Task 1. Read and translate the question. 

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Task 1. Read and translate the question.


The police play the most important part in keeping public order and protecting persons and property. To do their work properly the police need necessary powers. They have the power to intervene to prevent a crime. If their orders are not obeyed, they may arrest the people who have broken the law and bring them before the courts.

Centuries before the formation of any official police force passed when attempts were made to provide some means of ‘community policing’. In England keeping law and order was the special responsibility of Justices of the Peace (JPs).

Despite the cruel penalties inflicted upon criminals the state of lawlessness in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was appalling. By the second half of the eighteenth century the general population lived with a terrifying sense of insecurity. Gangs of criminals roamed the towns. Any form of transport was risky. Justices of the Peace had to employ thief-takers to catch criminals. Thief-takers were often no better than the criminals themselves. Sometimes they were criminals who knew the criminal underworld well.

The most notorious thief-taker of all was Jonathan Wild who operated in the early part of the eighteenth century. He began his career in a small way informing on criminals who were suspected of crime. Eventually he built up a criminal empire of his own. His speciality was the organization of robberies and burglaries. He was then paid rewards by the victims for securing the return of their property.

In 1719 as a direct result of activities of this kind Parliament passed the Second Transportation Act which laid down that anyone taking a reward for receiving stolen goods, who did not also help to arrest the thief and give evidence against him, was guilty of a 'felony' (serious crime which could result in sentence of death). Eventually, Wild was himself caught and prosecuted.

The first police force to become an organized body of men wearing uniforms and given special powers was named the Metropolitan Police Force ('The Met'), because it policed the metropolis of London. This force was created by the Metropolitan Police Act 1829. At that time Sir Robert Peel was the Home Secretary, and policemen were therefore known as 'Peelers' or 'Bobbies'. The new police force first went out on duty on 29 September 1829.The force made a poor start. By the end of the year the most of men had been dismissed because of being drunk on duty.

It is hardly surprising that in the early days of the force public opinion was very much against it. Newspapers complained bitterly that the police behaved with brutality in their enthusiasm to make arrests. At the same time the police were blamed for failing to clear up crime.

Nevertheless, the value of an organized police force soon became apparent. The first plainclothes detectives were used to gather information on the activities of gangs of criminals. The Metropolitan Police force was well organized and disciplined and after the initial period of public skepticism became the model for other police forces in Great Britain and this police system had been adopted throughout the world.

Task 2. Answer the questions:

1. Why did Justices of the Peace have to employ thief-takers?

2. What did Jonathan Wild specialize in?

3. What did the Second Transportation Act lay down?

4. Why did the British police system become the model for police forces in other countries?

Task 3. Match.

1) to obey the law 2) to enforce the law 3) to maintain law and order 4) to commit offences 5) legal process 6) to prosecute offenders before courts 7) to apprehend criminals 8) to impose a fine 9) to abuse powers 10) to mistreat 11) to be suspected of a crime 12) to inflict cruel penalties upon 13) to come under direct supervision 14) to employ thief-takers 15) failing to clear up crime 16) to pay rewards 17) to prevent a crime 18) to give evidence 19) community policing 20) sentence of death 21) to bring before the court 22) to behave with brutality a) совершить преступление b) предстать перед cудом c) судебное преследованиеправонарушителей d) соблюдать закон e) предотвратить преступление f) смертный приговор g) выплачивать вознаграждение h) налагать суровые наказания i) давать показания j) нанять сыщиков k) находиться в прямом подчинении l) поддерживать правопорядок m) проявлять жестокость n) подозревать в совершении преступления o) контроль за общественным порядком p) налагать штраф q) превышать полномочия r) судебный процесс s) применять закон t) потерпеть неудачу в раскрытии преступлений u) обращаться ненадлежащим образом v) арестовывать преступников  


Lesson 8.

Prepositions of time

при описании времени:
at 8 o’clock – в 8 часов
at half past ten – в половину одиннадцатого
at the same time – в то же время
at the moment – сейчас

с началом и концом периода времени:
at the beginning – в начале
at the end – в конце

с названиями праздников:
at Christmas – на Рождество
at New Year – в Новый год

устойчивые фразы:
at the weekend – на выходных
at night – ночью
at breakfast – во время завтрака
at lunch – во время ланча
at dinner – во время ужина

с днями недели и календарными датами, а также специальными днями:
on Wednesday (в среду), on Monday morning (в понедельник утром)
on the 6 th of November (6 ноября)
on my birthday (в мой день рождения)

с временами года:
in summer (летом)

in November (в ноябре)

годами, веками:
in the 20th century (в 20 веке)
in 1988 (в 1988 году)

в устойчивых фразах:
in the morning (утром),
in the afternoon (днем),
in the evening (вечером),
in future (в будущем),
in a few minutes (через несколько минут);

Запомните, со словами this, last, next, every предлоги времени не используются!

She’ s coming back next Wednesday (она вернется в следующую среду).

I went to Turkey last year (я ездила в Турцию в прошлом году).


Task 1. Fill the gaps with at, in, on or -.

1. He was born __1867.

2. I have a busy schedule, so I often go to bed late __night.

3. When is the meeting? Is it __5 o’clock?

4. I usually leave for work early __the morning.

5. My next English lesson is__Friday.

6. We’ll finish the project __ next week.

7. I’ll go abroad __the weekend.

8. World Architects’ day is celebrated __the first of July.

9. I’ll meet you __half past seven.

10. I met him __a hot summer day.


Task 2. Complete the text with on, in, at or - (= no preposition).

Airship Tours offers airship trips ________ weekdays and ________the weekends. You can travel ____any season, _____ the morning, _______ the afternoon or even _______ night. It's a wonderful trip! Remember, _______this month we have a special flight across San Francisco. The trip starts ______ 9:00 a.m. so you will have plenty of time to enjoy the views. For romantic travellers, it's not too late to book a place for the trip _____ Valentine's Day. The perfect present for the person you love! We hope to see you!


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