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Shops and shopping. Consumer rights. I. Match Russian words with their English equivalents :Содержание книги
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Variant 1. I. Match Russian words with their English equivalents: 1) a customer a) консервы 2) a counter b) очередь 3) a loaf c) буханка 4) food d) покупатель 5) the scales e) отдел 6) a can f) прибыль 7) the goods g) прилавок 8) a department h) товар 9) profit i) пища, еда 10) a queue j) весы 11) to sell k) платить 12) to squash l) покупать 13) to pay m) продавать 14) to promote n) раздавить 15) to cost o) взвешивать 16) to browse p) продвигать 17) to estimate q) выбирать 18) to buy r) стоить 19) to choose s) рассматривать 20) to weigh t) оценивать II. Which of the statements are true and which are false? 1. At the grocer's you can buy vegetables and fruit. 2. Cakes and sweets are sold at the confectioner's. 3. People who come to buy different things in the shop are called customers. 4. A cashier stands behind the counter. 5. Supermarkets are popular because they save time. 6. Prices are very high in supermarkets. 7. At the bakers there are all kinds of cereals. 8. The smell of freshly baked bread in the supermarket always makes customers buy more bread than they originally wanted. 9. "High earners" are products that people buy every day. 10. There is a wide choice of milk products in the dairy department. 11. Department store has only one department. 12. Supermarkets make no profit on fresh fruit and vegetables. 13. Smell is the most powerful of human senses. 14. Some stores have been piping the smell of flowers to get appetites going. 15. According to research carried out by supermarkets, customers prefer fresh goods to come first. III. Complete the following sentences choosing one of the given variants: 1) … means to help to sell a product by making it popular. a) to prosecute b) to promote с) to proclaim 2) Luxury goods, like expensive chocolates, are packaged in … a) black and white b) gold or silver c) yellow and green 3) … means to form an idea of the cost, size and value of something. a) to estimate b) to prosecute c) to foot the bill 4) A type of product made by a particular company is called … a) a blend b) a brand c) a trend 5) The money people make by selling things is … a) a bargain b) a market c) a profit 6) A person who buys things is … a) a customer b) a costumer c) a consumer 7) Things that are expensive and valuable but not essential are called … a) luxury b) grocery c) jewelry 8) We can buy a bunch of … a) kiwis b) apples c) grapes 9) We can buy at the dairy shop … a) meat b) millet c) milk 10) Poultry is sold at the … a) grocer’s b) butcher’s c) baker’s
IV. Fill in the blankets: 1) ch … …se (сыр) 2) m… …t (мясо) 3) c… …nt…r (прилавок) 4) ch… …se (вибирать) 5) c…r… …ls (крупы) 6) fl… …r (мука) 7) gr… …np… …s (зеленыйгорошек) 8) p… …ch (персик) 9) j… …ce (сок) 10) br… …d (хлеб) 11) l … …f (буханка) 12) s … … r cr… …m (сметана) 13) s … … s …ge (колбаса) 14) c…c… … (какао) 15) sw… …ts (сладости) 16) b…ckwh… …t(гречка) 17) c.…lifl.....w..r(цветная капуста) 18) n… …dl…s (лапша) 19) b… …t (свекла) 20) v… …l (телятина) Variant 2. I. Match the Russian words with their English equivalents:
