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Text 2A. Industrial Air PollutionСодержание книги Поиск на нашем сайте
Industrial air pollution caused by the release of particles and chemicals during manufacturing is a serious health problem in industrialization nations. Waste from mechanical and chemical industries is exhausted into the air, much the way a car puts out fumes from its tailpipe. These substances combine with ozone in the air to produce smog, which when inhaled causes breathing difficulties and can kill susceptible people. Air quality monitoring helps alert people to industrial air pollution levels that may be dangerous. Preventing it requires a combination of legal regulations and technology. Chemicals that are common in industrial air pollution include air pollution, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as methane benzene, toluene, and xylene, from industrial processes and evaporation of fuel and chemicals. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and carbon monoxide are produced by combustion of fuel matter, such as petroleum and coal. Various particles can be expelled by volcanoes, forest fires, and other natural occurrences, but unfiltered air and smoke from fuel combustion and industrial activity accounts for about 10% of man-made pollutants. All of these chemicals and particles contribute to industrial air pollution. They combine with ozone in the air to form smog, which looks like dirty brown fog and substantially lowers air quality. Cars emit a large proportion of pollutants but, with more regulatory controls and fuel-efficient models, this source has been reduced somewhat. Smoke stacks on power plants and industrial incinerators release a large amount of VOCs and SO2. Landfills generate methane, which is not toxic but very flammable and can also displace oxygen in enclosed spaces, causing suffocation. Ground-level ozone combined with pollutants reduces lung function and causes inflammation. Patients with asthma living in polluted areas report more frequent attacks and an increased need for medication and doctor visits than in areas with less smog. Health effects from industrial air pollution are more severe for people who have conditions such as asthma or cardiovascular issues. People most at risk include children, asthma sufferers, others with respiratory problems, and adults who are engaged in outdoor activities. Susceptible people should pay attention to air quality monitoring announcements and take appropriate precautions, such as staying indoors, wearing a mask, and keeping medications on hand in case they are needed. Industrialized counties have worked to reduce levels of sulfur dioxide, smog, and smoke in order to improve people’s health. But the result, not predicted until recently, is that the lower sulfur dioxide levels may actually make global warming worse. Just as sulfur dioxide from volcanoes can cool the planet by blocking sunlight, cutting the amount of the compound in the atmosphere lets more sunlight through, warming the Earth. This effect is exaggerated when elevated levels of other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap the additional heat. Regulations concerning health and environmental problems are being enforced in all industrial countries. Regulatory committees, such as the European Commission’s environmental body, oversee legislation adopted by member states to ensure pollution stays under control. Use of land planning strategies and reduction efforts, such as particulate collectors, VOC absorption systems, and exhaust recirculation, will help keeping industrial air pollution from escaping and keep the air clean for everyone.
VI. Answer the questions: 1. What definition can we give to the term “air pollution”? 2. Why is air quality monitoring so important? 3. What chemicals are the most common pollutants? 4. Could you describe the main sources of air pollution? 5. What are the hazardous effects of air pollution on people? 6. How can people reduce the amount of smog in the atmosphere? Why is smog so dangerous? 7. What measures are taken by governments to solve the problem of air pollution?
VII. Retell the text.
VIII. Make up the dialogues for the following situations, using the words given below. a) A student and a teacher are discussing a talk on sources of industrial air pollution for the University conference.
b) An engineer and an ecologist are speaking about the problem of control devices at the plant.
c) A doctor and a patient living next to a machine building plant are talking about his health problems.
IX. Compose a talk on the air pollution in Russia and discuss it in class. Try to make use of the following expressions:
X. Read text 2B and answer the questions below.
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