I. Read and translate the following words: 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


I. Read and translate the following words:


Методическая разработка

по английскому языку

для студентов 1-го курса специальности 270802

«Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений»



Воронеж 2014



УДК 802.0:69(07)

ББК 81.2Англ:38я7


Составители Л.В. Карпова, Л.Н. Крячко


Строительство зданий: метод. разработка по английскому языку для студ. 1-го курса факультета СПО, спец. «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений» / Воронежский ГАСУ; сост.: Л.В. Карпова, Л. Н. Крячко. – Воронеж, 2014. – 30 с.

Методическая разработка состоит из шести уроков, включающих тексты по основам строительного дела на английском языке. Разработка содержит фонетические, словообразовательные, лексические и грамматические упражнения, способствующие эффективному усвоению учебного материала.

Методическая разработка предназначена для студентов 1-го курса факультета СПО, обучаюшихся по специальности «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений».



                                                                                  УДК 802.0:69(07)

                                                                                  ББК 81.2Англ:38я7



Печатается по решению научно-методического совета

Воронежского ГАСУ


Рецензент – Н.Н. Лапынина, канд. филол. наук, проф.

кафедры русского языка и межкультурной коммуникации Воронежского ГАСУ




Данная методическая разработка предназначена для студентов 1 курса факультета СПО, обучающихся по специальности «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений», и имеет целью совершенствовать знания студентов в области англоязычной профессиональной терминологии, развивать их умения высказываться на английском языке по темам, связанным с их будущей профессиональной деятельностью.

Методическая разработка состоит из шести уроков, нацеленных на ознакомление обучаемых с основами строительного дела. Тематический материал доступно изложен в специальных текстах на английском языке.

К каждому тексту прилагается вокабуляр, включающий лексические единицы, которые могут представлять трудность при переводе. Облегчить восприятие учебного материала также помогают предтекстовые упражнения лексического характера. Проверка понимания студентами прочитанного, а также закрепление усвоенного в процессе работы материала осуществляется с помощью ряда послетекстовых заданий.

В каждый из уроков включены фонетические упражнения на повторение основных правил чтения; задания на ознакомление с основами словообразования; а также разнообразные упражнения для отработки следующих грамматических тем: “Past Simple Tense”, “Present Perfect Tense”, “Past Simple vs Present Perfect Simple” и “Passive Voice”.



Phonetics: [ai], [Qu], [о:], [t∫]

Word Formation: Suffixes -er; -or; - tion/ation, -ing; -ity; -ment.

Grammar: Past Simple Tense.

Topic: Cement. Цемент.


I. Read and translate the following words:


finе, find, bind, grind, kind, mind, high, light, right, child, mild, side, site, size, white, wide, final, private, type, prior, design, wire, fire;

house, how, now, down, town, round, about, layout, out, amount, powder, foundation, brown, ground, allow, without;

also, always, chalk, small, tall, talk, more, short, all, mortar, wall, door, floor, coarse, course, restore, former, cause, draw, proportion, warm;

lecture, mixture, texture, admixture, temperature, manufacture, architecture, structure, nature, culture, picture, moisture, signature, future, departure.


III. Form the nouns adding the suffixes and translate them into Russian.

Model:   stem + suffix = noun

to build – build er; строить – строитель


- er: do, mix, compute, work, design, produce, plan, receive, restore.

- or: construct, elevate, invent, decorate, coordinate, instruct, imitate, create.

- ion/ation: combine, construct, prepare, classify, decorate, create, organize.

- ing: burn, build, mix, produce, grind, set, house, place, train, plan.

- ity: dense, porous, durable, available, total, active, real, popular, regular, secure.

- ment: base, develop, achieve, employ, govern, treat, require, reinforce, settle.



Cement is a fine powder. It has good binding properties. Cement is usually of grey colour. There are also white and coloured cements. Cement is made of different materials. The materials for cement are: limestone, chalk, marl and clay. Those are raw materials.

