Упражнение 8. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужную форму. 

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Упражнение 8. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужную форму.

1. I didn’t know that you were waiting for me so I didn’t hurry.

2. I was sure that he had left Moscow and was surprised when I saw him there.

3. She said she would do her homework when he came.

4. They thought he worked as a doctor and tried to find him in the hospital.

5. He knew they would read this book the following year.

6. He said he would leave tomorrow morning.

7. He ate so much yesterday that he feels sick today.

8. When I worked there, I never dealt with the people that he talks about now.

9. The doctor said that I should not work so much.

10. He said he was there two years ago.


Упражнение 9. Замените предложения в прямой речи на предложения в косвенной речи, произведя необходимые изменения.

1. “We are not talking about any kind of censorship on the Internet”, the President says.  – The President says they are not talking about any kind of censorship on the Internet.

2. The committee spokesman said a week ago, “The Investigative Committee is forming a department that will investigate crimes committed by police officers.” - The committee spokesman said a week ago that the Investigative Committee was forming a department that would investigate crimes committed by police officers.

3. A lawyer said to Mr. Woodworth, “The most severe punishment now for this criminal offence is life imprisonment.” - A lawyer said to Mr. Woodworth that the most severe punishment then for this criminal offence was life imprisonment.

4. “Please, don’t interrupt me”, the associate lawyer said to his client yesterday. - The associate lawyer asked his client yesterday not to interrupt him.

5. “We have been providing here the highest quality legal assistance to our clients”, said the in-house lawyer. - The in-house lawyer said they had been providing there the highest quality legal assistance to their clients.

6. The Interior Minister says, “Russian law should punish police officers more severely than ordinary people for illegal activities”. - The Interior Minister says that Russian law should punish police officers more severely than ordinary people for illegal activities.

7. The lawyer speaking about the Graduate Recruitment Programme said, “I will outline what we can offer to these employees.” - The lawyer speaking about the Graduate Recruitment Programme said that he would outline what they could offer to these employees.

8. The judge said, “The owner of the Perm night-club where 156 people were killed in a fire has been hiding in Spain before being arrested and extradited to Russia.” - The judge said that the owner of the Perm night-club where 156 people had been killed in a fire had been hiding in Spain before being arrested and extradited to Russia.

9. Moscow’s mayor said, “I will focus on maintaining social stability and solving transportation problems.” - Moscow’s mayor said he would focus on maintaining social stability and solving transportation problems.

10. The President said, “The Internet may increase the quality of state governance”. - The President said that the Internet might increase the quality of state governance.


Major Legal Systems

Упражнение 1. Read the text and name five major legal systems. ( Civil Law, Common Law, Customary Law, Religious Law, Mixed Law)


The legal systems of nearly all countries are generally divided into five main types: civil law, common law, customary law, mixed law, and religious law.

Civil Law, also referred to as European continental law, is the most widespread type of legal system in the world, applied in various forms in approximately 150 countries (continental Europe, Latin America, most of Africa and many Asian nations). It is derived mainly from the Roman Law. The major feature of civil law systems is that the laws are organized into systematic written codes.

Common Law, or case law, is a type of legal system in force in England and Wales (the UK) and in approximately 80 countries influenced by the former British Empire, e.g. the USA, Canada, Australia, India, and others. The formation of the English common law system is often attributed to King Henry II (12th century A.D.), who established the king's court and proclaimed that laws were "common" to the entire English realm. It is derived from custom and judicial precedent (which is the foundation of the system), rather than statutes. In accordance with the principle of stare decisis, decisions made in higher courts are binding on lower courts in common law jurisdictions.

Customary Law, also called "primitive law," "unwritten law," or "folk law", is a type of legal system existing in approximately 40 countries in Africa, in the Pacific islands, Europe, and the Near East. It is based upon the customs of a community.

Religious Law is a legal system originating from the sacred texts of religious traditions. The main types of religious law are Sharia in Islam, Halakha in Judaism, and canon law in some Christian groups. Sharia is the most widespread religious legal system and the sole system of law for Iran, the Maldives, and Saudi Arabia.

Mixed Law, also referred to as “pluralistic law”, consists of elements of some other legal systems - civil, common, customary, and religious (often in former colonies, e.g. South Africa, Zambia, Sri Lanka; other examples are Israel, Scotland, Louisiana, Mauritius and Quebec).

(Adapted and abridged from https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-worldfactbook/fields/2100.html)

Основные правовые системы

Правовые системы почти всех стран обычно делятся на пять основных типов: гражданское право, общее право, правовой обычай, смешанное право и религиозное право.

Гражданское право, также называемое европейским континентальным правом, является наиболее распространенным типом правовой системы в мире, применяемым в различных формах примерно в 150 странах (континентальная Европа, Латинская Америка, большинство стран Африки и многие азиатские страны). Оно происходит в основном из римского права. Главной особенностью систем гражданского права является то, что законы организованы в систематизированные письменные кодексы.

Общее право или прецедентное право - это тип правовой системы, действующей в Англии и Уэльсе (Великобритания) и примерно в 80 странах, находящихся под влиянием бывшей Британской империи, например, США, Канада, Австралия, Индия и другие. Формирование английской системы общего права часто приписывают королю Генриху II (12 в. Н.э.), который учредил королевский суд и провозгласил, что законы являются «общими» для всего английского царства. Оно больше происходит от обычаев и судебных прецедентов (которые являются основой системы), а не от законов. В соответствии с принципом stare decisis (правила прецедента) решения, принятые в высших судах, являются обязательными для судов низшей инстанции в юрисдикциях общего права.

Правовой обычай, также называемое «первобытным правом», «неписаным правом» или «народным правом», представляет собой тип правовой системы, существующей примерно в 40 странах Африки, на островах Тихого океана, в Европе и на Ближнем Востоке. Это основано на обычаях сообщества.

Религиозный закон - это правовая система, основанная на священных текстах религиозных традиций. Основными типами религиозного права являются шариат в исламе, халаха в иудаизме и каноническое право в некоторых христианских группах. Шариат является самой распространенной религиозно-правовой системой и единственной системой законов для Ирана, Мальдивских Островов и Саудовской Аравии.

Смешанное право, также называемое «плюралистическим правом», состоит из элементов нескольких правовых систем - гражданских, общих, обычных и религиозных (часто в бывших колониях, например, в Южной Африке, Замбии, Шри-Ланке; другими примерами являются Израиль, Шотландия, Луизиана, Маврикий и Квебек).

Упражнение 2 Decide which statement contains the main idea of the text. Choose one:

· Every legal system has its history, sources and principles.

· The two major legal systems in the world are civil law and continental law.

· There are a number of legal systems in the world with their specific sources and main principles.

· All legal systems of the world originate from custom and religious beliefs.


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