Classification of functional styles 

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Classification of functional styles


each developed language, there are more or less determined systems of the language expression, differencing from each with particularity of use of the national language means. In each of such systems, it is possible to show one group of the means, which are leading, the most observable, and the most essential. Therefore, terminology is lexical-parasitological sign of scientific prose. However, only terminology does not yet give the reason for separation of the scientific prose as an independent system. The systematic nature of using the language means appears, first, in interaction of all main means, used in given text.systematic nature of using the language means brings about that in different sphere of the using the language is normalized by the choice of the words and nature of their use, primary use of that or other syntactical construction, particularities of using the different ways connection between the parts of the utterance. Such systems are called the speech styles.problems is studied within the functional stylistics.stylistics tries to study, in what system relations belong the language means when functioning the language, depending on typical and traditional, first, social spheres of the communication, study as well as, what language units most often “are chosen” from the system of the language, and a main, how they are organized in flow of the is a polyhedral social object, having several rules and regularities of the development, possessing ensemble of the bases and system total qualities and characteristics. That is why it it’s difficult to give the unambiguous definition of style, and it it’s impossible to exhaust the notion about it in one definition. The style as a norm comprises of its substance as constitute of speech ability and speech, as a process is a functioning. The language, which is connected with the style of normative relations, is not simple mean. In language as it exists the resemblance to activity with language, in its separate units it is recorded and stylistic information, which in definite degree predicts the possibility of using the and reality exist i. e. function as a norm, ordering definite type of organizations of the language units.real norms are reflected in public cognition on coding means. The style as code system is an informative process, in which, occurs transferring one code form and exchanging it for other: textual (semantic) code is substituted by speech code the last language1.of manifestations in one or another sphere established general principle of the selection and combinations of the language units, conditioned by general tasks and conditions of the communication, special organization of the language means capable to create and express the functional style.functional style is one of the characteristics of language components of texts, conditional in general specifics of extra linguistics base of the text..V. Vinogradov gives such definition to the functional style: “ style is a public realized, functional conditioned, intrincally united collection of devices of the use, selection and combinations of the communication means in sphere of that or other national or international language. Correlative with other such way of talking, which serves for other integer, executes other functions in speech public practional person given folk”.communicative tasks and conditions of communication in one or another sphere is proved to be push to the realization of speech organization, in which these units become to be interconnected on new functional a divergence in the approach of linguistics to principles of dividing the functional styles and to their nomenclature, on the problems were marked more or less clear positions, in accordance with which as a rule, occurs the highlighting and description of one or another communicative functional style.other approaches, which not colliding with big dug by material on language specifics of functional style, allow to value the considered phenomena extremely harmonious, ranked, holistic and, as effect, aesthetic important1.clearly oriented, on determined target purpose, functional style demonstrates the connection of language elements as semantic directed and expedient. This characteristic of functional style possesses certain aesthetic value since notion of harmony, beauty and practicability are associated, but not only functional practicability in organizations of the language material is capable to cause aesthetic quality. These characteristics possessed by the other particularities of functional style, essentially its genre wholeness.1970 and up to the now in linguistics, qualitative new approach to collation of the different functional styles worked out. In addition, more depending studies of given problems impacted on a several factors. First, appears the big amount of works on functioning, in which contiguity of the different functional styles in epoch of their “functional style” is very successful since specifics of each style results from particularities of functions in given sphere of the contact. Therefore, for instance, publistics style has its main function -to influence on will, consciousness and feeling of the listener or reader, but scientific style - only transmission of the knowledge-based contents.functional style is original nature of speech of one or another social its varieties, corresponding to a certain sphere of public activity and correlative with hits of language is more or less firm system of the literary language. The styles of the language are the historical categories1. This means that they change, develop, appear and disappear.styles are determined systems in literary language, first of all, because of the message they transfer. Each style has more or less exact purpose, which defines its functioning and its language peculiarities. Each style has as the general typical for given style to peculiarities. The correlations general and private features in styles are revealed at different periods of the development of these styles differently., for instance business documents, diplomatic letters, order and instructions, protocols of the parliamentary meetings and other are forms and the proof to the existence of the business document style in English literary language. The conditional indication and shortening of military documents reflects the general regularities of given style, so the individual particularities are inherent only to given sub stile.correlations of general and private, particularly emerges at analysis of the individual manner of the language use. With standpoint of the display of individual use of the language means, speech styles of English allow the significant amplitude of the fluctuations. Such styles of speech, as for instance, style official document, do not require the personal creative the traditional standpoint in explaining the stylistic phenomena and classification of the styles, it is necessary to come from nature strictly linguistically. The different levels of the language are not equally connected with extra linguistic phenomena. The style in contrast with the other aspects, closely and is deeply connected with extra linguistics. The style is phenomena; the most closely connected with extra linguistics phenomena, more exactly, conditioned by it. These phenomena, which can be understood at account aims, tasks, situations and spheres of the communication and most contents of the utterance.bases to classification of the functional styles extra linguistics factors are elected by the majority of linguistics. Majority on the linguists define five main functional styles: the style of the artistic prose, scientific style, newspaper- style, publistic style, and style official documents, or officially business style. We shall consider the particularities of these functional styles.belles-letters style differs from the other styles and as a rule, characterized with general stylistic colouring. The literary speech, in principal is differed from scientific and official documents, but is similar with publicist means to promote idea of the author and more deeply open the idea to the reader.BL style, sometimes named poetical language, firsr, is characteristized by figurativeness. The BL style has a following variety:

