If the kid actively rejects any dishes, don ’ t force him to eat, and take, so to speak, a time-out. After some time, the baby likely to return to the old preferences. 

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If the kid actively rejects any dishes, don ’ t force him to eat, and take, so to speak, a time-out. After some time, the baby likely to return to the old preferences.


Many parents are afraid of relying solely on their child’s tastes in the nutrition, believing that he isn’t mature enough to choose the food he needs. This is far from it. As a rule, some kids are able to make the diet without helping of the adults that would satisfy all the growing organism’s needs. This’s fully proven by the famous pediatrician Clara Davis, who decided to find out what the diet of the kiddos will be if they’re guided with their preferences in the nutrition and also if they are given a wide variety of the dishes.

For the experiment she selected three children at the age of eight to ten months who hadn’t tasted anything but the breast milk, so they had no the predilection to the food. During the feeding six or eight plates with the foodstuff, simple and healthy, were placed in front of the kids that’s some vegetables, fruits, a sort of any porridge, meat, the black bread, some milk, etc. The babies were helped only then, when it’s clear what they want to try. So, for example, when a child tried to grab something from a plate with his hand, he was given a teaspoon of this dish.

As a result of the experiment, several very important circumstances were revealed. So, the babies, who were given a choice of the different food, developed perfectly. In other words, none of them suffered from the obesity or the dystrophy. Moreover, the diet of such the babe included all the necessary fats, the proteins, the carbohydrates and the microelements for the body growing within the certain period of the time. It might seem that the kiddo eats in accordance with the recommendations, exact and scientific.


And finally, Clara Davis faced with that circumstance that the references  of the kids are constantly changing in the foodstuff. So, for example, the child could live some days exclusively using the porridges, then started the intensive eating of the meat products, gradually turning to the vegetables. In other words, the kiddo determined intuitively accurately what substances he lacked at that moment, and actively absorbed the food in which they’re contained at the large quantities.

Therefore, dear parents, trust your baby.


If your kid rejected from the porridge at some meal, but he had eaten the double portion of the vegetable salad or even the triple one, don’t make any tragedy from it, this means he simply needs the vital necessary substances that are contained in the salad. Perhaps, it’ll be difficult for you to accept this circumstance, as it will seem that the baby’s not full. However for the sake of the child’s health, both the physical one and the psychological one, you will have to reconsider your views in the nutrition a little.


As you know, a person has an intuitive knowledge of what’s useful to him. That’s why listen carefully to your kid.

At the same time, it is very important to know for all parents what the healthy food is from. So, for example, if you feed your baby exclusively sweets, guided with his desires, which are still distorted in the early childness because of the frequent offers the candies to him, then it is unlikely to benefit him.


A woman came to see me one day, the mother of a five-year-old girl, who complained that her daughter didn’t eat the dishes in which some sugar is not contained. Before she ate a few spoonfuls of the porridge or the soup, the parents had to put many sweets on the table or in advance prepare dishes with the sweet taste. It sometimes came to that she demanded to sweeten her borsch. The baby was the only and waited long in the family, so any whims on her part were unquestioningly carried out.

This little tyrant used the parental love, so regularly eat a lot of the sweets, the chocolates and the biscuits. Of course, such the circumstance couldn’t help affecting her figure. She was not overweight yet, but the girl looked fat enough. It’s really first of all the serious changes were required in the behavior of the parents. I advised the mother to be stricter a little with her daughter that is if she refuses to eat without the proper remuneration, in her opinion, don’t insist, but simply remove the plate until the next feeding, eliminating the possibility of the various snacks between the meal. In addition, the parents should work with the character of their daughter; try to instill an objective self-esteem in her. However, the parents could get rid of the child’s whims forever only when the girl had to leave a relative who had many kids at the time. Nobody indulged her desires here, so she got used to build the normal relationships with the others very soon. Thus, when the parents returned, they did not recognize their kid, who forgot about all her past habits.


Some parents face with such the problem as the game at the table. The baby, having learnt to use a spoon hardly ever, suddenly begins to eat a little, devoting to the game with the food, the spoon, the cup and the other utensils most of the time. This happens, first of all from the fact that he isn’t as hungry as at the beginning of feeding.


One day I was approached by the mother of the two-year-old kid, who complained that each feeding ended the fact that the child was running from her away, and she walked after him with the plate and the spoon, feeding him another portion of the food at the right time. During the conversation it turned out that at first the baby ate independently, when he’s full he began to play with the objects, lying on the table, and then generally got up on the chair or ran out of the table. I advised the mother to stop feeding the kid and remove the food from the table at all as soon as he begins indulging. This means, he satisfied his hunger partially or completely at that moment, so you shouldn’t feed him by force.

As soon as the kid outgrew to pay his attention to the food standing in front of him, you can think that he had already eaten enough. Notwithstanding some disagreement with my recommendations (the mother considered that the child had to eat all portion without the rest), and still the parents of the boy began to eliminate the plate with the food as soon as he started playing at the table. As a result, pretty soon the kid realized that the food’s selected at the first sign of pampering, thus, he became to eat better. In addition, the boy had the opportunity to set the volume of the portions in which he needed to be full therefore he had the time to get hungry to the next feeding that the parents had less and less any problems with his appetite.


If your baby starts grizzling, demanding the plate of the food back when you remove it from the table, give another opportunity to eat to him. The main thing is to keep patience and endurance in this case. Explain him quietly that it mustn’t play with the food, for this is many toys. When the child turns from the plate away again, remove the remaining and try to shift his attention to something else.



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