There are three stages in producing cement. They are: 1) grinding and mixing the raw materials, 2) burning of clinkers, 3) grinding of clinkers. There are special kilns for burning clinkers. The temperature of the kilns is high. The kiln rotates slowly as the slurry slides down to its lower end. During the burning chemical combination takes place between the constituents, and cement clinkers come out of the kiln. A special machine makes powder from them.

Clinker composition depends on the nature of the raw materials, the proportioning, the process (wet or dry), the plant equipment and laboratory control.

The main Russian cement types used in construction are:

Alumina Cement – глиноземистый цемент

Fire Cement – огнеупорный цемент

Hydraulic Cement – гидравлический цемент

Normal Portland Cement – обычный портландцемент

Special Cement – быстротвердеющий цемент

White and Coloured Portland Cement - белый и цветной портландцемент

Cement is widely used in all types of construction: industrial, housing, agricultural 1) for binding panels, stones, bricks and 2) for producing mortars and concretes.

Cement is the key ingredient of concrete which in turn is a key ingredient of the world’s infrastructure – as well as your home, your office and your kid’s playgrounds.



Phonetics: [а:], [i:], [ ٨ ], [æ], [ŋ]

Grammar: Present Perfect Tense.

Topic: Brick. Кирпич.


I.  Read and translate the following words:

article, particle, fast, past, pass, task, dark, bar, tar, far, partition, hard, glass, arch, after, mark, larch, vast, branch, answer, demand, cast, example;

cheap, heat, beam, steel, reason, keep, speed, treat, chief, need, ceiling, receive, field, engineering, appearance, deal, increase, piece, brief, we, meter;

but, cut, up, number, some, come, done, colour, result, under, touch, double, must, substance, publish, much, structure, cover, wonder, company;

where, there, their, rare, spare, square, chair, share, wear, bear, care, various;

strong, along, wrong, prolong, bring, pink, link, bank, mixing, sink, setting, blank, young, facing, among, according, morning, thing.


II. Learn the following words and word combinations to the text:

brick [`brik] – кирпич

artificial [a:ti`fi∫Əl] – искусственный

reason [`ri:zn] – причина, основание

to survive [sƏ`vaiv] – выжить

to influence [`influƏns] – влиять на...

availability [aveilƏ`biliti] – наличие

to obtain [Əb`tein] – добывать

to revive [ri`vaiv] – возрождать, возобновлять

to deliver [di`livƏ] – доставлять

to change [t∫eindჳ] – менять

forming [`fo:miŋ] – формовка

kind [`kaind] – вид, тип

facing [feisiŋ] – облицовочный

common [`kOmƏn] – обычный

engineering [endჳi`niƏriŋ] – кирпич повышенной прочности

hollow [`holou] – пустотелый

porous [`po:rƏs] – пористый

lime-sand – силикатный

reinforced – армированный

refractory – огнеупорный

appearance [Ə`piƏrƏns] – внешний вид

resistance to impact [`impækt] – устойчивость удару

wear [`wεƏ] – износ

to require [ri`kwaiƏ] – требовать

maintenance [`meintinƏns] – техническое обслуживание



Brick was the first artificial building material made by man of clay and sand. There are practical and economic reasons why the use of brick has survived. Brick is reasonably priced, standardized product, durable, with good insulating properties, satisfactory porosity and weather-resistant.

Historically the use of brick has been influenced by the availability of raw materials. The main material clay can be obtained practically everywhere. Egypt and Mesopotamia have some of the earliest examples of brick -making. The Romans were quick to see its potential and organized production where they found the raw materials. In England the art of brick-making came and went with the Romans. But it revived in the Middle Ages and since then there has been the development of mass-production techniques and transport systems to deliver the products. In Russia bricks have been used in construction for centuries.

The basic principles of brick-making have never changed. This process was rather simple. Nowadays there are also four stages in the manufacture of bricks: 1) mixing the raw material, 2) forming 3) drying and 4) burning.

There are different kinds of bricks: facing, common, engineering, hollow and porous: reinforced and refractory. Facing bricks have a pleasant appearance. Common bricks are cheap. Engineering bricks have excellent resistance to impact, corrosion and wear. Hollow and porous bricks are lightweight and more economical than common ones.

Bricks are of different size, colour and texture. The principal structural defect of brick is its porosity.

