Ь) Спорт и отдых в Великобритании 

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Ь) Спорт и отдых в Великобритании


1. В Британии появилось много видов спорта, которые популярны во всем мире - футбол, регби, гольф, хоккей на траве, теннис. Все эти виды спорта привлекают многочисленных участников и зрителей в Анг­лии. Особенно футбол имеет огромное количество поклонников. 25миллионов болельщиков посещают матчи во время футбольного сезо­на. Много зрителей смотрят футбол и другие спортивные соревнова­ния по телевизору. Идея спорта привлекательна для англичан, однако само количест­во англичан, активно занимающихся спортом, невелико. В целом, жи­тели Великобритании предпочитают толстеть, чем сбрасывать вес при помощи спорта. Итак, самый популярный и зрелищный вид спорта — футбол. Футбольный матч проводится утром в субботу в большинстве горо­дов Англии, и поклонники и болельщики каждой команды следуют за ней из одного конца страны в другой, чтобы посетить матч люби­мой команды. Много других видов спорта культивируется в Великобритании, в том числе и гольф, в котором нужно попасть мячиком в лунку также крокет, когда вам нужно протолкнуть мяч через несколько небольших ворот, а в баскетболе вы пытаетесь попасть мячом в коль­цо с сеткой. Играя в теннис, вы пытаетесь так ударить по мячу, чтобы соперник не смог его отбить, и, наконец, крикет, где тоже играют мячом, но понять всё это практически невозможно. Из все­го этого видно, что если бы не изобрели мяч, то спорта как таково­го не было бы. На самом деле это не совсем так. В легкой атлетике, а также на скачках мяч не используется. Возможно, это и объясняет, почему они не столь популярны, как футбол.

2. Из-за длинной береговой линии и множества озер и рек в Анг­лии пользуются популярностью водные виды спорта. Особенно попу­лярен парусный вид спорта и Королевская ассоциация яхтсменов име­ет более 1500 яхтклубов по всей стране. Другими популярными видами водного спорта являются гребля на каноэ, классическая гребля, ката­ние на водных лыжах и серфинг.

3. В Англии существует давний и постоянный интерес к большин­ству видов легкой атлетики, и поэтому сотни клубов легкой атлетики разбросаны по всей стране. Также популярны бокс, борьба, поднятие тяжестей, гимнастика и более новые виды спорта, такие, как карате и дзюдо. Плавание обычно преподается в школах, и миллионы англи­чан получают наслаждение от этого вида спорта. Прыжки в воду, под­водное плавание, водное поло также очень популярны. Скачки и дру­гие разновидности конного спорта все еще традиционно любимы в Англии. В Шотландии и кое-где в горах появились центры зимних видов спорта.

с) Олимпийские игры

Существуют Летние Олимпийские игры, возобновившиеся в Гре­ции в 1896 году, и Зимние Олимпийские игры, впервые сосдпявшиеся в 1924 году. Они проводятся зимой накануне Летних Олимпийских игр. Олимпийскими видами спорта обычно являются стрельба из лу­ка, баскетбол, бокс, гребля на байдарке, велосипедные гонки, кон­ные виды спорта, фехтование, хоккей на траве, гимнастика, дзюдо, современное пятиборье, гребля, парусный спорт, стрельба, футбол, Плавание, прыжки в воду, ручной мяч, легкая атлетика, волейбол, водное поло, штанга и борьба. В программу Зимних Олимпийских  входят биатлон, бобслей, бег на коньках, бег на лыжах, прыжки с трамплина, саночный спорт, гигантский слалом, фигурное катание, хоккей на льду.                                 


Read the dialogs and practice them.


Eric and Pam are walking home. Pam had a swimming race this afternoon in her gym class.

Eric: How did the race go?

Pam: Awful! I came in last.

Eric: Last? You came in first last month, what happened?

Pam: I guess I'm out of shape. Even Gino can beat me. We had a race last night, and he won.

Eric: Well, you haven't had any exercise for weeks. You've just sat home and studied.

Pam: That's true. From now on I'm going to exercise as much as possible. Did Larry's team win their football game last Saturday?

Eric: No, they lost three to nothing to Gainesville. Larry was really disap­pointed. Gainesville beat them three to nothing the last time too.

