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Найдите и выпишите глагол, определите его видовременную


Найдите и выпишите глагол, определите его видовременную

Форму в действительном или страдательном залоге и укажите в ответе

Инфинитивную форму данного глагола.

Example. I was frightened to death when I was driving through that region

last night.

was frightened - Past Simple, Passive Voice от глагола to frighten, was

driving - Past Continuous, Active Voice от глагола to drive

Я был испуган до смерти, когда ехал через тот район вчера вечером.

1. Thousands of Japanese cars are exported to our country every month.


2. The accident has been seen by several witnesses.


3 The 2018 World Cup soccer games will be televised all over the world.


4. Our group will have been sent on practice by the 11th of August.


5. Complaints should be sent to the head office.


6. The date of the meeting will have been changed by 6 a.m. today.


7. All the students of the faculty of economics are invited.


8. English had been taught for three years before the certificate was given.


9. That man was fined for crossing the street in the wrong place.


10. They were being taught drawing during the last Fine Arts lesson.

Преобразуйте следующие предложения из действительного

Залога в страдательный залог, используя в качестве подлежащего

Второго, измененного предложения, дополнение первого предложения,

При этом изменив глагол из действительного залога в страдательный


А). Переведите предложения из Present/Past/Future Simple Active в

Present/Past/Future Simple Passive.

1. A. Saakyan wrote his English exercise textbook last year.


2. His parents, curator and monitor often speak to him.


3. Sarah will introduce you to her friends without any problem.


Б). Переведите предложения из Present/Past/Future Continuous Active

В Present/Past/Future Continuous Passive.

1. The bridge builders are constructing a tremendous bridge in the Crimea now.


2. Karen Shaknazarov will be shooting a new film from February to July next year.

3. My friends were learning the English language in Great Britain for two months

last year.


В). Переведите предложения из Present/Past/Future Perfect Active в

Present/Past/Future Perfect Passive.

1. The poor boys haven't brought back their skates since they lost them.


2. Excuse me, but I will have learnt the rule by next Monday for sure.


3. The registration clerk had given my key before the alarm was announced.


4. The representatives of two companies have agreed upon the plan.


Раскройте скобки, выбирая видовременную форму

Страдательного залога, исходя из показателей времени.

1. How (the window/to break)?

2. (anybody/ to injure) in the accident?.

3. My brother (to bite) by a dog last week.

4. How often (these rooms/to clean)?

5. Many foreign films (to show) on television every month.

6. “Is this an old movie?” “Yes, it (to make) in the 20th century.”

7. Tony (to bear) in Rome. Where (you/ to bear)?

8. The documents (to type) by the time you return.

9. The accident (to see) by several people.

10. The books (to send) tomorrow.

Причастие 1 и 2.

А) подчеркните причастия 1 или 2, но не подчеркивайте герундии.

1. We met a boy carrying a heavy bag.

2. Decorated with lights, the house looked beautiful.

3. Seeing the policeman, the robbers ran away.

4. Finding the door open, I went inside.

5. The police saw the body floating down the river.

6. Crying at the top of his voice, he rushed at the thief.

7. Having worked for several hours, we came out of the office.

8. The troops gave a stunning blow to the enemy.

9. His handwriting being illegible, I couldn’t figure out what he had written.

10. Friendships made in childhood last for ever.

Б) создайте причастия 1 или 2 в следующих предложениях, взяв за

Основу глагол в скобках.

1. a) Have you heard the latest news? It's really ………….. (to excite).

b) The game today is wonderful! The audience is really ………… (to excite).

2. a) It was not easy to find the …………..… (to lose) key.

b) Women …………. (to lose) their memory can suffer from senile dementia.

3. a) I shall show you a picture ………….. (to paint) by Hogarth.

b) The artist ……….… (to paint) such wonderful pictures is a real genius.

4. a) ………… (to receive) a letter from an old friend old Jim got excited.

b) Here is the letter ………… (to receive) by me the day before yesterday.

5. a) Do you know the children ………… (to play) in the garden?

b) The game …………. (to play) by them was called softball.

