III. Find English equivalents. 

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III. Find English equivalents.

     Использовать, преобразовываться, стартер, катушка зажигания, гудок,     проводник, усиливать, еплжелезный    
железный стержень, превращать, накопляться, вставление
IV. Finish the sentences.  
1. This total field is…………….  
2. The force of an electro-magnet is…………… 3. The lines of force in the magnetic field are………………..  
4. The strength of the field is………………… 5.



V. Make the text retelling

1. Whenever an electric current flows through a conductor, a... surround that conductor.

2. This intensity of the field is... to the amperage.

3. The lines of... in the magnetic field are concentrated by the insertion of an iron....

4. All... are made of soft iron or soft steel.

5. The force of an electro-magnet is concentration and intensified by making... into the form of a coil called....


VI. Translate into Russian

1. The study of electricity may be divided into three branches: magnetism, electrostatics and electrodynamics.

2. Magnetism is the property of the molecules of iron and some other substances to store energy in a field of force.

3. Electrostatics is the study of electricity at rest.

4. Electrodynamics is the study of electricity in motion, or dynamic electricity.

5. A difference of pressure at the two ends of the pipe is necessary in order to maintain a flow of electricity in a conductor.

VII. Express the main idea of the text

The main units in electrical engineering are those relating to current, pressure or voltage, resistance, power and energy. Current is what which flows along the conductors forming the electric circuit. It is measured in amperes. Pressure, potential, voltage, or electromotive force is that which causes a current to flow between two points when they are joined by a conductor. The unit is the volt.



VIII. Answer following questions.

1. What is the electricity in the electrical units closely connected with?

2. What does the list of electromagnetic units include?

3. How can you explain the notion "magnetic field"?

4. Can we intensify the force of an electro-magnetic field and how?

5. What is the solenoid?

6. Why soft iron or soft steel are used for making solenoid cores?

7. When is magnetic energy converted into electric energy?



Цель: Введение и активизация лексики по теме «Аккумуляторная батарея».

Оборудование: комплект тестов, раздаточный материал, иллюстрации по теме.


I. Learn the words and expressions.


  Reservoir резервуар
  to turn over the starter дать обороты
  the engine is running двигатель работает
  to operate the ignition system привести в действие, включить зажигание
  electrical accessories электрические
  to put back откладывать
  to store up накоплять

to make up deficit             восполнить дефицит

the engine is turned off         двигатель включен  

acid                                     кислота

to immerse in solution           погружать в раствор

sulfuric acid                       серная кислота

lead peroxide                     свинцовая перекись

sulfate                                 сульфат

to split away                       отделяться

an output                           выработка, производительность

II. Read and translate the text.

The Storage Battery

The storage battery is a reservoir of electrochemical energy. Electric current is drawn from the battery to turn over the starter and start the engine. When the engine is running at normal speed, the generator creates enough electricity to operate the ignition system, light, and electrical accessories, and also supplies come additional electrical energy which is put back into the battery and stored for future demands.

When the engine is running very slowly, the generator may not produce enough electricity to meet the demand and current must be drawn from the battery to make up the deficit. Any current used to operate lights or radio when the engine is turned off must be drawn entirely from the battery.
A battery stores chemical energy which is converted into electrical energy. If two different metals are placed in an acid which can attack them, an electrical potential, or voltage, is created. If wires from the two metals are connected into a circuit, electrical current will flow through it.

A charged battery consists of two different metals immersed in a solution of sulfuric acid. One of the metals - the positive plate - is lead peroxide. The other metal - the negative plate - is plain load. The acid solution is called the electrolyte.

When the two plates are connected into a circuit, the sulfate splits away from the sulfuric acid and unites with the lead of both plates to form lead sulfate. The oxygen freed from the lead peroxide of the positive plate units with hydrogen which splits off from the sulfuric acid and forms water. This chemical reaction is what produces the electricity.

A battery's capacity is measured in ampere hours. This figure is obtained by multiplying a given amperage output by the number of hours the battery can supply that output.


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