Bricks are widely used in construction:

1) for bearing elements, for example, walls and foundations

2) for producing aggregates

3) for decoration.

4) reinforced and refractory bricks are used in the metallurgy and glass industries for lining furnaces.

Brick structures require almost no maintenance. They are characterized by high durability and can last for hundreds of years.



Phonetics: [i], [θ], [ð]

Grammar: Past Simple vs Present Perfect Simple

Text: Concrete. Бетон


Concrete is one of the constructive building materials which led to great innovations: reinforced concrete and prestresssed concrete.

It was used by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans in the construction of roads, tunnels, bridges, aqueducts, town walls and even underwater structures. Some of them have survived for example the Pantheon. This famous concrete building was conctructed by Roman hands. Today it stands in the business district of Rome – much as it was built some 18 centuries ago.

As cement was not known in those times, concrete was made of clay and later of gypsum and lime.

At present concrete is made by mixing water, cement and aggregates usually sand, gravel and crushed stone.

There are four stages in producing concrete: 1) preparing the raw materials 2) their mixing, 3) forming and 4) hardening. The resulting material is strong, durable, hard, heavyweight or lightweight, acid-, air-, water-, gas-, heat-, fire-, and corrosion-resistant.

There are different kinds of concrete: dense, lightweight, super-heavy, extra-lightweight, cellular, heat-resistant, high-strength. For special purposes acid and heat-resistant superheavy concrete is used.

The kind of concrete depends on the aggregates used.

There are different methods in producing concrete. It may be prepared right at the building site and is called monolithic or in-situ concrete. It may be prepared at a factory and is called precast.

The strength of any concrete is influenced by the following factors:

· the activity of cement;

· the water-cement ratio;

· the quality of aggregates;

· the hardening conditions.

Concrete today is widely used in construction:

1) for supporting elements of buildings: beams, floors, slabs, panels, columns;

2) for hydraulic engineering structures dams, facing of channels;

3) for road surfaces and bases.

Concrete is one of the main constructive building materials in the world.




Phonetics: [ ٨ ], [a:], [o:]

Grammar: Past Perfect

Text: Parts of a Building. Части здания


I.  Read and translate the following words and word combinations:


some, public, covered, does, other, multistoreyed, industrial, structure, constructive, function, come, number, study, confront, subject, result;

vast, after, past, architect, rafter, last, part, are, arch, task, plant, dark, ask;

more, order, all, form, boarding, wall, floor, also, for, always.




Since the beginning of civilization man has always been a builder, devoting creative energies to the construction of buildings to live in and to work at. A building reflects the society of its time more than any other art-form.

The meaning of any building depends on the materials used and the function it is designed to perform. The vast majority of buildings consist of external walls, surrounding an interior space and covered by a roof to provide shelter.

Three basic factors - availability, physical properties and cost determine the initial choice of a building. The main parts of a building are a foundation, a framework, floors and a roof.

In order to build a house first an excavation must be dug. After that the foundation is constructed to keep the walls and floors from the contact with soil. It may be of stone, bricks, concrete. Then a framework is raised.

A framework is the part of a building on which the stability of the structure depends. This part of a building carries the loads from the roof and floors. The framework is clothed with various materials in the form of panels. Floors divide the building into stories. They may be of timber, reinforced concrete or other materials. The floors are supported on beams. A roof is the topmost part of a building. Its function is to cover the building and protect it from rain and wind. Roofs also tie the walls and give strength and firmness to the structure. Wood, metal, tiling, bitumen felt and other materials are used for roofs.


IV. Memorize the following antonyms:

1) to begin – to stop; 2) the first – the last; 3) to fulfil – to fail; 4) complete – incomplete; 5) ancient – modern; 6) strong – weak; 7) expensive – inexpensive = cheap; 8) favourable – unfavourable; 9) positive – negative; 10) useful – useless; 11) valuable – invaluable; 12) flexible – inflexible.


