Electrical System   

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Electrical System  


In dealing with the electrical system of the modem automobile perhaps the most important point to remember is that of the single wire system is used exclusively. Instead of running two wires from the battery to the lamp, for example, one wire used to connect the battery to the lamp and the frame of the vehicle is used in lieu of the other wire to carry the current to or from the battery, depending upon which post of the battery is grounded.

The term switches usually mean these devices for closing and opening circuits which are operated by hand or-: foot at the will of the driver or his passengers. Switches that automatically operated include the distributor breakers points, and various starter, generator and horn relays.

However, since the car is mostly made of metals, two wires are unnecessary, since the metal of the car itself can be used as the return conductor, where the broken lines is intended to indicate that return circuit is through the car itself.

Because of the large cross-sectional areas of the various metal parts in the car the resistance is small even though iron and steel have a much higher resistance than copper. Therefore, the voltage drop in this part of the circuit is negligible provided that clean and tight metal connections exist between the various metal parts involved. For example, provided headlamp units, stop and tail lamp units, etc. Are held in place with a single bolt or straw having a clean, tight connection with the body, current will flow satisfactorily and voltage drop will be negligible. Therefore, the simple act of installing the unit automatically complexes the ground connection. There are a great many circuits to follow. The seven circuits (basic) are:

1. The starting circuit.

2. The charging circuits.

3. The ignition circuit.

4. The horn circuit.

5. The instrument circuit.  

6. The lighting circuit.

7. The electric windshield wiper circuit.


III. Find English equivalents.

вместе, приводится в действие, обратный проводник, позиция, площадь поперечного
сечения, при условии что, задние огни, установка.    IV. Finish the sentences. 1. The term switches usually mean…………….. 2. However, since the car is mostly made of metals…………….   3.

3. The voltage drop in this part of the circuit is………………..

4. The simple act of installing the unit automatically complexes…….

5. The seven circuits (basic) are:


V. Fill admissions with necessary words.

The use of new machinery... the output of coal considerably.

1. Yesterday delivering his lecture the professor... of the computers and automatic control system.

2.... you know how to process the information given by a computer.

3. The computer... only programmers prepared by man.

4. New automobile works... the manufacture of lorries on a mass scale.

5. The engineer... sketches of a new aircraft when we entered the design bureau.

6. One must... acids very accurately while preparing them for an experiment.

7. We... you new design of the undercarriage at this time tomorrow.

8. Our chemists... new materials for the automobile industry recently.

9. By the beginning of the new year the plant... a powerful electric locomotive of new design.

a) have developed, b) spoke, c) will increase, d) will have produced, e) was drawing, 0 do, g) will begin, h)performs, i) shall be discu.asiiig, j) measure, k) was working.

VI. Add following offers from the text

1. Switches that automatically operated include....

2. Therefore, the simple act of installing the unit automatically....

3. All the main units are connected in parallel, while the switches....

4. However since the car is mostly made of metals, two wires are unnecessary....


VII. Answer the questions.

1. Why in modem automobile is the single wire system used?

2. What do you know about switches?

3. Canwe say that the car is the conductor? Why?

4. What are the basic circuits?






Цель: Введение и активизация лексики по теме «Электричка».

Оборудование: комплект тестов, раздаточный материал, иллюстрации по теме.


I. Learn the words and expressions.

An electric van                                       фургон

The fuel cell                                       элемент

To charge                                                заряжать

An internal combustion engine             двигатель внутреннего сгорания

To compete                                          конкурировать

Exhaust gases                                     отработанные газы

The advantage                                    преимущество


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