В) переведите на английский язык следующие предложения,

Используя причастия

1. Словари, взятые студентами из библиотеки, должны быть возвращены не

позднее 6 часов.


2. Человек, сидевший у открытого окна, смотрел на детей, играющих в саду.


3. Поняв, что не сможет выполнить всю работу одна, она попросила меня о



4. Зная, что у меня достаточно времени, чтобы дойти до кинотеатра, я не



5. Я заметил, что кто-то стоит у калитки.


6. Она услышала крики, раздающиеся из леса.

7. Я не починил вчера часы, так как мастерские были закрыты.


8. Вам уже побелили потолок?

9. Услышав шаги, он поднял голову.

10. Выпив чашку чая, она почувствовала себя лучше.



А) подчеркните герундии, но не подчеркивайте причастия 1 или 2.

1. Celeste enjoyed winning more than losing.

2. I hate being left alone on weekends.

3. Would you mind wiping your feet before entering?

4. We feel like celebrating today.

5. I wouldn’t mind rearranging the furniture, after all, but papering, that’s the limit!

6. My boss hates being pushed into doing things.

7. Omar’s guests don’t feel like eating his over-spiced oriental dishes.

8. I like interpreting at conferences but I don’t like sitting up too late after them.

9. I don’t understand why people enjoy reading about disasters at the breakfast

table. Surely I’m not one of them.

10. I distinctly remember telling you that I needed you here with me.

Б) раскройте скобки и выберите нужную форму герундия для

В) переведите на английский язык следующие предложения,

Используя герундии

1. Слушать его рассказы интересно.

2. Я терпеть не могу стоять в очередях.

3. Она отрицала, что встречалась с ним раньше.

4. Ребенок заслуживает, чтобы его похвалили.

5. Он хорошо рисует.

6. Он гордится тем, что стал студентом.

7. У вас нет оснований/причины подозревать его.

8. У меня нет намерения ехать на юг этим летом.

9. После того как он провел месяц в Лондоне, он уехал в Варшаву.

10. Этот фильм стоит посмотреть.



А) найдите инфинитивы и подчеркните их полностью. Не


1. To have spent a month at the seaside was very useful.

2. Is it easy to ride a motorcycle?

3. He was far too bright a boy to be deceived. He would probe and probe.

4. To tell the truth, a cigar gives me a chance to relax and to meditate.

5. It is awful to be so stubborn.

6. The only sensible thing to do when you are attacked is, as Napoleon once said,

to counter-attack.

7. Catherine took out various items from the refrigerator, and started to make a

selection of small tea sandwiches.

8. This is a popular place to see and be seen.

9. He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how.

10. It gives me great comfort to think of you.

Б) раскройте скобки и выберите нужную форму инфинитива

1. We got tired of waiting for the weather (to clear) and finally decided (to set) out

in the rain.


2. He made me (to repeat) his instructions (to make) sure that I understood what I

was (to do) after he had gone.


3. I suggest leaving the car here and sending a breakdown van (to tow) it to the



4. She apologized for borrowing my sewing-machine without asking permission

and promised never (to do) it again.

5. I didn't mean (to offend) anyone but somehow I succeeded in annoying them all.

6. He never thinks of getting out of your way; he expects you (to walk) round him.

7. You don't need (to ask) his permission every time you want (to leave) the room.


8. She keeps promising (to visit) us, but she never does.


9. It's much better (to go) to a hairdresser than (to try) (to save) time by cutting

your own hair.


10. I'd rather (to earn) my living by scrubbing floors than (to make) money by

blackmailing people.


В) переведите на английский язык следующие предложения,

Используя инфинитив

1. Здесь опасно купаться.

2. Ему необходимо было немедленно вернуться.

3. Мы договорились встретиться у театра в 7 часов.

4. Доктор не хочет, чтобы я поехал на юг.

5. Ребенок выбежал навстречу матери.

6. Любезно с вашей стороны помочь мне.

7. У вас есть друзья, которые смогли бы вам помочь?

8. Вы не скажете, как пройти к Площади Независимости?


