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Предоставить контрольную работу № 2 для проверки за 1 месяц до начала летней сессии (II семестр).


Предоставить контрольную работу № 2 для проверки за 1 месяц до начала летней сессии (II семестр).

1) Чтобы выполнить контрольную работу №2, необходимо повторить следующий грамматический материал (по учебнику З.И. Буровой - Учебник английского языка для гуманитарных специальностей вузов: Высшее образование. 5-е издание, исправленное. Москва, Айрис Пресс, 2006):

- оборот there is/are (§26, стр.497, §27, стр.499);

-местоимения some, any, no и их производные (§29, стр.499);

- степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий (§58-стр512),

- сравнительные конструкции (§59-стр513).

- глагол to be в Present, Past и Future Simple (по учебнику «Грамматика», Ю. Голицынский, 2010 год,стр.126-131).

-видо-временные формы глагола (Present, Past, Future, в аспектах Simple, Progressive, Perfect) в действительном залоге (§35-стр502, §63-стр515, §67-стр518,§70,71-стр520),

- видо-временные формы глагола (Present, Past, Future в аспектах Simple, Progressive, Perfect) в страдательном залоге (§76,77,80-стр524,525,527),

- образование вопросительных и отрицательных предложений в действительном и страдательном залоге

2) К сессии II семестра также необходимо выполнить следующие грамматические упражнения в рабочей тетради:

По учебнику Ю. Голицынского (издательство КароСпб 2010г) – упр.157 стр.127,упр.159 стр.128, упр.161 стр.130, упр.162 стр.131, упр.164 стр.133,упр.271 стр.229.

По учебнику Буровой (Учебник английского языка для гуманитарных специальностей вузов: Высшее образование. 5-е издание, исправленное. Москва, Айрис Пресс, 2006):

Упр.1 стр.96, упр.1 стр.100, упр.2,3 стр.101, упр.4 стр.102, - упр8-стр118,упр.15,16 стр.149, упр.19 стр.150, упр.23 стр.152, упр30-стр154, упр 4 и 5-стр211; упр11-стр214, упр.7 стр.233, упр.11 стр.234, упр.12 стр.235,упр16-стр237 упр.1 стр.250,упр25-стр260, упр16-стр283, упр1-стр295,- упр2(б)-стр313, упр8-стр314, упр1-стр338,упр5-стр339, упр1-стр362.

3) В рабочей тетради необходимо письменно перевести, выписав в словарь незнакомее слова с транскрипцией, следующие печатные тексты из методических рекомендаций:

Our Time-Table, At the Lesson, We Study at VGIK – стр 29,

A Few Words about Education in Russia - стр30,

The Perm State Institute for Arts and Culture – стр.33,

Cultural Institutions in Perm –стр.39, и подготовить их чтение.

4) Используя лексико-грамматический материал текстов подготовить (написать и уметь рассказать устно) следующие темы:

About Myself and My Studies at the Institute for Arts and Culture.

The Perm State Institute for Arts and Culture.

Cultural Institutions of Perm.

5) Выучить по карточкам устно и письменно неправильные глаголы с 11 по 25 из таблицы на стр. 23.

К сессии III семестра необходимо:

1) Выполнить контрольную работу №3, прислать в деканат заочного отделения ПГИИК за 1 месяц до сессии. Для выполнения контрольной работы необходимо повторить по учебнику Буровой (Учебник английского языка для гуманитарных специальностей вузов: Высшее образование. 5-е издание, исправленное. Москва, Айрис Пресс, 2006):следующий грамматический материал:

- видо-временные формы глагола (Present, Past, FutureProgressive, Perfect) в действительном залоге (§35-стр502, §63-стр515, §67-стр518,§70,71-стр520),

- видо-временные формы глагола (Present, Past, FutureSimple, Progressive, Perfect) в страдательном залоге (§76,77,80-стр524,525,527),

А также самостоятельно изучить по этому же учебнику следующий грамматический материал:

- неличные формы глагола: инфинитив, причастие, герундий (§82,86,87,88,91-стр528-531,532-535), отглагольное существительное (§90-стр534).

