XII. Match the corresponding parts into sentences. 

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XII. Match the corresponding parts into sentences.

1. Dentistry for the elderly must be practiced … 1. … those related to reduced tissue function.
2. Many of the tissue changes … 2. … with due consideration of the biological factors.
3. The salivary glands and even the teeth … 3. … are actually due to specific disease processes.
4. Changes in the supporting tissues and oral mucosa … 4. … or more chronic disease.
5. It is important to distinguish between complaints on an organic basis … 5. … at this age require a modified treatment.
6. the average aged patient has one … 6. … are affected by aging.

XIII. Translate the following word combinations:

мягкие ткани ротовой полости, обычные пациенты, пожилые люди, процессы заживления, жалобы больного, механизм адаптации. следить за здоровьем, реакция на стресс, рассматривать с должным вниманием, процесс старения, состояние полости рта, обследование основания рта, пожилые пациенты, одиночество и страх


XIV. Read and translate the text using a dictionary.

Text B. Case History

    The patient, 54 years of age, complained of pain, fever, and general malaise. The teeth were sore to touch: bleeding was easily induced. Dental examination disclosed several periodontal abscesses: palatal of the maxillary left central and lateral incisors and cuspid, and the buccal aspect of the mandibular right second premolar. The remaining gingivae were inflamed, discolored, retracted and bled easily. Heavy calculus deposits were noted. Radiographically there was marked loss of the marginal alveolus throughout. Because of the existence of multiple periodontal abscesses a detailed systemic history was taken. The patient described symptoms of excessive thirst, polyuria and loss of weight. The patient was requested to have a physical examination. A diagnosis of diabetes was made. One month after institution of a proper diet and insulin the patient returned for periodontal therapy. The gingival changes could be observed. Therapy had consisted of hot water rinses and brushing. periodontal therapy was instituted with success.



Lesson 25

Грамматика: самостоятельный причастный оборот, неполные придаточные предложения (повторение), способы отрицания



I. Read and give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations of the Latin-Greek origin:

category [‘kqetigqri]

obstruction [qb’strAkSqn]

oral physiology [‘Lrql]

anterior region [qen’tiqriq ‘rJGqn]

nasal [‘neizql]

capillary vasoconstriction [,vqesqkqn’strikSqn]

gingival [Gin’GQivql]

structural resistance [ri’zistqns]

hypotrophy [,hQipou’troufi]

condition [kqn’disqn]

allergy [‘qelqGi]

deformity [di’fLmiti]

spontaneous [spOn’teinjqs]


II. Learn the following words:

to breathe [brJD] - дышать

pure [‘pjuq] - чистый

habit [‘hqebit] - привычка

habitual [hq’bitjuql] - привычный

out of habits - по привычке

instead of [in’sted] - вместо (того, чтобы)

passage [‘pqesiG] - проход

lip - губа

to maintain [mein’tein] - поддерживать

closure [‘klouZq] - закрытие, смыкание

turbinate [tWbineit] - носовая раковина

deviated [‘dJvieitid] - искривленный

common [‘kOmqn] - частый, распространенный, обычный

susceptibility [sq,septi’biliti] - чувствительность

desiccated [‘desikeitid] - обезвоженный

malocclusion [mqelq’klHZqn] - неправильный прикус

relationship [ri’leiSqnship] - отношение, связь

opinion [q’pinjqn] - мнение

thumb-sucking [TAm’sAkiN] - сосание большого пальца

ill-effect [I’fekt] - вредное влияние


III. Read the words, define the parts of speech and translate them:

habitual, respiration, breather, nasal, passage, purely, closure, resistance, deviated, enlargement, enlarged, particularly, susceptibility, relationship, definitely, considerable, careful, displacement, deformity, spontaneous, effective, possible, equally, important

IV. Translate the following word combinations:

mouth breathing, obstruction of the nasal passages, to maintain closure of the lip, hypertrophy of the turbinates, deviated nasal septum, common condition, to disturb the usual oral physiology, gingival enlargement, anterior region, to increase the susceptibility, desiccated tissues, considerable opinion, the effect of thumb-sucking, slight displacement, to break the habit


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