Pam: Let's face it. Larry's not a great football player.

Eric: That's true, but he's a pretty good swimmer.

Pam: I know. I'm glad I don't have a race with him for a month or two!


Interviewer: So, Joe, what sport do you play?

Joe:           I play football, volleyball, tennis and table tennis, but volley-

ball is my favorite game as it's a team game and you can play it with your friends, and enjoy it as a team.

Interviewer: Is it quite a fast game as well?

Joe:           Yeah. It's fast and that's another reason I enjoy it.

Interviewer: Where do you play?

Joe:            I play at local sports centers during the winter and sort of play

in tournaments around England.

Interviewer: What sort of equipment do you need?

Joe:           Well, first of all you need a ball and a net, and obviously a court.

But you may also need knee pads and your volleyball kit.

Interviewer: So, how often do you play volleyball, Joe?

Joe:           Well, during the season, which is from September to June, I play

twice a week. One time is practice, and the other is a match. During the summer, I play beach volleyball, but that's only once a week.



Read the dialogs and practice them.

Jorge Gutierrz, from Argentina, is visiting his friend Howard Sloan in Wash­ington, B.C. It is early in December.

Howard: Jorge:




Jorge: Howard: Jorge: Howard






Jorge, since this is Sunday, I hope you don't mind if we watch a football game on TV.

Not at all, Howie. I've been looking forward to watching one of your football games. As you know, football is an entirely different sport in my country.

Soccer! 1 know. More and more North Americans are learning to play soccer. It's fast, rough, and very exciting. You'll have to explain the rules of football to me. I want to be able to follow the game.

I'll do my best. Pass me the sports section of the newspaper, will you? The Post should have the time the game starts. I don't want to miss the kickoff.1

Let me see if I can find it. Here it is, on the second page. It says "Wash­ington versus Dallas, 1 P.M. on Channel 9." Does that sound right? Yes. Games usually start at 1 or 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Of course, that's in the East. On the West Coast, the times are three hours earlier. So in California they have to watch the 1 o'clock game at 10 o'clock in the morning.

Diehard2 football fans will watch at any hour. Well, we'd better go to the store to get some snacks. We want to be ready to see the Cow­boys and the Redskins fight it out.



I want to see a game with the Tigers. When do they play?           

Let me check the schedule. On Saturday they play versus the Sabres.

Oh, that'll be a fantastic game! They've been rivals for years and the

teams are evenly matched. The Sabres are a triple champion, while

the Tigers have won the championship four times.

But this year, 1 think, the Tigers stand a better chance. Now they

have Eddie Jackson, who played for the Wolves. Along with Charles

Moor and Joe Adams, they make a wonderful team.

That's right! They are winners now. They've played 20 games so far.

They won 13, lost 3 at the start of the season, and tied 5. But the

Sabres have only 7 wins, 7 ties, and 6 losses. They are in the 5th place.

1 kickoff— the start of a North American football game, when one team kicks the ball to he other

2 diehard — very enthusiastic and loyal



Diana: Steve:



The Sabres have a weak goalie, but their forwards are very experi­enced and aggressive. It's bad luck that their leading goalie is seri­ously injured and won't be in good shape soon. There's a rumor they want Rodney Brown to sign a contract with them to strengthen the defense. Pam:  Rodney, you say? That'll help them a lot!



Say, Steve. I've got two tickets for the Tigers and Sabres game. That's great! You know, I have a shirt with Eddie Jackson's num­ber.

I'm jealous. So, you collect Tigers' things. Well, then you must visit our sports club. There's a cafe there, where we like to meet. They have a lot of interesting things there. You may be lucky enough to get an autograph of a football or hockey star there. I collect newspaper and magazine articles about them and besides I have a lot of posters and photos of the players. I even have a puck from last year's championship game. Jackie Edwards scored the fi­nal goal with it. Do you play hockey?

Not now. I used to play for the university. Now I prefer tennis. Our club has good tennis courts. I can recommend you for mem­bership. The guys are good there and the coaches are, too. We must keep ourselves in shape.

Great! I'm new here, you know. And to make good friends here in practically no time is fabulous. When can I see you at your club?

Diana: On Sunday, I think. I'll call you.                                               

Steve: Great! I'll look forward to it.


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