- сложное дополнение и сложное подлежащее (§92-95-стр535-538),

- модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты (§48,66-стр507 и 517),

- модальные глаголы с перфектным инфинитивом (§100-стр542),

2) После изучения материала выполнить следующие грамматические упражнения из учебника Буровой в рабочей тетради:

- упр8-стр393,упр1-стр419;

- упр 8-стр424;упр 11А – стр 427;

- упр 6-стр173, упр20-стр257;

- упр9-стр451.

3) В рабочей тетради необходимо письменно перевести, выписав в словарь незнакомее слова с транскрипцией, следующие печатные тексты:

From the History of the Bolshoi Theatre

At the Bolshoy

The Perm State P. I. Tchaikovski Opera and Ballet Theatre

Music in Britain,

Andrew Lloyd Webber

George Balanchine. Mini Biography.

Эти тексты нужно уметь читать и переводить устно, используя словарь.

4) Используя лексико-грамматический материал текстов, подготовить (написать и уметь рассказать устно) следующие темы:

My Favourite Theatre.

Famous British Composers

My Favourite Choreographer

5) Выучить по карточкам 40 неправильных глаголов (устно).

Требования к экзамену (III семестр):

I) Письменный экзамен: перевод текста со словарем: 1000 знаков за 45 мин.

II) Устный экзамен:


1) Беседа по темам:


My Studies at the Institute

Cultural Institutions in Perm

My Favourite Theatre.

Famous British Composers

My Favourite Choreographer

2)Рассказать устно 40 неправильных глаголов

3) Прочесть профессионально-ориентированный текст без словаря и рассказать его по-русски.

Устный экзамен можно сдать в творческой форме: концерт, состоящий из песен, исполняемых на английском языке или драматизация спектакля, содержащего музыкальные фрагменты.

Приложение 1: Контрольные работы

Контрольная работа № 1

I. Напишите предложения, вставив нужный артикль, где необходимо. Дайте перевод получившихся предложений.

1.... Thames is... short river. 2.... Russia is washed by... Arctic Ocean in... north. 3. Kiev is to... south of... Moscow. 4.... Europe is... continent. 5.... Moscow is... capital of... Russia. 6. Is... Asia... island or... continent? 7.... Black Sea is in... south of our country. 8.... White Sea is in... north of our country. 9. This is... map of... world. What can you see on... map? What... colour are... val­leys on... map? 10. Petrov is... architect. He is... experienced architect. He is in... Far East. He has... wife. His wife is... typist. They have... son and... daughter. 11.... Philippines are situated to... southeast of... Asia.

II. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. This phone in the office is out of order. 2. That blouse is made of silk. 3. This is an excellent paint­ing. 4. His book is very popular and it really inter­ests me. 5. It's a difficult word to write. 6. My son is a journalist and he has been very successful. 7. This purse isn't made of leather. 8. That is my neighbour's car. 9. Has he got a camera? 10. It's a new cassette recorder. 11. This room is very large. 12. There is a match in the box.

III. Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания и предложения, употребляя притяжательный падеж и переведите получившиеся предложения.

1. The toy of the dog. 2. The skateboard of that man. 3. The songs of the children. 4. The umbrella of my grandmother. 5. The room of my friend. 6. The questions of my son. 7. The wife of my broth­er. 8. The table of our teacher. 9. The poems of Pushkin. 10. The voice of this girl.

IV. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple и переведите получившиеся предложения.

1. What... your name? — My name... Shirley Frank. 2. What... your address? — My address... 175 Grand Central Parkway. 3. What... your phone number? — My phone number... 718-1930. 4. Where... you from? — I... from New York. 5. I... a pupil. 6. My father... not a teacher, he... a scientist. 7.... your aunt a doctor? — Yes, she.... 8.... they at home? — No, they... not at home, they... at work. 9. My brother... a worker. He... at work. 10.... you an engineer? — Yes, I....

V. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present Simple.

1. Как тебя зовут? — Меня зовут Аня. 2. Ка­кой твой адрес? — Мой адрес: Оксфорд Стрит, 45. 3. Откуда ты родом? (... приехала?) — Я из Лон­дона. 4. Кто он (на фотографии)? — Это мой отец. 5. Как его зовут? — Его зовут Джон. 6. Где он? — Он в Лондоне. 7. Я Лена, а это Коля. Он мой брат. Ему 10 лет, а мне 12 лет. Мы из Петербурга. 8. Я ученик. Я в школе. 9. Мой брат — художник. Он не инженер. 10. Моя сестра на работе. Она врач. 11. Он студент. 12. Вы студент? — Нет, я врач.

VI. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы.

I have a one-room flat in this block because I am not married. My flat is small. A friend of mine is married, that's why he has a four-room flat in the same block of flats. His flat is large and very comfortable. My friend's name is Petrov. He is a worker at a big plant. He is forty-five years old. Petrov's family is large. There are six people in it — his parents, his wife and his children — a son and a daughter. His son's name is Nick. He is a little boy. He is only six. Nick is ill today, that's why he is in bed. His daughter's name is Ann. She is a student. She is at the Institute now.

Petrov's wife and mother are housewives. They are always very busy because they have a lot of things to do about the house.

Petrov's father is a worker at the same plant. He is sixty-seven years old, but he is not a pensioner. He is full of life and energy and he is fond of his work.

Вопросы к тексту:

  1. Where does Petrov have a flat?
  2. What kind of flat does he have?
  3. How many members are there in Petrov’s family?
  4. Why is Nick in bed?
  5. Where is Ann?
  6. What is Petrov’s wife busy with?
  7. What is Petrov’s father fond of?

Контрольная работа № 2

Контрольная работа № 3

II. Переведите предложения.

1. I am often invited to the theatre.

2. He is often seen there.

3. He helps me with my work. I am often helped with my work.

4. She is liked by everybody.

5. Tom was offered an interesting job.

Excursion about the Theatre

Good afternoon. I would like to tell you about the building of the Perm State Academic Opera & Ballet theatre. Look at it. The building is rather empressive, isn't it? It was designed & constructed in 1879 by the architect Karvovsky. In 1965 it was named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, as he was born not far from Perm in the Udmurt town of Votkinsk. And it is Perm that is the nearest city to it to have an opera house. Another reason is that all Tchaikovsky's operas & ballets were staged here. And now let’s enter the theatre.

Follow me through the entrance hall to the cloak-room. You may leave your hats & coats in the cloak-room. Don’t forget to take a pair of opera glasses. And now we pass on to the foyer.

Now we open the door leading to the hall. Here you see rows of seats near the stage that are called orchestra stalls, behind them come the stalls and then the pit. On both sides you see the boxes, then higher up the dress circle, balconies and a gallery. The usher will show us to our seats if we have any difficulty in finding them.

And now let's go to the theatre museum. On the stands you can see the actors’ costumes. There are many things which are connected with the performances. The photographs and pictures of the most famous actors of the theatre and stories about the history of the theatre are on the stands.

Speaking about the history of our Opera House we often connect it with the name of the Dyagilev’s family of the 19-th century. They did a lot for the development of arts in our city. The theatre was constructed thanks to the money donated by the Perm citizens. The Dyagilevs were among the first contributors. Sergei Dyagilev was a great theatergoer and a fantastic spectator.

During the years of the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 the Perm stage accepted the Lelingrad Opera & ballet theatre.

The third bell is ringing and we must go to the hall. Follow me.

Did you enjoy the performance? Thank you for your attention, good bye.


Приложение 2: Тексты

II семестр.


