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Кафедра «Гуманитарные дисциплины»




Методические рекомендации к практическим занятиям для студентов всех специальностей и всех направлений подготовки

Очной и заочной форм обучения


Задания по развитию навыков устной речи

Часть 2




Могилев 2020

УДК 804.0


   А 64

Рекомендовано к изданию

учебно-методическим отделом

Белорусско-Российского университета


Одобрено кафедрой «Гуманитарные дисциплины» «21» апреля 2020 г., протокол № 10


                       Составители ст. преп. Е.С.Вербицкая

                                 ст. преп. Е. Н. Мельникова

                                 ст. преп. А. А. Размахнина



Рецензент: ст. преп. А. В. Карпенко


«Задания по развитию навыков устной речи» предназначены для развития и совершенствования навыков говорения у студентов, изучающих английский язык. Задания разработаны на основе аутентичных текстовых материалов.


Учебно-методическое издание




    Ответственный за выпуск                            С.Е.Макарова


    Технический редактор                                     


    Компьютерная верстка                                          Н.П.Полевничая



Подписано в печать                . Формат 60х84/16. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Таймс.

Печать трафаретная. Усл.печ.л.    . Уч.-изд. л.  . Тираж экз. Заказ №          

Издатель и полиграфическое исполнение

Межгосударственное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Белорусско-Российский университет»

Свидетельство о государственной регистрации издателя,

изготовителя, распространителя печатных изданий

 № 1/156 от 7.03.2019.

Пр. Мира, 43, 212000, г. Могилев.


                                                                                                  © Белорусско-Российский

университет, 2020



1. Discussion.

1. What are the world’s biggest and most urgent problems?

2. What is the most important issue facing the world today? Why?


Study the following words.

1 affect воздействовать (на что-либо)
2 contaminate загрязнять
3 deprive лишать (чего-либо)
4 interaction взаимодействие
5 impact влияние, воздействие
6 famine голод
7 joint efforts совместные усилия
8 outcome последствие, результат
9 prosperity процветание, благополучие
10 unify объединять

Read the following text.


Globalization is a process of interaction between people, companies and governments of different nations. It is driven by international trade and the development of information technology. It has a great influence on our environment, culture, political and economic systems. Globalization can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together. It is impossible to define whether globalization is good or bad. Some people believe that free trade between countries offers prosperity and economic growth for all nations. Others think that globalization threatens the environment as well as national cultures.

Global problems are those which affect the whole mankind. As the world grows smaller, events in one area have a greater impact on other parts of the world. These problems can’t be solved in one day and require organized efforts of the world community. Some of the global problems that affect the modern world are environmental pollution, resource issues, overpopulation, famine, and others.

Currently, the environment is so contaminated that urgent measures should be taken. A single person cannot be blamed for the world pollution; however, everyone should take care of their environment. It is vital that environmental issues are treated internationally. Joint efforts can help to avoid a global environmental disaster. For instance, governments should offer support to companies and organizations involved in manufacturing, industry or agriculture in order to find eco-friendly approaches.

At present, a lot of people live in poverty. They are deprived of common necessities such as food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water. They do not have access to education, health care and employment. Poverty in some areas affects other areas because of migration and its impact on the world economy.

Another problem is overpopulation. Overpopulation is associated with negative environmental and economic outcomes ranging from environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources to intensive farming practices and unemployment.

Growing population means more demand for energy. Countries must find ways to reduce fossil fuel consumption and take action to promote a greater use of renewable energy resources.

If these problems are not recognized and the appropriate actions are not taken to slow down or put an end to them, the consequences can be extremely serious. Not only the government, but also all people are in charge. People and the governments should get together and try to solve these problems in order to make this planet a safe place to live.

Match the words from the text (A) with the definitions (B).

