OPEN international tournament 

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OPEN international tournament


"ASIA OPEN - 2018"

Grappling and grappling gi

July 28-29, 2018, Astana, Kazakhstan

Goals and objectives

- Promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the development of physical culture and sports, as the directions of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Strategy" Kazakhstan-2050 ";

- further popularization and development of grappling and its direction in the Republic of Kazakhstan as an independent sport;

- Assistance in the mass attraction of the younger generation to systematic studies in physical culture and sports;

- Increase the professional skills of athletes and qualifications of judges in grappling (UWW).


Leadership and organization.

The organization and holding of the tournament is carried out by the Association of Grappling of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

When the tournament is held, the Jury is guided by the rules of the United World of Wrestling (UWW)


Date and place

The tournament is held on July 28-29, 2018, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the city of Astana, SK “ Daulet”, Turan Avenue 4/2

July 28, 2018 (Saturday) - Grappling

July 29, 2018 (Sunday) - Grappling gi


Participants of competitions

Participants are allowed male and female sportsman:

- citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign citizens upon presentation of an identity card, birth certificate or passport (with a transfer for foreign persons);

- not having medical contraindications;

- having a valid insurance policy;

- All athletes must submit an official application for participation in the tournament until July 24, 2018.

    The amount of the fee for participation in the tournament to the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan (from 18 years of age and older) is 10,000 tenge for adults until 12:00 on July 20, 2018, after the amount of the contribution is 15,000 tenge; For children (from 6 to 17 years) - 5,000 tenge until 12:00 on July 20, 2018, after the amount of the contribution is 8.000 tenge.

    The amount of the participation fee for participation in the tournament is 25 $ for foreign citizens, for children (from 6 to 17 years) and 40 $ (from 18 years and older) for juniors, adults, veterans is paid in dollars (US).


- Payment can be made by:

1) Through QIWI - a purse to the number +77015280642 for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) During the passage of the credentials commission for foreign citizens.


5. Weight categories:

Novices (2006-2005 years of birth):

Girls and boys:- 27 kg,- 30kg, -34 kg,-38 kg,- 42 kg, - 46 kg, - 46 kg,- 50 kg, - 55 kg, - 60 kg, - 66 kg, - 72 kg, + 72 kg;

Schoolboys/girls (2004-2003 years of birth):

Boys: - 32 kg, - 35 kg,- 38 kg, - 42 kg, - 47 kg, - 53 kg,- 59 kg, - 66 kg, -73 kg, + 73 kg;

Girls: - 30 kg, - 32 kg, - 34 kg, - 37 kg,- 40 kg, - 44 kg,- 48 kg, -52 kg, - 57 kg, + 57 kg;

Cadets (2002-2001  years of birth):

Boys: -39 kg, -42 kg, -46 kg, -50 kg, -54 kg, -58 kg, - 63 kg, - 69 kg, - 76 kg, -85 kg, +85 kg;

Girls: - 36 kg, -38 kg, - 40 kg, -43 kg, - 46 kg, - 49 kg, -52 kg, -56 kg, -60 kg, -65 kg, +65 kg;

Juniors (1999- 2000  years of birth):

Men: - 58 kg, -62 kg, -66 kg, -71 kg, -77 kg, -84 kg, -92 kg, + 92 kg;

Women: - 49 kg, - 53 kg, - 58 kg, - 64 kg, - 71 kg, +71 kg;

Seniors (20 years old and older) (before 1998 year of birth):

Men: - 58 kg, - 62 kg, -66 kg, -71 kg, -77 kg, -84 kg, -92 kg, - 100 kg, +100 kg;

Women: - 53 kg, - 58 kg, -64 kg, -71 kg, +71 kg;

Veterans (35-60 years old)

Men: - 62 kg, - 66 kg, - 71 kg, - 77 kg, - 84 kg, - 92 kg, 100 kg, +100 kg;

Women: -53 kg, -58 kg, - 64 kg, - 71 kg, +71 kg.


6. Outfitting:

- Weightlifting of male athletes is carried out in underwear, with a demonstration in front of the credentials commission of the equipment corresponding to the rules (please read carefully the requirements of the rules regarding equipment).

Outfit Grappling GI: red GI, blue GI.

- Weigh women athletes in shorts and a T-shirt, also with a demonstration of equipment pre-mandate commission.

- In the absence of equipment in accordance with the rules, the athlete is not allowed to participate in the competition.

- In the case of less than 3 participants in the age or weight category, the categories are combined.

- The number of athletes is not limited.


Rewarding the winners

      Winners and prize-winners at the open international championship are awarded with medals, diplomas of corresponding degrees.


Financing Terms

       Expenses related to the organization and conduct of competitions (production of printed products, production of medals, diplomas and certificates, payment to competition judges, rent of a sports hall) - at the expense of the organizer.

Expenses for sending out-of-town teams (travel, meals and accommodation of competitors) are borne by the sending organizations or by the athletes themselves.



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