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Complete the sentences using the words from the box. 1. The purpose of ___ ___ is to ensure that the vehicle travel is straight and true (without pulling to one side).Содержание книги
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1. The purpose of ___ ___ is to ensure that the vehicle travel is straight and true (without "pulling" to one side). 2. An old car expelled a black cloud of ___. 3. A ___ experience is difficult but interesting or enjoyable and a ___ experience is the one that gives you satisfaction. 4. We are the leading manufacturer and ___ of high grade engine ___ and ___ which provide extended service life to all petrol and diesel vehicles. 5. He could predict ___ behavior under various conditions and diagnose any ___ 6. To ___ an engine is a hard job. 7. An automobile safety system that allows the wheels to maintain contact with the road surface while braking is called ___ ___ ___ (ABS). 8. Good ___ helps to avoid having to make numerous ___. Speak about the career of an automotive engineer using the following phrases to describe duties involved in this job. 1. to design, develop, produce new products; 2. to modify existing ones; 3, to predict, troubleshoot, analyze and solve problems; 4. to have a deep interest in motor vehicles; 5. to understand safety standards and to keep to them. Can you say now that this career is the right one for you? Prove it. Make a dialogue with your partner and discuss why you have chosen this career. Unit 3. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 1. a) Ask your partner the following questions to evaluate his potential to become a mechanical engineer. 1. Are you interested in machines and equipment of any kind and in the way they operate? 2. Answer the questions given in Ex. 1, p. 8. b) If the answers are “yes” and your partner does not struggle in math and science, can he pursue a career in mechanical engineering? Say what you think about it. Write down your arguments. A MECHANICAL ENGINEER CAREER Match the following words and word combinations with their Russian Equivalents.
Mechanical Engineering careers are very important. Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest engineering disciplines. Mechanical engineers deal with the design, installation, operation and maintenance of anything that has moving parts. They develop new ideas, improve designs, prepare drawings, manufacture and maintain mechanical systems and machinery. They create machines that improve the quality of people's everyday life. The task is to make this equipment more productive and less wasteful. They create assembly lines to help with manufacturing processes. They supervise production in factories, determine the causes of breakdowns, test products to maintain quality, estimate the time and cost to manufacture these products. Mechanical engineers help to organize the manufacturing. Mechanical engineers develop new materials. They also analyze the impact of these materials on the environment and people. Many mechanical engineers are in management positions. Good engineers are in demand, and jobs are plentiful. To be successful, mechanical engineers must know math, mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics and energy well. Computer science is also an important area of study for them. Computers are used widely in machine building for designing and testing. CAD (Computer Aided Design) and CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) are real aids to design! Instead of designing a part on paper and then writing the program to manufacture it, CAD/CAM software does the two stages directly on the computer. This software designs the part on the computer screen, and then, by inputting a command, the software writes the CNC program to produce the part. With these tools models and analysis take place before a product is prototyped. With computers, a design can be put through simulations with different stresses, to determine how a device would react to the situation. Mechanical engineers need to do their job well in order to keep the civilized world safe and moving smoothly.
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