1. approach a. work
2. depletion b. to find an answer to a problem
3. employment c. medical services
4. health care d. damage to the environment
5. in charge e. a reduction in something
6. pollution f. a way of considering or doing something
7. poverty g. to help something become successful
8. promote h. responsible for
9. solve i. extremely important
10. vital j. the condition of being extremely poor


    The Earth is the only planet in the solar system where there is life. For centuries man had lived in harmony with nature until industrialization brought human society into conflict with natural environment. Today the conflict between man and nature has acquired a dramatic character. With the development of civilization man’s interference in nature has increased. Every year the world industry pollutes the atmosphere with millions of tons of dust and other harmful substances. The seas and rivers are poisoned with industrial waste, chemical and sewage discharge. People who live in big cities are badly affected by harmful discharge from plants and city transport. The increased noise level is as bad for human health as lack of fresh air and clean water.

    Among the most urgent problems are the depletion of the ozone layer, acid rains and global warming that lead to unfavorable changes in the world climate. Another serious problem is disappearance of forests. Some of them die from acid rains, others are cut down. Rain forests disappear at an alarming rate. If man continues to cut down rain forests, more than one million s pecies of plants and animals will become extinct.

    Water is often looked upon as a dumping place, where sewage and industrial wastes can be washed away. As a result some rivers and lakes are so badly polluted that they are unfit for bathing.

There are a lot of places on our planet that need immediate help. Our country is no exception. The nuclear accident at Chernobyl power plant has seriously aggravated the ecological situation in Belarus. The Chernobyl disaster in 1986 was the world’s worst nuclear accident. More than 60% of the fallout from the plant affected Belarusian territory.

Today people are aware that our life depends on the state of the environment. So nature protection should become everybody’s concern.

Study the following words.

1 revolutionize радикально изменить
2 back up поддерживать
3 advance прогресс, достижение
4 investigate исследовать
5 put into practice применять на практике, осуществлять
6 contribute to способствовать
7 result in привести к (чему-либо)
8 productivity производительность
9 access доступ
10 apply применять

Read the following text.


Over the years, technology has revolutionized the world and affected every aspect of life. Technological progress has always been backed up by scientific advances. Scientists continually investigate new topics and put their knowledge and experience into practice improving people’s life. Advances in science have led to innovative products and technologies and contributed greatly to economic growth.

Innovations have resulted in huge changes in agriculture and manufacturing. Machines and technological systems replaced ancient agricultural practices such as working animals and manual labor. Manufacturing robots automated repetitive tasks and increased productivity.

Today, people have better ways to communicate and travel, better medical care and better access to information and education. Technology has dramatically changed the teaching and learning process. Students find information on the Internet, make use of different educational apps or take online courses covering different subjects.

Examples of technological changes include new kinds of media, communication systems, fuel-efficient cars, innovative construction technologies, computer and information technology. In general, technological advances have made humans more productive and improved standards of living.

Technology clearly has done a lot to make human life easier, more enjoyable and convenient. However, technological advances can have negative impacts on the environment and society if they are not applied in a smart and responsible way. Some of the most troubling issues associated with the increasing use of technologies are pollution caused by industrialization, depletion of natural resources, health problems, etc.


Match the words from the text (A) with the definitions (B).

1. technology a. repeated or customary actions
2. scientist b. practical use of scientific discoveries
3. experience c. the process of developing industry within a country
4. practices d. an expert who studies or works in one of the sciences
5. economic growth e. physical or mental effort
6. labor f. the level of wealth and comfort people have in a particular society
7. robots g. the internet, newspapers. magazines, television, etc., considered as a group
8. standards of living h. a machine controlled by a computer that is used to perform jobs automatically
9. media i. an increase in the economy of a county or an area
10. industrialization j. the process of getting knowledge from doing, seeing or feeling things



1. Discussion.

1. The Internet is making the world smaller by bringing people together.

2. Nowadays, anyone who cannot speak English and is incapable of using the Internet is regarded as almost illiterate.

Read the following text.


Who makes a good engineer? Well, if you're innovative and like a challenge, then engineering may just be the right career field for you. The best engineers really like to solve complex problems. They are also typically true inventors. Math and science is an engineer's playground. So if you struggled through your algebra, this career may not be the right fit for you.

