Последовательность действий, указанных в предложении ( MT -1) 

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Последовательность действий, указанных в предложении ( MT -1)

740. Having been inadequately treated the infection then caused a permanent heart muscle damage.

a) having been treated              b) caused


741. Having had some work problems the man started suffering regular attacks of bad headache.

a) started                       b) having had


742. Having begun as herbal medicine aspirin then was widely used in medical practice.

a) having begun                 b) was used


743. Having been expected to recover completely the man was still running a high temperature.

a) was running                   b) having been expected


744. Having felt sudden pain and sensation of pressure in the chest the man called in an ambulance.

a) having felt                     b) called 


745. The man died having not been given a proper therapy.

a) died                               b) having not been given


746. Having been built up by the evolution, constitutional resistance serves as a shield against microbial aggression.

a) serves                            b) having been built


747. Having been assessed as moderately dangerous the patient’s condition suddenly aggravated.

a) aggravated               b) having been assessed


748. Having taken one tablet of medicine the man called in his local physician.

a) called                             b) having taken


749. Having been relieved of his pains the man was able to fall asleep at last.

a) having been relieved     b) was able to fall asleep


750. Having discovered radium Mme Curie then isolated other radioactive elements.                          

a) isolated                          b) having discovered

Определение формы причастия (MT-2)

751. Форма причастия Perfect Participle Active от глагола “to find” ###

752. Форма причастия Perfect Participle Passive от глагола “to reveal” ###                                            

753. Форма причастия Indefinite Participle Passive от глагола “to cause” ###

754. Форма причастия Perfect Participle Passive от глагола “to take” ###

755. Форма причастия Perfect Participle Active от глагола “to see” ###

756. Форма причастия Indefinite Participle Passive от глагола “to apply” ###                                                                                                                                                                  

757. Форма причастия Perfect Participle Passive от глагола “to relieve” ###

758. Форма причастия Perfect Participle Active от глагола “to give” ###

759. Форма причастия Perfect Participle Active от глагола “to come” ###

760. Форма причастия Perfect Participle Passive от глагола “to hear” ###

761. Форма причастия Perfect Participle Active от глагола “to become” ###

762. Форма причастия Indefinite Participle Passive от глагола “to bring” ###

763. Форма причастия Perfect Participle Active от глагола “to draw” ###

Сказуемое придаточного предложения можно заменить причастием (MT -2)                       764. After the doctor had examined the patient he wrote down his initial diagnosis in the patient’s card. ###

765. When the patient is examined by the physician he must take off his clothes. ###

766. After the man had been examined in the reception ward he was directed to the X-ray room. ###

767. When the man was questioned about his condition he complained of periodic headaches and fever. ###

768. After the man had been given an injection of tramadol he was taken to the hospital. ###

769. While he was having an attack of bad cough he felt a severe pain in his chest. ###

770. As the boy was relieved of an acute pain, he was able to answer the doctor’s questions. ###

771. After he had been prescribed a new effective drug he made a quick recovery. ###

772. When he was breathing in he usually felt pain in the chest. ###


Определение формы герундия (MT-2)

773. Герундий с предлогом _____ переводится отрицательной формой деепричастия ###

774. Форма герундия Perfect Active от глагола “to think” ###

775. Форма герундия Indefinite Passive от глагола “to find” ###

776. Форма герундия Perfect Passive от глагола “to discontinue” ###

777. Форма герундия Indefinite Passive от глагола “to give” ###      

778. Форма герундия Perfect Passive от глагола “to make” ###

Последовательность глагольных форм в сложных формах герундия (MT -1)

779.         a) having    b) brought  c) been


780.         a) estimated b) being


781.         a) been                   b) having    c) found


782.         a) required b) being


783.         a) being      b) done


784.         a) been              b) having    c) determined


785.         a) revealed b) having


786.         a) discontinued                 b) having

787.         a) been              b) having    c) noticed


788.         a) having    b) reported c) been



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