. B. She wanted her daughter to become a queen. C. The king seemed to be the best match for her daughter. D. She wanted to get rid of her greedy daughter that didn't want to work. 4) What didn't the girl do in the special room the king brought her to? A. She ate food. B. She spun skeins. C. She thought over all kinds of names. D. She talked to a king. 5) What do people usually use a stool for? A. To eat on it. B. To sit on it. C. To fly away on it. D. For reparation. 6) Which English proverb better suits the story? A. A fault confessed is half redressed. B. A friend in need is a friend indeed. C. A wonder lasts but nine days. D. Sink or swim. 4) What is the moral of the story? Write a paragraph. The Master and His Pupil And now one more English folk tale. As usual, before reading the second tale, we'd like you to do an exercise, so that it'll be easier for you to understand the text. 1) Match the words and expressions with their synonyms. 1) under the sun 2) a learned man 3) a lad 4) it is fast 5) to sing in a quire 6) a crucible 7) a chamber 8) wondrous 9) thee ("I love thee") 10) yon ("yon tree") 11) to heed a) impressive or exciting b) firmly fixed and cannot be moved c) an old word meaning ‘you’ d) a boy or a young man e) on earth f) that, those, not near (an old word) g) a bedroom (old usage) h) someone who has a lot of knowledge i) a choir j) a container in which metals are usually heated to very high temperatures k) to pay attention to someone or something All right. Here are the answers again to help you. Under the sun = on earth, a learned man = someone who has a lot of knowledge, a lad = a boy or a young man, it is fast = firmly fixed and cannot be moved, to sing in a quire = a choir, a crucible = a container in which metals are usually heated to very high temperatures, a chamber = a bedroom (old usage), wondrous = impressive or exciting, thee ("I love thee") = an old word meaning ‘you’, yon ("yon tree") = that, those, not near (an old word), to heed = to pay attention to someone or something. Now. Read the tale. 2) Answer the questions. 1) If the table made fast to the floor, does it mean that it's not high? 2) If I call someone a "lad", can this person be old? 3) Can the word wondrous mean scary? 4) Was Beelzebub a demon? 5) Does the word crucibles refer to water condition? 6) Can people gasp because they are shocked? 7) Did the story happen in England? Here are the answers and the next exercise. 1) No, it means that it is fixed in some way and it cannot be moved 2) No, a lad is a boy or a young man. 3) No, it means impressive or exciting 4) Yes. 5) No, it is a container. 6) Yes. Also if they are surprised or in pain. 7) Yes. In Yorkshire. 2) Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions 1) There was once a 1) _______________who had a 2) _______________ which was 3) _______________ to a table. It was locked because there were all the secrets of the 4)______________. It told how many 5)_______________there were in 6)_______________, and how they sang in their 7)_______________. And it told of the 8)_______________ and how tasks might be 9)_______________on them, and how they might be used to be as 10)______________. a) spiritual world b) quires c) heaven d) slaves to man e) leaned man f) big book g) demons h) made fast i) angels j) imposed 2) The master had a pupil who was but a 1)______________, and he acted as a 2)______________ to the great master. One day when the master was out, the lad, as 3)______________ as could be, rushed to the 4)______________ where his master kept his 5)______________ for changing copper into gold, and the shell which 6)______________ all the words the master wished to know about. The lad tried 7) ______________ with the 8)______________ to turn copper into gold and the shell produced only indistinct 9)______________. "I can do nothing," he said; "as I don’t know 10)______________." a) crucibles b) whispered c) wondrous apparatus d) the right words to utter e) servant f) chamber g) murmurings h) foolish lad i) curious j) in vain 3) He looked round, and, see! the book was 1) _________; and the lad put his finger on a line and 2)_______ __. At once the house 3)_____ __; 4) _________ rolled through the old room, and there stood a horrible form. It was the demon 5)_____ ___, whom he had called up to 6)______ ___. "7)______ __!" said he, with a voice like the 8) __________ of an iron furnace. The boy only trembled. "Set me a task, or I shall 9)_____ ___ thee!" a) "Set me a task!" b) roaring c) trembled d) Beelzebub e) unfastened f) strangle g) serve him h) spelled it through i) a clap of thunder 4) "Water 1)______________ flower," cried the boy 2) _______. Instantly the 3) ______ left the room and returned with a 4) ______ on his back, and 5)_______ _ the water over the flower; and again and again he left and came back. "Enough, enough!" 6)____ ____ the lad; but the demon 7)_____ ___ him not; the lad didn’t know the words to 8)_____ ____, and still he 9)______ __ water. In vain the lad cried; and the evil spirit would have 10)___ ______ all Yorkshire. But the master returned, and spoke the words which 11)______ __ Beelzebub into his fiery home. a) poured b) heeded c) yon d) cast back e) in despair f) send him away g) drowned h) spirit i) barrel j) gasped k) fetched 3) Choose the correct alternative. 1) What kind of information wasn't in the book? A. How to set tasks to demons B. What angels did in heaven C. Different kinds of spells D. How to change copper into gold 2) Which piece of information is correct? A. The lad was able to read. B. The master usually locked his room when he went out. C. The lad knew what Beelzebub was for. D. The shell spoke the words to the master in a loud voice. 3) Which piece of information is wrong? A. The demon could have killed the lad. B. The demon injured the lad. C. The master was a magician. D. Beelzebub knew how to water flowers. And the final exercise. 1) Think of characters from Russian or other countries' folk tales that are similar to the ones in this tale. OR 2) Think of virtue and vice represented in the tale. How are they represented in Russian or other countries' folk tales. Record your answer using this link (http://vocaroo.com/), save it and type the link of your answer here. Благодарим за участие в эксперименте
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