Most engineers work as a team, therefore you should be a team player and possess great communication skills. This will be highly important when planning and creating new projects. Engineers are also practical, innovative, creative and curious about how things work. So many innovative technologies created by engineers help make the world safer and healthier. They help people and improve the environment.

Choose the right answer.


1. an engineer who designs and builds machinery and supervises its maintenance

2. an engineer who designs and builds towers and bridges

3. an engineer who is responsible for personnel

4. a voluntary worker who helps disabled people.


1. an engineer who designs and builds ships and supervises their maintenance

2. an engineer who designs computerized equipment and programs

3. an engineer who is concerned with the production of electricity

4. a person who designs and builds roads and bridges.


1. an engineer who is responsible for building tunnels and motorways

2. an engineer who deals with the production and distribution of electricity to homes and businesses

3. an engineer who designs and manufactures machinery of all kinds

4. an engineer who develops and tests the software to make our computers work.

Questions and tasks.

1. Can you say now that the career in engineering is the right one for you?

2. Describe various aspects of the work of an engineer.

3. Write a paragraph about the duties of an engineer using about 30 words.


1. challenging a. техническое обслуживание и текущий ремонт
2. rewarding b. смазочный материал, смазка
3. supplier c. сложный; требующий усилий
4. maintenance d. антиблокировочная система (система противоскольжения)
5. repair e. демонтировать
6. fault f. приносящий удовлетворение; стоящий
7. anti-skid braking system g. регулировка установки колёс (развал-схождение)
8. dismantle h. ремонт
9. lubricant j. смазочно-охлаждающая жидкость
10. coolant k. поставщик
11. wheel alignment l. неисправность; выход из строя

Automotive Engineer Careers are exciting, challenging, rewarding and good careers to pursue. Automotive engineers design and develop vehicles and their subsystems. They work with complex technologies and bring the freedom of mobility to the world.

Automotive engineers with University Diplomas are in high demand by automotive manufacturers and suppliers because the number of vehicles grows.

They may work in two major areas - automaking plants and businesses which deal with maintenance and repai r of vehicles. Automotive engineers may work with such vehicles as cars, buses and heavy machines, like trucks, bulldozers and tractors. They may be involved in sales of vehicles and their parts.

It is important for an automotive engineer to know engines of motor vehicles, their different parts and systems, including electronic systems, and safety standards. An automotive engineer needs to keep up with new technologies that come with each vehicle. More and more electronic components are used in vehicles. Vehicles today are designed and developed in a virtual world and are basically “computers on wheels”. It is a real advantage to be good at computer science.

Automotive technology is continually changing and it requires good diagnostic and analytical skills. Automotive engineers must have skills to develop new automotive technologies, to diagnose mechanical faults, etc. They must have practical skills to use tools and equipment, and good management skills. Communication skills are also important if they work with customers.

Automotive engineers may do the following: test drive and inspect vehicles to diagnose faults; diagnose what is causing these faults. They need skills in the diagnosis and repair of anti-skid braking systems, complex electronic components and onboard computers. Also, experience in using computer diagnostic equipment is very important and now computers are widely used in automotive workshops. Automotive engineers must know how to dismantle or repair faulty engines or other parts and systems; how to change vehicle l ubricants (such as oil) and coolants (such as radiator water). They may tune engines so that vehicles run smoothly or may specialize in wheel alignment, air conditioning, transmissions and exhausts.


1. to design a. пользоваться спросом, быть востребованным
2. maintenance ['meɪnt(ə)nən(t)s] b. руководить; наблюдать; управлять
3. drawing c. поломка; неисправность; сбой; авария
4. to supervise ['s(j)uːpəvaɪz] d. воздействие; влияние
5. breakdown e. проектировать; конструировать
6. to estimate f. производство; изготовление
7. manufacturing g. техническое обслуживание и текущий ремонт
8. impact h. изготовлять опытный образец
9. in demand j. моделирование; имитация (процессов)
10. simulation k. чертёж
11. to prototype l. оценивать; рассчитывать; составлять смету

Mechanical Engineering careers are very important. Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest engineering disciplines. Mechanical engineers deal with the design, installation, operation and maintenance of anything that has moving parts. They develop new ideas, improve designs, prepare drawings, manufacture and maintain mechanical systems and machinery.

