Sing about that son of Nanda , who is essence of all pleasures, 

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Sing about that son of Nanda , who is essence of all pleasures,


Who is the inner meaning of religion and bridge to Brahman,

Who is the pretty cowherd, who wears garland of forest flowers,

Who has very broad eyes, who is killer of all sorrow,

Who is the moon of Brindavana, who is essence of happiness,

Who is the ultimate of happiness, who is the supporter of the world,

Who is black, who is loved by all, who is the complete pleasure,

Who is pretty every moment and who pleases every one.

सुन्दरवारिजवदनं निर्जितमदनं आनन्दसदनं मुकुटधरं
गुञ्जाकृतिहारं विपिनविहारं परमोदारं चीरहरम् ।
वल्लभपटपीतं कृतउपवीतं करनवनीतं विबुधवरं
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥२॥

sundaravārijavadana ṃ nirjitamadana ṃ ānandasadana ṃ muku ṭ adhara ṃ
guñjāk ṛ tihāra ṃ vipinavihāra ṃ paramodāra ṃ cīraharam.
vallabhapa ṭ apīta ṃ k ṛ taüpavīta ṃ karanavanīta ṃ vibudhavara ṃ
bhaja nandakumāra ṃ sarvasukhasāra ṃ tattvavicāra ṃ brahmaparam..2..


Sing about that son of Nanda, who is essence of all pleasures,

Who is the inner meaning of religion and bridge to Brahman,

Who has pretty lotus like face, who defeats god of love in beauty,

Who is store house of happiness, who wears the crown,

Who wears garland made of gunja*, who roams about in the garden,

Who is greatly benevolent, who steals the dresses of gopis,

Who likes the silk cloths, who wears the holy thread,

Who has butter in his hand and the lord who gives boons.

*A red and black berry use to weigh gold in India.

Shobitha muka dhoolam yamunakoolam,nipata athoolam sukadatharam,

शोभितमुखधुलं यमुनाकूलं निपटअतूलं सुखदतरं
मुखमण्डितरेणुं चारितधेनुं वादितवेणुं मधुरसुरम् ।
वल्लभमतिविमलं शुभपदकमलं नखरुचि अमलं तिमिरहरं
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥३॥

śobhitamukhadhula ṃ yamunākūla ṃ nipa ṭ aatūla ṃ sukhadatara ṃ
mukhama ṇḍ itare ṇ u ṃ cāritadhenu ṃ vāditave ṇ u ṃ madhurasuram.
vallabhamativimala ṃ śubhapadakamala ṃ nakharuci amala ṃ timirahara ṃ
bhaja nandakumāra ṃ sarvasukhasāra ṃ tattvavicāra ṃ brahmaparam..3..


Sing about that son of Nanda, who is essence of all pleasures,

Who is the inner meaning of religion and bridge to Brahman,

Who shines with dust of Yamuna on his face, whose voice is incomparable,

Who blesses people with pleasure, whose face is coated with pollen grains,

Who looks after cows, who plays flute with sweetest notes, who is very pure,

Who has feet as pretty as a lotus, who has shining nail and who removes darkness.

शिरमुकुटसुदेशं कुञ्चितकेशं नटवरवेशं कामवरं
मायाकृतमनुजं हलधरअनुजं प्रतिहतदनुजं भारहरम् ।
वल्लभव्रजपालं सुभगसुचालं हितमनुकालं भाववरं
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥४॥

śiramuku ṭ asudeśa ṃ kuñcitakeśa ṃ na ṭ avaraveśa ṃ kāmavara ṃ
māyāk ṛ tamanuja ṃ haladharaanuja ṃ pratihatadanuja ṃ bhāraharam.
vallabhavrajapāla ṃ subhagasucāla ṃ hitamanukāla ṃ bhāvavara ṃ
bhaja nandakumāra ṃ sarvasukhasāra ṃ tattvavicāra ṃ brahmaparam..4..


Sing about that son of Nanda, who is essence of all pleasures,

Who is the inner meaning of religion and bridge to Brahman,

Who has crown on his pretty head, who has curly hair,

Who is dressed up like an actor, who is more pretty than god of love,

Who by illusion looks human, who is the brother of Balarama,

Who lightens earth by killing asuras, who takes care of the people of vruja,

Who is a dear, who walks prettily, Who wants good always and who is good.

इन्दीवरभासं प्रकटसुरासं कुसुमविकासं वंशिधरं
हृत्मन्मथमानं रूपनिधानं कृतकलगानं चित्तहरम् ।
वल्लभमृदुहासं कुञ्जनिवासं विविधविलासं केलिकरं
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥५॥

indīvarabhāsa ṃ praka ṭ asurāsa ṃ kusumavikāsa ṃ va ṃ śidhara ṃ
h ṛ tmanmathamāna ṃ rūpanidhāna ṃ k ṛ takalagāna ṃ cittaharam.
vallabham ṛ duhāsa ṃ kuñjanivāsa ṃ vividhavilāsa ṃ kelikara ṃ
bhaja nandakumāra ṃ sarvasukhasāra ṃ tattvavicāra ṃ brahmaparam..5..


Sing about that son of Nanda, who is essence of all pleasures,

Who is the inner meaning of religion and bridge to Brahman,

Who has shine like blue lotus flower, who by nature is divine,

Who looks like a opened lotus flower, who holds a flute,

Who destroys the pride of god of love, who has a pleasant calm look,

Who steals the mind by playing soulful music,

Who is witty but soft and who lives on Kuncha vine and plays various roles.

अतिपरमप्रवीणं पालितदीनं भक्ताधीनं कर्मकरं
मोहनमतिधीरं फणिबलवीरं हतपरवीरं तरलतरम् ।
वल्लभव्रजरमणं वारिजवदनं हलधरशमनं शैलधरं
भज नन्दकुमारं सर्वसुखसारं तत्त्वविचारं ब्रह्मपरम् ॥६॥

atiparamapravī ṇ a ṃ pālitadīna ṃ bhaktādhīna ṃ karmakara ṃ
mohanamatidhīra ṃ pha ṇ ibalavīra ṃ hataparavīra ṃ taralataram.
vallabhavrajarama ṇ a ṃ vārijavadana ṃ haladharaśamana ṃ śailadhara ṃ
bhaja nandakumāra ṃ sarvasukhasāra ṃ tattvavicāra ṃ brahmaparam..6..


Sing about that son of Nanda, who is essence of all pleasures,

Who is the inner meaning of religion and bridge to Brahman,

Who is a great expert who takes care of oppressed people,

Who obeys his devotees, who is engaged in doing his duty,

Who is pretty and very brave, who is very heroic Adisesha,


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