We are first-year students of the Actor’s Department. We are busy for 8 or 10 hours almost every day, because we have rehearsals in the afternoon after classes, even our day off. Our time-table is rather convenient. We have theoretical subjects in the morning and special subjects after the lunch break. Our classes are over at half past four, but on Fridays we have lectures till 7 o’clock in the evening.

At the lesson.

1. It is 9 o’clock in the morning. The professor comes into the classroom. The music lesson begins. One student goes to the piano. He opens the sheet music. He begins to play a sonata by Beethoven. He plays well. The professor listens to the student. He likes this music. He wants to teach his student to play the sonata very well. He sometimes stops the students and shows how to play this or that passage in it. The student listens to his teacher attentively.

2. Henry is a bad student. He doesn’t come to the lectures in time. He doesn’t like to study at all. He doesn’t do his homework every day. At the lessons he doesn’t listen to the teacher attentively. He doesn’t look at the blackboard, he looks at the window. He doesn’t know many simple things and he doesn’t understand the lectures. He doesn’t work hard.

We study at VGIK.

My friends and I study at the cameramen’s department of the Cinema Institute. We learn to make films. We study many subjects. Our professors teach the students how to make documentary and feature films. We study many theoretical subjects and we learn to do practical work. We learn to shoot and cut our films. Our students usually do all the creative and technical work during the production of their short films. The teachers criticize our work when we make mistakes and they are glad when we make progress. We know that the film studios of our country need good film-makers. We understand it very well and try hard to master our profession.

III семестр.

At the Bolshoy

BROWN: Look, who’s there! Hello, Mr Ivanov!

IVANOV: Hello, Mr Brown! It’s a small world! May I introduce you to my wife, Mr Brown? … Mary, this is Mr Brown, my old business friend.

MARY: How do you do, Mr Brown.

BROWN: How do you do, Mrs Ivanov. It’s a pleasure to meet you. …Well, a wonderful ballet, isn’t it?

MARY: Yes, it’s an excellent production.

BROWN: Who is the director?

MARY: I don’t know, but the scenery and costumes are beautiful.

BROWN: The cast is very good too. Who is dancing the main part tonight?

MARY: Maksimova. She is very popular. And what’s on at London theaters?

BROWN: Well, a bit of everything, you know. … Oh, here’s the bell! Let’s go to the hall. What are your seats?

MARY: We have seats in the dress circle. Where’s yours?

BROWN: Mine’s in the stalls.

IVANOV: Let’s meet after the performance, shall we?

BROWN: Yes, sure. We can have a drink together in the nearest café.


Look, who's there! О, кого я вижу; It's a small world! Мир тесен!; May I introduce... Позвольте представить...; It's a pleasure to meet you. Рад с вами познакомиться; excellent ['eksələnt] отличный; production постановка; director режиссер; scenery ['si:nəri] декорации; costumes костюмы; cast [ka:st] состав исполнителей; a bit of everything всего понемногу; here's the bell! звонок!; dress circle бельэтаж; the stalls [sto:lz] партер; to have a drink выпить


Music in Britain

In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries English musicians had a great reputation in Europe, both for their talent and for their originality. It was their experiments in keyboard music which helped to form the base from which grew most of the great harpsi­chord and piano music. William Byrd was the most distinguished English composer of this time, and his name is still widely known.

In the centuries which followed, England produced no composers of world rank except for Purcell in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and Elgar in the twentieth century. Today, however, many people believe that there has been a reflowering of English music, and that the compositions of some contemporary compos­ers will live on after their deaths. The music of Michael Tippett, Benjamin Britten and William Walton is performed all over the world.

Benjamin Britten was not modern in the musical sense of the word, but he was modern in his attitude towards his public. He has been called a 'people's composer' because he composed music, particularly operas and choral works, that can be sung by ordinary people and by children. Some of his operas, such as Noyes Fludde (Noah's Flood) are performed in churches every year, and people from the surrounding area sing and act in them. The festival which he started in his little home town, Aldeburg, on the North Sea coast of Suffolk, has become one of the most important musical festivals in Europe. Benjamin Britten's music, however, is traditionally compared with the works of many of the younger generation of composers.