V. Match the English and Russian definitions using Fig. 3:

1) a multistoreyed house; 2) plinth floor; 3) cornice; 4) roof boarding; 5) strip foundation; 6) constructive scheme; 7) intermediate floor; 8) landing; 9) external wall; 10) attic floor; 11) internal wall; 12) flight; 13) rafter. a) наружная стена; b) чердачное перекрытие; c) карниз; d) обрешетка кровельного покрытия; e) цокольное перекрытие; f) ленточный фундамент; g) лестничный марш; h) стропило; i) внутренняя стена; j) конструктивная схема; k) лестничная площадка; l) многоэтажный дом; m) междуэтажное перекрытие.


Grammar: Past Perfect




Phonetics: [æ], [ei], [Ə:], [ju:]

Grammar:  Passive Voice

Text: Floors. Перекрытия.


I. Read and translate the following words:


Aspect, gravel, sand, fact, impact, factory, plan, panel, rapid, standard, attractive, practical, aggregate, expand, exam, gas;

name, aim, say, take, place, stage, day, grey, they, rate, clay, obtain, basic, eight, weight, able, again, wait, date;

serve, term, certain, person, purpose, inert, firm, burn, first, third, perfect, urgent;

new, few, student, duty, super, produce, view, unit, using, news.

II. Learn the following words and word combinations:


floor – перекрытие

dead load – постоянная нагрузка

live load – переменная нагрузка

to superimpose – прикладывать нагрузку

basement – подвал

upper – верхний

attic – чердак

to satisfy = to meet requirements – удовлетворять требованиям

sufficient – достаточный

rigidity – жесткость

sound insulation – звукоизоляция

obvious – очевидный

to lay along – лежать вдоль

to allow – позволять

high speed – высокоскоростной

rib – ребро

steel beam – стальная балка

to erect – монтировать, сооружать

design – назначение, конструкция

cladding – заполнитель каркаса



Floors are the structural elements which divide a building into stories and carry the dead load or the weight of the floor itself and the superimposed or live load. According to the design they are classified as basement floors, upper floors, and attic floors. But all of them must satisfy some common requirements: sufficient strength and rigidity, good sound insulation, fire resistance. It is obvious that basement and attic floors must be warmed while the floors in sanitary units must be water and gas resistant. As to the materials used floors are divided into three groups: timber, reinforced concrete floors and floors laid along steel beams.

Timber floors are simple to erect but they are liable to fire, to rot and are not so durable as others. Therefore they are generally used in dwellings and service buildings.

Reinforced concrete floors have many advantages which allow to use them especially in big constructions of industrial design. Reinforced concrete floors are not liable to fire, they are strong, durable and economical. Precast reinforced concrete floors developed by Russian designers meet the requirements of high speed industrial construction. Most widely used monolithic floors are ribbed and beamless. Floors laid along steel beams are usually made with fireproof cladding of precast or monolithic reinforced concrete slabs. There are also combined precast-monolithic floors and many other kinds besides the three main groups mentioned.


Grammar: Passive Voice




Phonetics: [kw], [ks], [gz], [ai]

Grammar: Passive Voice

Text: Walls. Стены




The function of the walls is to enclose areas, to resist loads from the floors and roofs or to serve as partitions inside the building. Walls may be classified according to their functions or type of construction and materials used. As to the functions there are loadbearing and non-loadbearing walls, or partitions.

An outside wall rests directly on the foundation wall forming a bearing unit for the upper floors and the roof and an enclosure for entire construction.

Inside walls may or may not support other parts of the structure. They serve as partitions for several rooms inside the dwelling. Walls may be constructed as solid elements or they may be of hollow or cavity type. Solid walls are made of brickwork, sometimes reinforced by the introduction of steel in the form of rods or wires. Cavity walls are the type of construction generally preferred to solid because of their high heat insulating value and economy. There are also whole precast units in the form of wall-slabs mostly used for partitions but loadbearing precast units with windows and doors are produced and brought to the building site.

Low weight, good heat insulation, small quantities of mortar required and simple erection have made these wall units very popular among builders.

Different types of houses are given in Fig. 2. and Fig. 3.


