What are Differences between Smuggling and Trafficking? 

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What are Differences between Smuggling and Trafficking?

Migrant smuggling and trafficking in persons are different legal concepts. However, they do overlap. According to the UN definitions, differences between the two include the following. (Note that national definitions may vary.):

Smuggling involves moving someone across an international border for profit, while trafficking can occur within or across borders and is always for the purpose of exploitation.

In contrast to trafficked persons, migrants in smuggling situations are not necessarily victims of crime. They may have suffered no harm or injury in the migration process. However, like any other migrant or indeed any other person, they can still become a victim of crime. Migrants can face a number of risks in the smuggling process, including theft, extortion, rape, assault and even death at the hands of smugglers. As noted above, some smuggling situations descend into becoming trafficking situations.

Exercise 19. Translate the following word-combinations into English:

разрушающее влияние наркотиков; оценивать масштабы проблемы; маршруты наркотрафика; предпринимать меры; провоз наркотиков через границы; организованные преступные группировки; сокрытие наркотиков в полостях тела; ограничительные меры; заводская упаковка; встроенный тайник; оптовые рынки; снижение спроса; серьезный вызов; международный опыт; усиление контроля на границе; упаковки; маленькие партии наркотиков; многообразие методов; социальная реклама.

Exercise 20. Insert the missing words. Use your active vocabulary.

1. The drugs may be concealed inside ______ bodies.

2. Many people smuggled through such trafficking operations are often ______ by their smugglers into various forms of labor.

3. Russia and Kazakhstan discussed the issues of _____ routes.

4. The annual _____ of drug industry is from $55 to 400 billion.

5. Some _____ groups are often comprised of family members.

6. There are some main ways to _____ narcotraffic.

Exercise 21. Translate these sentences into English. Use First Conditionals.

1. Если его документы будут в порядке, он получит визу в течение двух недель.

2. Я позвоню тебе, если у меня будет время.

3. Если в зале таможенного досмотра будет много народа, нам придется подождать.

4. Что ты будешь делать, если вес твоего багажа превысит норму?

5. Если директор не сможет принять меня завтра, я приеду в другой раз.

6. Ты позвонишь мне, если будут какие-нибудь проблемы?

7. Если их багаж будет слишком тяжелый, они наймут носильщика.

8. Если груз будет доставлен вовремя, ваш заказ будет обязательно выполнен.

9. Если она не уедет в командировку на следующей неделе, ваше заявление будет подписано.

10. Будьте осторожны! Если вы потеряете свои документы, у вас могут возникнуть проблемы с получением визы.

Exercise 22. Join the following sentences.

E.g. He is not here. He can’t give us an advice. – If he was (were) here, he could give us an advice.

1. The tourist doesn’t have permission from the Ministry of Culture. He is not allowed to take the icon abroad.

2. The passenger doesn’t know Customs rules. He can’t fill in a declaration form.

3. The student doesn’t read 50 pages a day. His vocabulary doesn’t increase.

4. You don’t do morning exercises every day. Your health isn’t good.

5. You don’t like music. You don’t go to the concerts often.

6. This coat is very expensive. I can’t buy it.

7. You have no vet certificate. Your dog will be kept in confinement.

8. The tourist has no entry declaration. He has difficulties at the Customs.

9. She doesn’t read much. She writes compositions badly.

10. The passenger is too nervous. His luggage will be checked very carefully.

Exercise 23. Use Second Conditionals.

E.g. If I missed my flight, I would catch the next one.

What would you do if?

- you hadn’t got anything to declare

- you lost your luggage claim receipt

- you had a holiday in winter

- your friend was ill

- you bought a discount ticket

- the passer-by asked you for help

- you lost your luggage

- someone offered you a bribe

- you were late for the flight to Moscow

- your colleague invited you to lunch

- you couldn’t speak English

- your documents were stolen.

Exercise 24. Put the verb into the correct form. Translate them into Russian.