The music of composers like Peter Maxwell Davies, Richard Rodney Benett, John Tavener, and Andrew Lloyd Webber are having considerable influence and popularity abroad. It is significant that Richard Rodney Benett is a very fine trumpeter and once played the piano in a jazz band. The dividing lines between serious music on the one hand and jazz, pop and folk music on the
other, are becoming less and less clear, and the influence that they are having on one another is increasing. Many twentieth-century British composers, including Vaughan Williams, Tipettand Britten have been attracted and influenced by old English folk songs. Most musicals of Andrew Lloyd Webber, like Jesus Christ Superstar, Cats, The Phantom of the Opera, Evita, Sunset Boulevard are still hits staged in the best theatres of England, the United States and other countries.



Musical theatre

Musical theatre is a form of theatre combining music, songs, spoken dialogue and dance. The emotional content of the piece – humor, pathos, love, anger – as well as the story itself, is communicated through the words, music, movement and technical aspects of the entertainment as an integrated whole. Since the early 20th century, musical theatre stage works have generally been called simply, " musicals ". Musicals are performed all around the world. They may be presented in large venues, such as big budget West End and Broadway theatre productions in London and New York City, or in smaller Fringe Theatre, Off-Broadway or regional productions, on tour, or by amateur groups in schools, theatres and other performance spaces. In addition to Britain and North America, there are vibrant musical theatre scenes in many countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia. Some famous musicals include Show Boat, Oklahoma!, West Side Story, The Fantasticks, Hair, A Chorus Line, Les Misérables, The Phantom of the Opera, Rent, and The Producers.

Definitions: the three main components of a musical are the music, the lyrics, and the book. The book of a musical refers to the story of the show – in effect its spoken (not sung) lines; however, "book" can also refer to the dialogue and lyrics together, which are sometimes referred to (as in opera) as the libretto (Italian for “little book”). The music and lyrics together form the score of the musical. The interpretation of the musical by the creative team heavily influences the way that the musical is presented. The creative team includes a director, a musical director and usually a choreographer. A musical's production is also creatively characterized by technical aspects, such as set, costumes, stage properties, lighting, etc. that generally change from production to production (although some famous production aspects tend to be retained from the original production, for example, Bob Fosse's choregraphy in Chicago). The 20th century "book musical" has been defined as a musical play where the songs and dances are fully integrated into a well-made story, with serious dramatic goals, that is able to evoke genuine emotions other than laughter. The material for musicals is often original, but many musicals are adapted from novels (Wicked and Man of La Mancha), plays (Hello, Dolly!), classic legends (Camelot), historical events (Evita) or films (The Producers and Hairspray). On the other hand, many familiar musical theatre works have been the basis for musical films, such as The Sound of Music, West Side Story, My Fair Lady, Beauty and the Beast and Chicago. India produces numerous musical films, referred to as "Bollywood" musicals, and Japan produces Anime-style musicals. Another recent genre of musicals, called "jukebox musicals" (Mamma Mia!), weaves songs written by (or introduced by) a popular artist or group into a story – sometimes based on the life or career of the person/group in question

Andrew Lloyd Webber

Andrew Lloyd Webber, Baron Lloyd-Webber (born 22 March 1948) is an English composer of musical theatre, the elder son of William Lloyd Webber and also the brother of the renowned cellist Julian Lloyd Webber. Lloyd Webber started composing at the age of six and published his first piece at the age of nine.