9. Я никогда не видел, как он плавает, но я слышал, что он плавает очень



10. - Ты бы хотела посмотреть телевизор? - Я бы предпочла послушать



А) переведите предложения со сложным подлежащим с

Английского на русский язык

1. There seem to be no objections to their proposal.

2. There proved to be another solution of the problem.

3. There happened to be a surgeon among them.

4. The new professor appears to know this subject very well.

Б) переведите предложения со сложным дополнением с английского

На русский язык

1. We’d like the car to be parked near the office.

2. The parents can’t make their son obey.

3. My aunt saw a little girl approach the house.

4. I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you enter the room.

В) переведите предложения с for-инфинитивным оборотом с

Английского на русский язык

1. The easiest way out is for John not to stay at a hotel but to rent a furnished room.

2. This contract is for you to type and send to our partner.


Необходимые изменения

1. Would you mind (look up) his telephone number?

2. Did you remember (to give/giving) him the key to the safe? — No, I didn’t. I’ll

go and do it now.


3. The manager regrets (to say/saying) that your car was stolen.


4. She was used to (wander/wandering) about the fields by herself.


5. Try (to forget/forgetting) it, it is not worth worrying about.

6. My sister is such a coward! She can’t see horror films because she is afraid (to

meet/meeting) a ghost at night.


7. She couldn’t help (to phone/phoning) her mother when she heard the news.


8. Would you like (come) to the conference devoted to the theatre? — No, thanks.

I like (see) performances but I don’t enjoy (listen) to people talking about it.


9. The mail is supposed (to deliver, delivering) at noon.


10. I expect (to meet, meeting) at the airport by my uncle.


Согласование времен.

Работа с текстом


1. Computer graphics are pictures created, changed or processed by computers. There are two categories.

a) Bitmapped graphics represent images as bitmaps; they are stored as pixels and can become a bit distorted when they are manipulated.

b) Vector graphics represent images as mathematical formulae, so

they can be changed or scaled without losing quality.

2. There are different types of graphics software. Painting and drawing

programs, also called illustration packages, offer facilities for freehand drawing,

with a wide choice of pens and brushes, colours and patterns. Business graphics programs, also called presentation software, let you create pie charts, bar charts and line graphs of all kinds for slide shows and reports. You can import data from a database or spreadsheet to generate the graphs.

3. Desktop publishing (DTP) is based around a page layout program, which lets you import text from a word processor, clip-art (ready-made pictures) from graphics packages, and images from scanners or cameras, and arrange them all on a page. It is used to design and publish books, newspapers, posters, advertisements, etc.

4. Digital art, or computer art, is done with applets that use mathematical formulae to create beautiful bright shapes called fractals. Fractals can be used to model real objects like clouds, coastlines or landscapes. Computer animation uses graphics programs to create or edit moving pictures. Each image in a sequence of images is called a 'frame'. Geographic information systems (GIS) allow cartographers to create detailed maps.


1. Fractals can be used to model real objects like clouds, coastlines or landscapes.

2. Bitmapped graphics represent images as bitmaps.

3. Desktop publishing (DTP) is based around a page layout program, which lets

you import text from a word processor.

4. Illustration packages offer facilities for freehand drawing.

III. Отвечая на вопрос, выберите правильный вариант.

What are fractals?

1. Fractals are used to design and publish books.

2. Fractals are beautiful bright shapes created by applets using mathematical


3. Fractals are called presentation software.

4. Fractals cannot be used to model real objects.

IV. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания


Bitmapped graphics represent …

1. facilities for freehand writing

2. images from scanners or cameras

3. images as bitmaps

4. graphics programs to create moving pictures


1. Блинов М.А. English Grammar Reference-book with Tables and Tests. – Алматы:

Изд-во ИП Волкова, 2011.

2. Hogue A. The Essentials of English: A Writer's Handbook. - London: Longman, 2000.

3. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика английский язык (практическая грамматика). -СПб: Изд-во Каро, 2016.

12. Попова Л.П. Английская грамматика и пунктуация. М.: изд-во АСТ, 2015.



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