They create machines that improve the quality of people's everyday life. The task is to make this equipment more productive and less wasteful. They create assembly lines to help with manufacturing processes. They supervise production in factories, determine the causes of breakdowns, test products to maintain quality, estimate the time and cost to manufacture these products. Mechanical engineers help to organize the manufacturing.

 Mechanical engineers develop new materials. They also analyze the impact of these materials on the environment and people. Many mechanical engineers are in management positions.

Good engineers are in demand, and jobs are plentiful.

To be successful, mechanical engineers must know math, mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics and energy well. Computer science is also an important area of study for them.

Computers are used widely in machine building for designing and testing. CAD (Computer Aided Design) and CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) are real aids to design! Instead of designing a part on paper and then writing the program to manufacture it, CAD/CAM software does the two stages directly on the computer. This software designs the part on the computer screen, and then, by inputting a command, the software writes the CNC program to produce the part. With these tools models and analysis take place before a product is prototyped. With computers, a design can be put through simulations with different stresses, to determine how a device would react to the situation.

Mechanical engineers need to do their job well in order to keep the civilized world safe and moving smoothly.


1. a) Ask your partner the following questions to evaluate his potential to become a civil engineer:

1. Are you interested in designing and constructing various types of structures?

2. Answer the questions given in Ex. 1, p. 8.

b) If the answers are “yes” and your partner does not struggle in math and science, can he pursue a career in civil engineering? Say what you think about it. Write down your arguments.



1. employment a. коммунальные предприятия; инженерные сети
2. to maintain b. жилой; жилищный
3. sewage ['s(j)uːɪʤ] c. многозадачная работа; многозадачный режим
4. placement d. занятость; работа
5. facility e. сточные воды, канализация
6. residential f. отыскивать, устранить неисправность
7. utilities [juː'tɪllətɪz] g. повреждать, разрушать; наносить ущерб
8. multitasking h. выдерживать (неблагоприятные условия среды)
9. to troubleshoot j. обслуживать; поддерживать в работоспособном состоянии
10. to damage k. сооружение
11. to withstand l. трудоустройство

A Civil Engineer career is a very good career to pursue. Construction engineering is one of the oldest engineering specialties and construction is one of the most important industries in any country. It is, perhaps, the only sector in the economy in which employment is projected to grow. As the population grows with the need to build more structures, more civil engineers are needed. Also, more professionals will be required to construct, maintain, or repair water and sewage systems. New graduates can expect 100% placement.

Civil engineers plan, design and construct many types of facilities: commercial (office buildings and shopping centers), institutional (hospitals and schools), industrial (factories and refineries), residential (homes and apartments), civil (highways, bridges and utilities).

Although construction may be regarded as a single activity, in fact it is multitasking. Civil engineers usually work in offices creating designs and structural plans. However, they also work at construction sites to monitor workers and troubleshoot.

Construction engineers must do their job well as they are directly responsible for the health of people. They should build things that won’t damage the planet. Buildings and structures should withstand outside forces like wind and their own weight and they should be safe. Becoming a good construction engineer isn’t simply getting a Diploma in construction.

Civil engineering, like all engineering disciplines, is a science. Therefore, the student who wants to be a civil engineer needs to study math and the sciences. A civil engineer needs to understand materials science and to have the ability to calculate the stresses on that material.

Can you say now that this career is the right one for you? Prove it. Make a dialogue with your partner and discuss why you have decided to go into this career? Are job chances for civil engineers good in the near and far future?