Lord Lloyd-Webber has achieved great popular success, with several musicals that have run for more than a decade both in the West End and on Broadway. He has composed 13 musicals, a song cycle, a set of variations, two film scores, and a Latin Requiem Mass. He has also gained a number of honours, including a knighthood in 1992, followed by a peerage, seven Tony Awards, three Grammy Awards, an Academy Award, an Emmy Award, seven Olivier Awards, a Golden Globe, and the Kennedy Center Honors in 2006. Several of his songs, notably "I Don't Know How to Love Him" from Jesus Christ Superstar, "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina" from Evita, "Memory" from Cats, and "The Music of the Night" from The Phantom of the Opera have been widely recorded and were hits outside of their parent musicals. His company, the Really Useful Group, is one of the largest theatre operators in London.

Producers in several parts of the UK have staged productions, including national tours, of Lloyd Webber's musicals under licence from the Really Useful Group.

Приложение3: Tаблица неправильных глаголов.

Infinitive (V1) Past Simple (V2) Past Participle(V3) перевод
1 be was/were been быть, находиться
2 begin began begun начинать
3 become became become становиться
4 break broke broken ломать
5 bring brought brought приносить
6 build built built строить
7 buy bought bought покупать
8 come came come приходить
9 do did done делать
10 have had had иметь
11 drink drank drunk пить
12 eat ate eaten есть
13 find found found находить
14 get got got получать,добираться
15 give gave given давать
16 go went gone ходить
17 know knew known знать
18 learn learnt learnt учить, узнавать
19 leave left left оставлять,покидать
20 let let let позволять
21 lose lost lost терять,проигрывать
22 make made made делать
23 mean meant meant значить
24 meet met met встречать, знакомиться
25 pay paid paid платить
26 put put put класть
27 read read read читать
28 say said said сказать
29 see saw seen видеть
30 send sent sent посылать
31 speak spoke spoken говорить
32 sit sat sat сидеть
33 spend spent spent проводить
34 stand stood stood стоять
35 take took taken брать
36 teach taught taught преподавать
37 tell told told рассказывать
38 think thought thought думать
39 understand understood understood понимать
40 write wrote written писать




  1. Бурова З.И. Учебник английского языка для гуманитарных специальностей вузов, М.: Айрис-пресс, 2006.
  2. Либерман Н. И. Английский язык для вузов искусств. М.: Высш. шк. 1989.
  3. Голицынский Ю. Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. – 6-е изд., – СПб.: КАРО, 2010.
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org


Предоставить контрольную работу № 2 для проверки за 1 месяц до начала летней сессии (II семестр).

1) Чтобы выполнить контрольную работу №2, необходимо повторить следующий грамматический материал (по учебнику З.И. Буровой - Учебник английского языка для гуманитарных специальностей вузов: Высшее образование. 5-е издание, исправленное. Москва, Айрис Пресс, 2006):

- оборот there is/are (§26, стр.497, §27, стр.499);

-местоимения some, any, no и их производные (§29, стр.499);

- степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий (§58-стр512),

- сравнительные конструкции (§59-стр513).

- глагол to be в Present, Past и Future Simple (по учебнику «Грамматика», Ю. Голицынский, 2010 год,стр.126-131).

-видо-временные формы глагола (Present, Past, Future, в аспектах Simple, Progressive, Perfect) в действительном залоге (§35-стр502, §63-стр515, §67-стр518,§70,71-стр520),

- видо-временные формы глагола (Present, Past, Future в аспектах Simple, Progressive, Perfect) в страдательном залоге (§76,77,80-стр524,525,527),

- образование вопросительных и отрицательных предложений в действительном и страдательном залоге

2) К сессии II семестра также необходимо выполнить следующие грамматические упражнения в рабочей тетради:

По учебнику Ю. Голицынского (издательство КароСпб 2010г) – упр.157 стр.127,упр.159 стр.128, упр.161 стр.130, упр.162 стр.131, упр.164 стр.133,упр.271 стр.229.

