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1. Any substance is composed of molecules. 2. Term is a word denoting philosophical, technical and other definitions. 3. Thermocouple is the junction of two different metals. 4. Temperature is a measure of the intensity of heat in a substance. 5. Heat is a form of energy. 6. Energy is a form of existence of substance. 7. Indicator is a device with calibrated scale. 8. Ammeter is a device indicating strength of current. 9. Heat and cold are temperature characteristics. 10. Voltage is a value of electric current. 7. Ответьте на вопросы 1. What is heat? 2. Ammeter is a device indicating temperature, isn’t it? 3. Temperature isn’t a measure of the intensity of heat in a substance, is it? 4. Is energy a form of existence of substance or temperature characteristics? 5. What is thermocouple? 6. Can we say that term is a word denoting philosophical, technical and other definitions? 7. Voltage is temperature characteristic, isn’t it? 8. What is voltage? 9. When do we use ammeter? 10. Thermocouple is a device with calibrated scale, isn’t it?
Text 2.THERMOMETERS Прочитайте текст, обращая внимание на незнакомые слова и выражения Most other thermometers take advantage of the fact that the volume of a substance changes with temperature. Liquids, usually mercury or spirit, can be enclosed in a glass tube. The variation of volume with a temperature change is shown by an alteration in the height of the liquid in the tube, which is itself marked with degrees of temperature. The variation of volume with temperature is not the same with all materials and this fact is taken advantage of in the dial type of thermometer where the difference in expansion of the two parts of a bimetal strip results in a torque which can be used to operate the pointer on a circular dial. This is a principle used in the recording thermometer or thermograph. What temperature scales are used? Only two temperature scales are of importance, the Centigrade and the Fahrenheit. On the former, the freezing point of water at atmospheric pressure is denoted by 0 °C and its boiling point by 100 °C; there are therefore 100 Centigrade degrees between these two temperature levels. On the latter the freezing point is 32°F and the boiling point 212°F, so that the difference between the two levels is 180°F. Hence a change of temperature of 1 °C is the same as a change of 1.8°F. To convert from °C to °F and vice versa the following equations are used: °F = (9/5 x °C) + 32 and °C = (°F – 32) x 5/9 These rules apply whether the temperature is above or below freezing but, of course, a minus sign must be used below O°. Care must be taken when converting a temperature difference compared with an actual temperature. For instance, a temperature difference of, say, 9°F would be the same as a difference of 5°C, whereas an actual temperature of 9°F would be the same as – 12.8°C.
Прочитайте и переведите слова Thermometer, volume, liquid, mercury, spirit, to enclose, tube, variation, alternation, dial, expansion, bi-metal, strip, result in, torque, pointer, circular, thermograph, scale, Centigrade, Fahrenheit, atmospheric, freezing point, boiling point, the same, to convert, vice versa, equation, minus, sign, actual.
Прочитайте следующие интернациональные слова и переведите их Thermometer, thermograph, scale, minus, bimetal, expansion, mercury, tube, variation, alternation, Centigrade, Fahrenheit, actual, atmospheric, spirit.
Образуйте однокоренные слова и переведите их Liquid, spirit, point, circular, freeze, boil, convert, equation, expansion, difference.
5. Найдите в группе (а) слово, равное по значению в группе
(б) a) заключать, приводить к, такой же, наоборот, знак, вращающий момент, диск (циферблата), полоса (лента), спирт, уравнение, жидкость, ртуть, объем, шкала.
б) sign, strip, volume, to enclose, torque, liquid, to result in, vice versa, dial, equation, the same, mercury, scale, spirit.
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