1. expect a. связанный с чем-либо
2. in demand b. инженер по аппаратуре (по аппаратной части)
3. related to c. быть хорошо осведомленным; быть в курсе
4. hardware engineer d. честолюбивый; стремящийся (к чему-л.)
5. software engineer e. связанный с применением компьютера
6. aspiring f. режим работы, режим рабочего времени
7. keep up g. непрофессионал;  неспециалист; любитель
8. computer-related h. ожидать, предполагать
9. schedule ['ʃedjuːl] j. инженер-программист; системный программист
10. layman k. пользоваться спросом, быть востребованным

Careers in Computer Engineering are very hot right now and they look like they will only get hotter. The future of computer engineering looks very bright. Computers have really blown-up during the last decades and they are expected to continue to grow in popularity. So computer engineers are in demand and can pretty much expect to be in demand. Careers in computer science are great. They pay well and they are interesting jobs. Since the popularity of computers continues to grow, the need for computer engineers will exist for a very long time, if not forever.

As you may guess, computer engineering careers deal with computers and software. Computer engineers develop and improve software programs and hardware that make computers run. They learn both the technical side and the theoretical side of working with computers. They focus on the design, development, and integration of everything that is related to computer software and hardware. Hardware engineers develop the hardware of computers, including motherboards, graphics and audio cards and drives, later programmed by software engineers. From operating system software, such as Windows and Linux, to individual computer programs, such as Photoshop and Microsoft Office, software engineers turn piles of hardware into functional computers.

Computer engineers work in a variety of places from corporate offices to government laboratories or may work on a freelance basis. In addition to a formal education, aspiring computer engineers should use their free time to keep up on the latest trends and changes in software and hardware development. To know recently developed software programs, patches, and computer chips is essential as the knowledge base of computer engineering is constantly evolving.

Can you say now that this career is the right one for you? Prove it. Make a dialogue with your partner and discuss why you have chosen this career. Are job chances for IT specialists good in the near and far future? What is the difference between Computer Science and Computer Engineering?



1. power supply a. электропроводка
2. electric drive b. электрическая цепь
3. wiring ['waɪərɪŋ] c. строительство; сооружение; строение; здание
4. electric circuit d. отыскивать, устранить неисправность
5. digital e. электропитание; энергоснабжение
6. to supervise ['s(j)uːpəvaɪz] f. электропривод
7. construction g. возобновляемый
8. manufacturing h. руководить; наблюдать; управлять
9. design j. цифровой; дискретный
10. challenging k. производство; изготовление
11. to troubleshoot l. проектировать; конструировать
12. renewable m. приносящий удовлетворение; стоящий


Electrical Engineering is one of the biggest engineering fields.The future of electrical engineering looks very bright. Every industry deals with electricity and it means that electrical engineers will always be needed. So this is a great career to go into and it will be for many, many years to come.

Electrical engineers are experts in electricity, electro-magnetism and electronics. They learn how to use and control electricity. They specialize in power supply and generation. They create and maintain electrical devices of all kinds, including large scale electrical systems, different motors, electric drives, etc. They are also trained how to handle wiring and lighting installations in buildings, automobiles and different equipment. So they study electric circuits, electric machines, electronics, digital systems, etc. They also design, develop, test and supervise manufacturing of electrical equipment.

The job will require the electrical engineer to use science and technology to solve problems. What is great about being an electrical engineer is that graduates may find a job in many different industries such as construction, manufacturing and design. The electrical engineer may also do research and come up with new ideas.

Some of the tasks can and will be very challenging but with the proper education an electrical engineer will be able to perfectly solve every problem. Electric engineers perform their duties in offices and laboratories but may also be sent to work sites to supervise and troubleshoot. This is especially true for those who work in companies that manufacture complex equipment.

Can you say now that this career is the right one for you? Prove it. Make a dialogue with your partner and discuss why you have decided to go into this career. Are job chances for electrical engineers good in the near and far future?


1. a) Ask your partner the following questions to evaluate his desire and potential to become a welding engineer:

1. Do you agree that welding offers many career opportunities?

2. Do you understand that the importance of welding grows with increases in construction, and manufacturing, and discoveries of new sources of energy that require pipelines?

3. Answer the questions given in Ex. 1, p. 8.

b) If the answers are “yes” and your partner does not struggle in math and science, can he pursue a career in welding engineering? Say what you think about it. Write down your arguments.