По учебнику Буровой (Учебник английского языка для гуманитарных специальностей вузов: Высшее образование. 5-е издание, исправленное. Москва, Айрис Пресс, 2006):

Упр.1 стр.96, упр.1 стр.100, упр.2,3 стр.101, упр.4 стр.102, - упр8-стр118,упр.15,16 стр.149, упр.19 стр.150, упр.23 стр.152, упр30-стр154, упр 4 и 5-стр211; упр11-стр214, упр.7 стр.233, упр.11 стр.234, упр.12 стр.235,упр16-стр237 упр.1 стр.250,упр25-стр260, упр16-стр283, упр1-стр295,- упр2(б)-стр313, упр8-стр314, упр1-стр338,упр5-стр339, упр1-стр362.

3) В рабочей тетради необходимо письменно перевести, выписав в словарь незнакомее слова с транскрипцией, следующие печатные тексты из методических рекомендаций:

Our Time-Table, At the Lesson, We Study at VGIK – стр 29,

A Few Words about Education in Russia - стр30,

The Perm State Institute for Arts and Culture – стр.33,

Cultural Institutions in Perm –стр.39, и подготовить их чтение.

4) Используя лексико-грамматический материал текстов подготовить (написать и уметь рассказать устно) следующие темы:

About Myself and My Studies at the Institute for Arts and Culture.

The Perm State Institute for Arts and Culture.

Cultural Institutions of Perm.

5) Выучить по карточкам устно и письменно неправильные глаголы с 11 по 25 из таблицы на стр. 23.

К сессии III семестра необходимо:

1) Выполнить контрольную работу №3, прислать в деканат заочного отделения ПГИИК за 1 месяц до сессии. Для выполнения контрольной работы необходимо повторить по учебнику Буровой (Учебник английского языка для гуманитарных специальностей вузов: Высшее образование. 5-е издание, исправленное. Москва, Айрис Пресс, 2006):следующий грамматический материал:

- видо-временные формы глагола (Present, Past, FutureProgressive, Perfect) в действительном залоге (§35-стр502, §63-стр515, §67-стр518,§70,71-стр520),

- видо-временные формы глагола (Present, Past, FutureSimple, Progressive, Perfect) в страдательном залоге (§76,77,80-стр524,525,527),

А также самостоятельно изучить по этому же учебнику следующий грамматический материал:

- неличные формы глагола: инфинитив, причастие, герундий (§82,86,87,88,91-стр528-531,532-535), отглагольное существительное (§90-стр534).

- сложное дополнение и сложное подлежащее (§92-95-стр535-538),

- модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты (§48,66-стр507 и 517),

- модальные глаголы с перфектным инфинитивом (§100-стр542),

2) После изучения материала выполнить следующие грамматические упражнения из учебника Буровой в рабочей тетради:

- упр8-стр393,упр1-стр419;

- упр 8-стр424;упр 11А – стр 427;

- упр 6-стр173, упр20-стр257;

- упр9-стр451.

3) В рабочей тетради необходимо письменно перевести, выписав в словарь незнакомее слова с транскрипцией, следующие печатные тексты:

From the History of the Bolshoi Theatre

At the Bolshoy

The Perm State P. I. Tchaikovski Opera and Ballet Theatre

Music in Britain,

Andrew Lloyd Webber

George Balanchine. Mini Biography.

Эти тексты нужно уметь читать и переводить устно, используя словарь.

4) Используя лексико-грамматический материал текстов, подготовить (написать и уметь рассказать устно) следующие темы:

My Favourite Theatre.

Famous British Composers

My Favourite Choreographer

5) Выучить по карточкам 40 неправильных глаголов (устно).

Требования к экзамену (III семестр):

I) Письменный экзамен: перевод текста со словарем: 1000 знаков за 45 мин.

II) Устный экзамен:


1) Беседа по темам:


My Studies at the Institute

Cultural Institutions in Perm

My Favourite Theatre.

Famous British Composers

My Favourite Choreographer

2)Рассказать устно 40 неправильных глаголов

3) Прочесть профессионально-ориентированный текст без словаря и рассказать его по-русски.


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