) The language of poetry;

) Emotive prose;

) The language of the drama.scientific prose style is subdivide into the sub styles; scientific and technical, presenting itself as it were variants of scientific prose style. Each of these sub styles can be presented in scientifically popular integration, which adds popularity to the stylistic characteristic of scientific prose.of documents is represented by the following variants: the language of legal and business documents and sometimes of diplomacy. They possess genre varieties instruction, agreements, order, act, statement and etc. for newspaper style it is typical stylistics difference connected with prevalence in concrete text one of the main newspaper functions of information. Besides, it differ on stylistic particularity some specific newspaper genres, article, reporting, interview. Politics style turns out be particularly complex and furcated. Its main sub styles: oratorical (oratory, speech, leaflets), official publistic - in narrow sense of the word (the pamphlets, essays etc.), newspapers subdivides on genre and other particularity., any utterance is realized in accordance with norms of one or another functional style, and finds its attribute.all “additional” signs are not found in contraction with the main, and form the unity.

Features of Newspaper Style

style was the last of all styles of written literary English to be recognized as a specific from of writing standing apart from other forms. English Newspaper writing dates from the 17th century. At the close of the 16th century, short news pamphlets began to appear. Any such publication either presented news from only one source or dealt with one specific subject. Note the titles of some of the earliest news pamphlets: “ Newer news, containing a short rehearsal of Stukely’s and Morice’s Rebellion” (1579), “ News from Spain and Holland” (1593), “Wonderful and strange news out of Suffolk and Essex, where it rained wheat the space of six or seven miles” (1583). New pamphlets appeared only from time to time and cannot be classed as newspaper, through they were unquestionably the immediate forerunners of the British press.first of any regular series of English newspaper was the Weekly News, which first appeared on May 23, 1622. It lasted for some twenty years until in 1641 it ceased publications. The 17 century saw the rise of a number of other newssheets, which, with varying successes, struggled on in the teeth of discouragement and restriction imposed by the Crown. With the introduction of a strict licensing system many such sheets were suppressed, and Government, in its turn, set before the public a paper of its own- The London Gazette, first published on February5, 1666. The paper was a semi-weekly and carried official information, royal decrees, news from abroad, and advertisements.first English daily newspaper - the Daily Courant - was brought on March 11, 1702. The paper carried news, largely foreign, and no comment, the latter being against the principles of the publisher, as was stated in the first issue of his paper., the early English newspaper was principally a vehicle of a regular feature found its way into the newspaper later. But as far back as the middle of 18 century the British newspaper was very much like what it is today, carrying on its pages news, both foreign and domestic, advertisements, announcements and articles containing comments.rise of the American newspaper, which was brought onto American soil by British settlers, dates back to the late 17th, early 18th centuries.took the English newspaper more than century to establish a style and a standard of its own. Moreover, it is only by the 19 century that newspaper English may be said to have developed into a system of a language means which forms a separate functional style.specific conditions of newspaper publication, the restrictions of time and space, have left an indelible mark on newspaper English. For more than a century, writers and linguistics have been vigorously attacking “the slipshod construction and the vulgar vocabulary” of newspaper English. The very newspaper English carried a shade of disparagement. Yet, for all the defects of newspaper English, serious through they may be, this form of literary language cannot be reduced- as some purists have claimed - merely to careless slovenly writing or to distorted literary English. This is one of the forms of the English literary language characterized - as any other style - by a definite communicative aim and its own definite system of language means., English newspaper style may be defined as a system of interrelated lexical, phraseological and grammatical means, which is perceived by the community speaking the language as a separate unity that serves the purpose of informing and instructing the reader.all the printed matter found in newspaper comes under newspaper style. The modem newspaper carries material of an extremely divers character. On the pages of the newspaper one finds not only news and comment on it, but also stories and poems, crossword puzzles, cheese problems, and the like. Since this serve the purpose of entertaining the reader, they cannot be considered specimens of newspaper styles. Nor can articles on special fields, such as science and technology, art, literature, etc. be classed as belonging to newspaper style.the primary function of newspaper style is impart information, only printed matter serving this purpose comes under newspaper style proper. Such can be classed as:news items and communiqués;reports (parliamentary, of court proceeding, etc.);purely information in character;and announcements.most concise form of newspaper information is the headline.newspaper also seeks to influence public opinion on political and other matters. Elements of appraisal may be observed in the very selection and way of presentations of news, in the use of specific vocabulary, such as allege and claim, casting some doubt on the fact reported, as to the constructions indicating a lack of assurance on the part of the reported as to the correctneesof the fact reported or his desire to avoid responsibility (for example ‘Mr. X was quoted as saying…’).headlines of news items, apart from giving information about the subject - matter, also carry a considerable amount of appraisal (the size and arrangement of the headline, the use of emotionally coloured words and elements of emotive syntax), thus indicating the interpretation and appraisal is the newspaper articles and the additional in particular. Editorial, leading articles or leaders are characterized by subjective handling of facts, political or otherwise and therefore have more in common with political essays or articles and should rather be classed as belonging to publisticist style than newspaper style. Through it seems natural to consider newspaper articles, editorial included, as coming within the system of English newspaper styles, it is necessary to note that such articles a an intermediates phenomenon characterized by a combination of styles - the newspaper style and publicity style. In other words, they may be considered hybrids.understand the language peculiarities of English newspaper style it will be suffient to analyze the following basic newspaper features:news items;and announcements;headline, and;