1. rewarding [rɪ'wɔːdɪŋ] a. прибор; приспособление, устройство
2. structural steel b. делать, выполнять
3. vehicle c. все возрастающий
4. appliance [ə'plaɪəns] d. приносящий удовлетворение; стоящий
5. ever-increasing e. конструкционная сталь
6. assembly line f. новейший; отвечающий современным требованиям
7. antique [æn'tiːk] g. транспортное средство; автомобиль
8. to perform   h. искать, диагностировать неисправности
9. reliable [rɪ'laɪəbl] j. старый; старинный
10. up-to-date k. надежный
11. troubleshoot l. сборочный конвейер


1. a) Ask your partner the following questions to evaluate his potential to become a quality control engineer:

1. Are you scrupulous and interested in making technologies and production more efficient?

2. Are analyzing and evaluating your strong points?

3. Are you keen on making this world better and cleaner?

4. Answer the questions given in Ex. 1, p. 8.

b) If the answers are “yes” and your partner does not struggle in math and science, can he pursue a career in quality control engineering? Say what you think about it. Write down your arguments.


1.evaluation [ɪˌvælju'eɪʃ(ə)n] a. материально-производственные запасы; производственные ресурсы
2. reliability b. сточные воды
3. accuracy c. опасный
4. measurement d. оценка; анализ
5. inventory e. water supply
6. wastewater f. безотказность; надёжность
7. hazardous ['hæzədəs] g. измерение; размер
8. water supply h. удаление отходов; сброс
9. waste disposal j. точность; достоверность


1. Discuss the following quotes.

1. “The curious mind embraces science; the gifted and sensitive – the arts; the practical – business; others become economists.” Nassim Nicholas Taleb

2. “An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today.” Laurence J. Peter

3. “There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: make the best quality goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible.”
Henry Ford

4. “In all recorded history there has not been one economist who has had to worry about where the next meal would come from.” Peter Drucker

5. The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design. Friedrich von Hayek

Read the following text.


    Nowadays the profession of an economist has become one of the most useful, modern and interesting. Economists find a wide range of careers open to them. They are employed in banking, finance, accountancy, commerce, marketing, logistics, management and business administration.

    There is a place for an economist at every institution, plant or international company. Economist exercises different functions. A good specialist can determine the structure of an enterprise and calculate costs and probable profits. An economist analyses the conditions of the market and prospects of its development in the future. Having a good command of the economic situation in the region and the demands of the market, a person with economic diploma may start his own business or join a multinational firm.

    To become a good economist one must work hard and get not only theoretical knowledge but also great practical skills. Working knowledge of computer and good level of competence in any foreign language, esp. English, is a must. Students majoring in Economics study principles of micro- and macroeconomics, statistics, math, finance and banking, economics theory and history of economic thought, etc. Some students major in economics because it is a good chance to get a well-paid job, some find it interesting and stimulating, others consider it to be a good application of their mathematical and analytical skills.



1. Can you understand safety warnings? Can you mention some of them?

2. What equipment are you supposed to wear when working with machinery?

3. What types of precautions are you expected to take?

Read the following text.


   Now much attention is being paid to accident prevention and safety procedures in the workplace. Health and safety hazards exist in any workplace. So, employers have a responsibility to protect workers against health and safety hazards at work and implement safety solutions in the workshop and the office.

What are the main aspects that should be taken into consideration when we think about workplace safety? The first step is to carry out a full risk assessment, evaluating possible risks and hazards. Making a proper assessment of risks is a complex process, and many companies employ professional safety experts to help them develop an appropriate safety policy.

When working in a workshop with tools or machinery you must always be aware of the possible danger of either breaking or ruining something, or even being injured yourself. Regular inspection and maintenance should be carried out on all machines. It is important to wear the right clothing and to follow the safety instructions.

Electrical equipment should be designed and constructed so as to prevent danger from shock and fire and should always be maintained in a safe and good condition. All gas supply must be automatically interrupted in the case of system failure. Welding is another potentially hazardous process. Many materials and coatings give off toxic fumes during welding. Appropriate equipment suitable for the safe removal of fumes or dust must be used during the process of welding.