Grammar: Passive Voice


Earthquake Hits Whiterose


Whiterose’s city centre 1) …… (seriously/damage) yesterday morning when it 2) …… (hit) by an earthquake measuring 6.2 on the Richter scale. Fifty people 3) …… (injure) and more than two hundred 4) ……. (trap) under debris since 10 a.m. It 5) …… (believe) by experts that another earthquake may strike the area again in the near future. The local council announced this afternoon that money 6) …… (give) to help those in need. Any donations to charitable organizations 7) …… (collect) by Mrs Randall on Monday from 9.00 – 5.00.


Строительство зданий

Методическая разработка по английскому языку

для студентов 1 курса факультета СПО, специальности

«Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений»


Составители: Людмила Владимировна Карпова

                                                        Лилия Николаевна Крячко


Отпечатано в авторской редакции


Подписано в печать 31.05. 2014. Формат 60x84 1/16. Уч.-изд. л. 1.75.

Усл.-печ. л. 1.8. Бумага писчая. Заказ N Тираж 70 экз.

Отпечатано: отдел оперативной полиграфии издательства учебной литературы и учебно-методических пособий

Воронежского ГАСУ

394006 Воронеж, ул. 20-летия Октября, 84


Методическая разработка

по английскому языку

для студентов 1-го курса специальности 270802

«Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений»



Воронеж 2014



УДК 802.0:69(07)

ББК 81.2Англ:38я7


Составители Л.В. Карпова, Л.Н. Крячко


Строительство зданий: метод. разработка по английскому языку для студ. 1-го курса факультета СПО, спец. «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений» / Воронежский ГАСУ; сост.: Л.В. Карпова, Л. Н. Крячко. – Воронеж, 2014. – 30 с.

Методическая разработка состоит из шести уроков, включающих тексты по основам строительного дела на английском языке. Разработка содержит фонетические, словообразовательные, лексические и грамматические упражнения, способствующие эффективному усвоению учебного материала.

Методическая разработка предназначена для студентов 1-го курса факультета СПО, обучаюшихся по специальности «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений».



                                                                                  УДК 802.0:69(07)

                                                                                  ББК 81.2Англ:38я7



Печатается по решению научно-методического совета

Воронежского ГАСУ


Рецензент – Н.Н. Лапынина, канд. филол. наук, проф.

кафедры русского языка и межкультурной коммуникации Воронежского ГАСУ




Данная методическая разработка предназначена для студентов 1 курса факультета СПО, обучающихся по специальности «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений», и имеет целью совершенствовать знания студентов в области англоязычной профессиональной терминологии, развивать их умения высказываться на английском языке по темам, связанным с их будущей профессиональной деятельностью.

Методическая разработка состоит из шести уроков, нацеленных на ознакомление обучаемых с основами строительного дела. Тематический материал доступно изложен в специальных текстах на английском языке.

К каждому тексту прилагается вокабуляр, включающий лексические единицы, которые могут представлять трудность при переводе. Облегчить восприятие учебного материала также помогают предтекстовые упражнения лексического характера. Проверка понимания студентами прочитанного, а также закрепление усвоенного в процессе работы материала осуществляется с помощью ряда послетекстовых заданий.

В каждый из уроков включены фонетические упражнения на повторение основных правил чтения; задания на ознакомление с основами словообразования; а также разнообразные упражнения для отработки следующих грамматических тем: “Past Simple Tense”, “Present Perfect Tense”, “Past Simple vs Present Perfect Simple” и “Passive Voice”.



Phonetics: [ai], [Qu], [о:], [t∫]

Word Formation: Suffixes -er; -or; - tion/ation, -ing; -ity; -ment.

Grammar: Past Simple Tense.

Topic: Cement. Цемент.


I. Read and translate the following words:


finе, find, bind, grind, kind, mind, high, light, right, child, mild, side, site, size, white, wide, final, private, type, prior, design, wire, fire;

house, how, now, down, town, round, about, layout, out, amount, powder, foundation, brown, ground, allow, without;

also, always, chalk, small, tall, talk, more, short, all, mortar, wall, door, floor, coarse, course, restore, former, cause, draw, proportion, warm;

lecture, mixture, texture, admixture, temperature, manufacture, architecture, structure, nature, culture, picture, moisture, signature, future, departure.



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