1. the goods a) консервы 2. a queue b) пища, еда 3. a loaf c) буханка 4. a customer d)весы 5. the scales e)отдел 6. a can f)прибыль 7. a counter g) прилавок 8. a department h) товар 9. profit i) очередь 10. food j) покупатель 11. to weigh k) рассматривать 12. to cost l) выбирать 13. to pay m) продавать 14. to promote n) раздавить 15. to squash o) взвешивать 16. to browse p) продвигать 17. to estimate q) платить 18. to buy r) стоить 19. to choose s) покупать 20. to sell t) оценивать II. Which of the statements are true and which are false? 1. At the Chemist's you can buy shoes and boots. 2. A cashier seats behind the cash desk. 3. Cakes and sweets are sold at the confectioner's. 4. Prices are very high in supermarkets. 5. People who come to buy different things in the shop are called distributors. 6. There is a wide choice of meat products in the dairy department. 7. Department store has many departments. 8. Supermarkets make no profit on fresh fruit and vegetables. 9. "High earners" are products that people buy every day. 10. Smell is the most powerful of human senses. 11. Some stores have been piping the smell of freshly baked bread to get appetites going. 12. Supermarkets are popular because they save time. 13. According to research carried out by supermarkets, customers prefer fresh goods to come first. 14. Thesmelloffreshlybakedbreadinthesupermarketalwaysmakescustomersbuymorebreadthantheyoriginallywanted. 15. Atthebakersthereareallkindsofmilk products. III. Complete the following sentences choosing one of the given variants: 1. … means to help to sell a product by making it popular. a) to prosecute b) to promote с) to proclaim 2. Luxury goods, like expensive chocolates, are packaged in … a) black and white b) gold or silver c) yellow and green 3. … means to form an idea of the cost, size and value of something. a) to prosecute b) to foot the bill c) to estimate 4. A type of product made by a particular company is called … a) a blend b) a trend c) a brand 5. The money people make by selling things is … a) a profit b) a bargain c) a market 6. A person who buys things is … a) a costumer b) a customer c)a cashier 7. Things that are expensive and valuable but not essential are called … a) luxury b) grocery c)jewelry 8. We can buy a bunch of … a) kiwis b) apples c) grapes 9. We can buy at the dairy shop … a) meat b) milk c) millet 10. Poultry is sold at the … a) grocer’s b) butcher’s c)baker’s
IV. Fill in the blankets: 1. b… … … …r (масдо) 2. f…… …h (рыба) 3. c… …nt…r (прилавок) 4. ch… …se (вибирать) 5. c…r… …ls (крупы) 6. fl… …r (мука) 7. c… … … … … e (капуста) 8. a… … … e (яблоко) 9. с…………е (кофе) 10. br… …d (хлеб) 11. l … …f (буханка) 12. s … … r cr… …m (сметана) 13. s … … s …ge (колбаса) 14. c…c… … (какао) 15. sw… …ts (сладости) 16. b…ckwh… …t (гречка) 17. c.…lifl.....w..r (цветная капуста) 18. n… …dl…s (лапша) 19. c… ………t (морковь) 20. b… …f (говядина)
Keys. Variant 2. |
I. | II. | III. | IV. | ||||||
1. | h | - | b | butter | |||||
2. | i | + | b | fish | |||||
3. | c | + | c | counter | |||||
4. | j | - | c | choose | |||||
5. | d | - | a | cereals | |||||
6. | a | - | b | flour | |||||
7. | f | + | a | cabbage | |||||
8. | e | - | c | apple | |||||
9. | f | - | b | coffee | |||||
10. | b | + | b | bread | |||||
11. | o | + | loaf | ||||||
12. | r | + | sour cream | ||||||
13. | q | + | sausage | ||||||
14. | p | + | cocoa | ||||||
15. | n | - | sweets | ||||||
16. | k | buckwheat | |||||||
17. | t | cauliflower | |||||||
18. | s | noodles | |||||||
19. | l | carrot | |||||||
20. | m | beef |
Variant 1.
| |||||
I. | II. | III. | IV. | ||
1. | d | - | b | cheese | |
2. | g | + | b | meat | |
3. | c | + | a | counter | |
4. | i | - | b | choose | |
5. | j | + | c | cereals | |
6. | a | - | a | flour | |
7. | h | - | a | green peas | |
8. | e | + | c | peach | |
9. | f | - | c | juice | |
10. | b | + | b | bread | |
11. | m | - | loaf | ||
12. | n | - | sour cream | ||
13. | k | + | sausage | ||
14. | p | - | cocoa | ||
15. | r | + | sweets | ||
16. | s | buckwheat | |||
17. | t | cauliflower | |||
18. | l | noodles | |||
19. | q | beat | |||
20. | o | veal |
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