The work area temperature, the amount and quality of light and the levels of noise are common factors of the workplace environment that should be taken into consideration. These factors can strongly influence how a task is performed and affect productivity. For example, hot, humid conditions add to fatigue and cause potential health risks, and noise makes hearing of warnings impossible, causes misunderstanding and can lead to permanent loss of hearing. Techniques to regulate temperature, provide adequate lighting and reduce noise are constantly being developed.

Some jobs are more dangerous than others, and many organizations have a special team that monitors safety in order to minimize the risks of accidents. The necessary preventive measures should be taken to reduce risks of occupational diseases, injuries and illnesses.

3. Match the words from the text with the definitions.

1. prevent a. the condition of being safe
2. safety b. evaluation; estimation
3. hazard c. a failure to understand someone or something correctly;
4. assessment d. work done to keep something such as a building, machine, or equipment repaired and in good condition
5. injure e. avoid, stop
6. maintenance f. a situation in which something such as a machine stops working correctly
7. failure g. to hurt someone and cause damage to their body
8. fumes h. risk, danger
9. fatigue i. smoke or gas that has an unpleasant smell, especially harmful smoke or gas
10.misunderstanding j. a feeling of being extremely tired, either physically or mentally.

Unit 11. ETHICS


1. What are common unethical behaviors in the working place?

2. Can you think of any specific examples of unethical behavior?

3. Are there any jobs that require you to be an ethical person?

4. What can be unethical about the following jobs?

shop assistant, teacher, doctor, car salesman, plumber, accountant, construction engineer

Read the following text.


Workplace ethics and behavior are a crucial part of employment. Generally, being ethical involves conducting yourself in accordance with accepted principles of right and wrong. Being ethical means acting morally right, being honest, not cheating your employer, co-workers, or customers and generally treating your co-workers well. Unethical workplace behavior can include inappropriate use of the Internet, outside-of-work activities, etc.

Companies specify what behaviors are acceptable, and they see high morale and teamwork as key ingredients for success. When hiring employees they usually address topics, such as work schedule, dress code and language, and summarize what kind of attitude is expected. Workers who fail to follow the code of conduct receive written and verbal warnings and can be fired.

It is absolutely necessary to keep professional knowledge and skills up-to-date. Besides possessing the necessary skills, being honest, doing the right thing at all times, taking responsibility for one’s actions is another key factor of workplace behavior. That means showing up on scheduled workdays, as well as arriving on time and doing one’s best in any assignment an employee gets.

Working well with others is necessary as well. It includes everyone from peers to supervisors to customers. Not all employees will like each other, but they do need to set aside their personal or even work-related differences to reach a larger goal. In many cases, those who are not considered “team players” can face demotion or even termination of their employment. You should not allow bias, conflict of interests or undue influence of others to override your professional judgments. On the contrary, those who work well with others often can advance, because teamwork can even enhance their performance.

Both bosses and employees should refrain from accepting any gifts or benefits from other organizations or customers that may have impact on their decision or performance of their duties.

Список литературы

1 Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners – A&C Black Publishers Ltd, 2007. – 1748p.

2 Naunton, J. Profile2 Intermediate / J. Nauton. – Oxford University Press, 2005. – 175p.

3 Encyclopedia Britannica [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.britannica.com. – Дата доступа: 28.02.2020

4 Engineering Careers. All About Careers [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://www.allaboutcareers.com/careers/industry/engineering.– Дата доступа: 27.02.2020

5 Quality Control Inspector Career Profile | Job Description [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://www.truity.com/career-profile/quality-control-inspector.  – Дата доступа: 01. 03.2020.

6 Global problems essays [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:http://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/54876.html. – Дата доступа: 21.03.2020.

7 Guardian [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2010/mar/26/pros-cons-the-digital-future. – Дата доступа: 21.03.2020.

8 Chron. Small business [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www. smallbusiness.chron.com/workplace-ethics-behavior-5239.html. – Дата доступа: 20.02.2020

9 IELTS-Blog [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:   http://www.ielts-blog.com/ielts-writing-samples/ielts-essays-band-7/ielts-essay-topic-internet-and-communication. – Дата доступа: 25.03.2020.