(With the reservations stated above) the includes informative materials: news in brief, headlines, ads, additional articles. But not everything published in the paper can be included in N.S. we mean publicist essays, feature articles, scientist. Reviews are not N.S. to attract the reader’s attention special means are used by British & am. Papers ex: specific headlines, space ordering. We find here a large proportion of dates, personal names of countries, institutions, individuals. To achieve an effect of objectivity in rendering some fact or event most of info is published anonymously, without the name of newsman who supplied it, with little or no subjective modality. But the position of the paper becomes clear from the choice not only of subj. matter but also of words denoting international or domestic issues. Substyles. To understand the language peculiarities of English newspaper style it will be sufficient to analyze the following basic newspaper features: 1) brief news items; 2) advertisements and announcements; 3) headlines; Brief items: its function is to inform the reader. It states only facts without giving comments. The vocabulary used is neutral and common literary. Specific features are: a) special political and economic terms; b) non-term political vocabulary; c) newspaper clichés; d) abbreviations; e) (Oratory, speeches, essays, articles) the style is a perfect ex. historical changeability of stylistic differentiation of discourses. In Greece it was practiced in oral form which was named P. in accordance with the name of its corresponding genre. PS is famous for its explicit pragmatic function of persuasion directed at influencing the reader & shaping his views in accordance with the argumentation of the author. We find in PS a blend of the rigorous logical reasoning, reflecting the objective state of things & a strong subjectivity reflecting the authors personal feelings and emotions towards the discussed subject. Substyles: The oratory essays, journalistic articles, radio and TV commentary. Oratory.It makes use of a great humbler of expressive means to arouse and keep the public's interest: repetition, gradation, antithesis, rhetorical questions, emotive words, elements of colloquial speech. Radio and TV commentaryis less impersonal and more expressive and emotional.The essayis very subjective and the most colloquial of the all substyles of the publicist style. It makes use of expressive means and tropes. The journalistic articlesare impersonal.

The communicative tasks and conditions of communication in one or another sphere is proved to be push to the realization of speech organization, in which these units become to be interconnected on new functional meaning.styles are determined systems in literary language, first of all, because of the message they transfer. Each style has more or less exact purpose, which defines its functioning and its language peculiarities. Each style has as the general typical for given style to peculiarities. The correlations general and private features in styles are revealed at different periods of the development of these styles differently.bases to classification of the functional styles extra linguistics factors are elected by the majority of linguistics. Majority on the linguists define five main functional styles: the style of the artistic prose, scientific style, newspaper- style, publicity style, and style official documents, or officially business style., any utterance is realized in accordance with norms of one or another functional style, and finds its attribute.all “additional” signs are not found in contraction with the main, and form the unity.all the printed matter found in newspaper comes under newspaper style. The modem newspaper carries material of an extremely Devers character. On the pages of the newspaper one finds not only news and comment on it, but also stories and poems, crossword puzzles, cheese problems, and the like. Since this serve the purpose of entertaining the reader, they cannot be considered specimens of newspaper styles. Nor can articles on special fields, such as science and technology, art, literature, etc. be classed as belonging to newspaper style.




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