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I. Choose the correct alternative to fill in the gap. Only one answer is correct.Содержание книги
Поиск на нашем сайте 1. Florence always … notes in a red pencil. a) makes b) make c) have made d) are making 2. The teacher … English now. a) have spoken b) speak c) is speaking d) speaks 3. The postman will come to the village if the weather … fine. a) are b) have been c) is d) will be 4. Oh,dear! I … his name. a) has forget b) forgets c) have forgotten d) was forgotten 5. The floor … last year. a) will be painted b) was painted c) have been painted d) has been painted 6. George told me he … ill for a month. a) is b) was c) has been d) had been 7. I am afraid I … help you. a) can’t b) be able to c) is able to d) won’t be able 8. Mother … dinner when I came. a) has cooked b) will cook c) had cooked d) cooks 9. I don’t have any stamps. I … go to the post office. a) can b) could c) must d) had to 10. There … a lot of snow in the country. a) is b) were c) shall be d) are 11. Can … answer my question? a) anyone b) anything c) somebody d) everything 12. The video is larger than …. a) yours b) her c) their d) him 13. February is the … month in the year. a) shorter b) more shorter c) shortest d) short 14. The radio is so … that I can’t hear you. a) loudly b) loud c) more loud d) silently 15. I’ll be back … half an hour. a) at b) for c) in d) till 16. Before… the room, Kate turned off the radio. a) leave b) leaving c) was leaving d) left 17. They knew Alec would be late … the train. a) to b) at c) for d) with 18. You are not going to leave me, … you? a) are b) aren’t c) will d) won’t 19. The special question to the sentence “Our sportsmen won a lot of gold medals at the Olympic Games” is a) What did our sportsmen win at the Olympic Games? b) What did our sportsmen won at the Olympic Games? c) What medals did our sportsmen won at the Olympic Games? d) What our sportsmen won at the Olympic Games? 20. The general question to the sentence “Ann agreed to go with us” is a) Does Ann agree to go with us? b) Did Ann agree to go with us? c) Ann agreed to go with us? d) Agreed Ann to go with us? II. Choose the correct alternatives to fill in the gaps. Two answers are correct for each sentence. 1. Welfare state is synonymous with a) paternalistic policy b) socialism c) social insurance d) egalitarism 2. Malthus believed that what the poor had to learn was a) chastity b) honesty c) politeness d) self-control 3. The most industrially developed areas of th USA are a) the Southeast b) the Northeast c) the Southwest d) the Northwest 4. Agriculture a) is underdeveloped in the US b) produces high-technology goods c) supplies raw materials to many industries d) feeds the nation 5. Power can be synonymous with a) supply b) authority c) state d) demand III. a) Make a report on the Nordic welfare state model. b) Find and study the statistics on the present-day American economics. Speak about the main economic trends in the US. c) Make up a dialogue discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the welfare state. d) Prepare a panel discussion on the topic “Welfare state: a step towards socialism?”. E) Write a balanced essay on the topic “The paternalistic state policy – pros and cons”.
UNIT V CHOOSING A CAREER Job Hunting When you are looking for a job, it is advisable not to put all your eggs in one basket: the more applications you make, the better your chances of findings the right job. Contact as many prospective employers as possible, either by writing, telephoning, or calling them in person, depending on the type of vacancy. Whatever job you are looking for, it is important to market yourself correctly and appropriately, which depends on the type of job you are after. When you are writing for a job, address your letter to the personnel director or manager and include your curriculum vitae (CV), and copies of all references and qualifications. So, your method of job hunting will depend on your particular circumstances, qualifications, and experience and the sort of job you are looking for. We advise you to do the following: - Visit a local job centre. This is for non-professional skilled and unskilled jobs, particular in industry, retailing and catering. - Check the Internet job service and other bulletin boards. The Internet has hundreds of sites for job seekers. - Obtain copies of daily newspapers, most of which have “Positions Vacant” sections. - Put an advertisement in the “Situations Wanted” section of a newspaper. - Network, which means to get together with like-minded people to discuss business, and it is a popular way of making business and professional contacts. It can be particularly successful for executives, managers, and professionals when job hunting. - Ask relatives, friends, or acquaintances if they know of an employer looking for someone with your experience and qualifications. - Apply in person to different companies.
Vocabulary exercises 1. Which of the following statements are true/false according to the text? Correct the false sentences:
2. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text: 1. Whatever job you are looking _____, it is important to market yourself correctly and _____, which depends on the type of job you are after. 2. Address your letter to the personnel director or manager and include your _____ (CV), and copies of all _____ and qualifications. 3. Your method of _____ hunting will depend on your particular _____, qualifications, and experience. 4. The Internet has hundreds of sites for job _____. 5. It can be particularly _____ for executives, managers, and professionals when job hunting. 6. Ask relatives, friends, or acquaintances if they know of an _____ looking for someone with your _____ and qualifications. 7. Put an _____ in the “Situations Wanted” _____ of a newspaper. 8. We _____ you to do the following. 9. When you are looking for a job, it is _____ not to put all your eggs in one basket. 10. Check the Internet _____ service and other bulletin boards.
3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following:
4. Translate into Russian:
5. Fill in the gaps with the proper words and phrases:
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