10 MegaEssays.com [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www.learn-english-esl-resources.com. – Дата доступа: 01.04.2020.

11. Breaking news English lessons [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www.breakingnewsenglish.com. – Дата доступа: 15.03.2020.

12. Technology and Society: How Technology Changed Our Lives [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://info.brainspire.com/ blog/technology-and-society-how-technology-changed-our-lives– Дата доступа: 15.04.2020.






Кафедра «Гуманитарные дисциплины»




Методические рекомендации к практическим занятиям для студентов всех специальностей и всех направлений подготовки

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Задания по развитию навыков устной речи

Часть 2




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Одобрено кафедрой «Гуманитарные дисциплины» «21» апреля 2020 г., протокол № 10


                       Составители ст. преп. Е.С.Вербицкая

                                 ст. преп. Е. Н. Мельникова

                                 ст. преп. А. А. Размахнина



Рецензент: ст. преп. А. В. Карпенко


«Задания по развитию навыков устной речи» предназначены для развития и совершенствования навыков говорения у студентов, изучающих английский язык. Задания разработаны на основе аутентичных текстовых материалов.


Учебно-методическое издание




    Ответственный за выпуск                            С.Е.Макарова


    Технический редактор                                     


    Компьютерная верстка                                          Н.П.Полевничая



Подписано в печать                . Формат 60х84/16. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Таймс.

Печать трафаретная. Усл.печ.л.    . Уч.-изд. л.  . Тираж экз. Заказ №          

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«Белорусско-Российский университет»

Свидетельство о государственной регистрации издателя,

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 № 1/156 от 7.03.2019.

Пр. Мира, 43, 212000, г. Могилев.


                                                                                                  © Белорусско-Российский

университет, 2020



1. Discussion.

1. What are the world’s biggest and most urgent problems?

2. What is the most important issue facing the world today? Why?


Study the following words.

1 affect воздействовать (на что-либо)
2 contaminate загрязнять
3 deprive лишать (чего-либо)
4 interaction взаимодействие
5 impact влияние, воздействие
6 famine голод
7 joint efforts совместные усилия
8 outcome последствие, результат
9 prosperity процветание, благополучие
10 unify объединять

Read the following text.


Globalization is a process of interaction between people, companies and governments of different nations. It is driven by international trade and the development of information technology. It has a great influence on our environment, culture, political and economic systems. Globalization can be described as a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together. It is impossible to define whether globalization is good or bad. Some people believe that free trade between countries offers prosperity and economic growth for all nations. Others think that globalization threatens the environment as well as national cultures.

Global problems are those which affect the whole mankind. As the world grows smaller, events in one area have a greater impact on other parts of the world. These problems can’t be solved in one day and require organized efforts of the world community. Some of the global problems that affect the modern world are environmental pollution, resource issues, overpopulation, famine, and others.

Currently, the environment is so contaminated that urgent measures should be taken. A single person cannot be blamed for the world pollution; however, everyone should take care of their environment. It is vital that environmental issues are treated internationally. Joint efforts can help to avoid a global environmental disaster. For instance, governments should offer support to companies and organizations involved in manufacturing, industry or agriculture in order to find eco-friendly approaches.

At present, a lot of people live in poverty. They are deprived of common necessities such as food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water. They do not have access to education, health care and employment. Poverty in some areas affects other areas because of migration and its impact on the world economy.

Another problem is overpopulation. Overpopulation is associated with negative environmental and economic outcomes ranging from environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources to intensive farming practices and unemployment.

Growing population means more demand for energy. Countries must find ways to reduce fossil fuel consumption and take action to promote a greater use of renewable energy resources.

If these problems are not recognized and the appropriate actions are not taken to slow down or put an end to them, the consequences can be extremely serious. Not only the government, but also all people are in charge. People and the governments should get together and try to solve these problems in order to make this planet a safe place to live.

Match the words from the text (A) with the definitions (B).


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