1. They would be rather offended if I ________to see them. (not/go)

2. If you took more exercise, you ________better. (feel)

3. If I was offered the job, I think I ________it. (take)

4. I’m sure Amy will lend you the money. I’d be very surprised if she _______. (refuse)

5. If I sold my car, I _______much money for it. (not/get)

6. A lot of people would be out of work if the factory _______. (close down)

7. What would happen if I ________ that red button? (press)

8. Liz gave me this ring. She ________ very upset if I lost it. (be)

9. Mark and Carol are expecting us. They would be disappointed if we ________. (not/come)

10. Would Tim mind if I ________ his bicycle without asking him? (borrow)

11. If somebody ________ in here with a gun, I’d be very frightened. (walk)

12. I’m sure Sue ________ if you explained the situation to her. (understand)

13. If I were you, I ________ (not/wait) for them.

14. If we had the choice, we ________ in the country. (live)

15. I ________ that coat if I were you. (not/buy)


abuse annual approximately capacity challenge claim concealment dissemination forfeiture hefty hub inmate measure punitive rapid reduction scale seizure significance steadily stiff stomach turnover vulnerable to avoid to cause to charge to comprise to conceal to distinguish to engage to estimate to extend to occur to refer to retrieve to swallow злоупотребление ежегодный; годичный, годовой приблизительно мощность; пропускная способность сложная задача, проблема требование, претензия, иск сокрытие, утаивание распространение штраф, конфискация; переход в казну большой, объёмный, массивный центр (событий); узловой аэропорт заключённый (в тюрьме, лагере) мера, эталон, основание (для чего-л.) карательный; связанный с применением наказания быстрый, скорый, стремительный снижение, уменьшение, спад уровень / ступень развития; масштаб; размер конфискация, наложение ареста, изъятие важность, значительность; значимость поступательно, монотонно, неизменно непоколебимый, непреклонный, жёсткий желудок оборот, товарооборот восприимчивый; чувствительный, уязвимый избегать, остерегаться, уклоняться являться причиной, вызывать, побуждать возлагать ответственность, обременять включать, заключать в себе скрывать, утаивать различать, находить отличия вовлекать; уговаривать; принуждать оценивать; исчислять простираться, распространять влияние происходить, случаться, совершаться приписывать (чему-л.); относить на счёт чего-л. находить, отыскивать глотать, проглатывать

UNIT 1.2

Combating Smuggling                                                           

In this Unit, you learn how to: - explain what smuggling is - discuss the process of contraband - describe the ways of combating smuggling Grammar: Conditional sentences (Type I-II)


Exercise 1. Find the dictionary definitions of the following words:

smuggler the act or process of discovering, finding, or noticing something;
gunrunner a valuable return;
demand the act or process of shipping; the goods shipped;
detection one that imports or exports secretly contrary to the law and especially without paying duties imposed by law;
authority a runner of contraband;
shipment an act of hiding or concealing;
search an act of demanding or asking especially with authority; the quantity of a commodity or service wanted at a specified price and time; urgent need;
courier one that traffics in contraband arms and ammunition;
profit power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behaviour; freedom granted by one in authority;
concealment an act of searching; the act or process of looking for someone or something; rummage.

Exercise 2. Give the synonyms to the following words. Consult Text 1.

Boundary; clandestine; cargo; couriers; restrictions; illegal; profit; contraband; detection; narcotics; concealment; backpack; removal; search; valuable; control.

Consult the dictionary, if necessary (Synonym.com).

Exercise 3. Match words to form pairs of opposites:




international; arrive; offer; permission; disinterested; buy; detected; legal; loss


Exercise 4. Find in Text 1 words which follow the verbs below:

conceal, restrict, combat, avoid, make, apprehend, hide, move, swallow, search.


As you read the texts, underline the main ideas and supporting information. Then write short abstracts of them. Dwell on the author’s attitude.


Exercise 5. Scan Text 1 “Preferred Commodities Regularly Smuggled Abroad” to find words that relate to:

- Customs authorities;

- people who smuggle goods;

- goods that are favoured by smugglers.

Exercise 6. Read Text 1 to answer the following questions:

1. What is smuggling?

2. Why do people smuggle?

3. What do laws of most nations require?

4. What form does smuggling sometimes take?

5. What goods are favored by smugglers? Why?

6. What smugglers are called gunrunners?

7. Why do some countries restrict the removal of valuables out of the country?

8. What methods do smugglers use to move goods?

9. What do Customs agents undertake to combat smuggling?

10. How can law enforcers of various nations cooperate in apprehending smugglers?

Text 1


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