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Приложение 1: Контрольные работы Контрольная работа № 1 I. Напишите предложения, вставив нужный артикль, где необходимо. Дайте перевод получившихся предложений. 1.... Thames is... short river. 2.... Russia is washed by... Arctic Ocean in... north. 3. Kiev is to... south of... Moscow. 4.... Europe is... continent. 5.... Moscow is... capital of... Russia. 6. Is... Asia... island or... continent? 7.... Black Sea is in... south of our country. 8.... White Sea is in... north of our country. 9. This is... map of... world. What can you see on... map? What... colour are... valleys on... map? 10. Petrov is... architect. He is... experienced architect. He is in... Far East. He has... wife. His wife is... typist. They have... son and... daughter. 11.... Philippines are situated to... southeast of... Asia. II. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число. 1. This phone in the office is out of order. 2. That blouse is made of silk. 3. This is an excellent painting. 4. His book is very popular and it really interests me. 5. It's a difficult word to write. 6. My son is a journalist and he has been very successful. 7. This purse isn't made of leather. 8. That is my neighbour's car. 9. Has he got a camera? 10. It's a new cassette recorder. 11. This room is very large. 12. There is a match in the box. III. Перефразируйте следующие словосочетания и предложения, употребляя притяжательный падеж и переведите получившиеся предложения. 1. The toy of the dog. 2. The skateboard of that man. 3. The songs of the children. 4. The umbrella of my grandmother. 5. The room of my friend. 6. The questions of my son. 7. The wife of my brother. 8. The table of our teacher. 9. The poems of Pushkin. 10. The voice of this girl. IV. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple и переведите получившиеся предложения. 1. What... your name? — My name... Shirley Frank. 2. What... your address? — My address... 175 Grand Central Parkway. 3. What... your phone number? — My phone number... 718-1930. 4. Where... you from? — I... from New York. 5. I... a pupil. 6. My father... not a teacher, he... a scientist. 7.... your aunt a doctor? — Yes, she.... 8.... they at home? — No, they... not at home, they... at work. 9. My brother... a worker. He... at work. 10.... you an engineer? — Yes, I.... V. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в Present Simple. 1. Как тебя зовут? — Меня зовут Аня. 2. Какой твой адрес? — Мой адрес: Оксфорд Стрит, 45. 3. Откуда ты родом? (... приехала?) — Я из Лондона. 4. Кто он (на фотографии)? — Это мой отец. 5. Как его зовут? — Его зовут Джон. 6. Где он? — Он в Лондоне. 7. Я Лена, а это Коля. Он мой брат. Ему 10 лет, а мне 12 лет. Мы из Петербурга. 8. Я ученик. Я в школе. 9. Мой брат — художник. Он не инженер. 10. Моя сестра на работе. Она врач. 11. Он студент. 12. Вы студент? — Нет, я врач. VI. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы. I have a one-room flat in this block because I am not married. My flat is small. A friend of mine is married, that's why he has a four-room flat in the same block of flats. His flat is large and very comfortable. My friend's name is Petrov. He is a worker at a big plant. He is forty-five years old. Petrov's family is large. There are six people in it — his parents, his wife and his children — a son and a daughter. His son's name is Nick. He is a little boy. He is only six. Nick is ill today, that's why he is in bed. His daughter's name is Ann. She is a student. She is at the Institute now. Petrov's wife and mother are housewives. They are always very busy because they have a lot of things to do about the house. Petrov's father is a worker at the same plant. He is sixty-seven years old, but he is not a pensioner. He is full of life and energy and he is fond of his work. Вопросы к тексту:
Контрольная работа № 2 I. Вставьте some, any, no или их производные. Переведите предложения. 1.Are there... cinemas or theatres in your town? – There aren’t... cinemas – but there is a theatre festival in summer. 2. Is there... for young people – a zoo, interesting museums? – I’m sorry there is... zoo in our town. But there are... museums,... discos and every three weeks there is a rock concert for young people here. 3. Have you... relations? – No, I haven’t..., I have... relations. 4. Has she...nephews or nieces? – She has... nephews. 5. She has... sisters, she has only brothers. 6. Do you know... about Chinese art? II. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного. Переведите предложения. 1. Her eyes are (grey) than mine. 2. He was the(fat) man in the village. 3. As he went on, the box became (heavy) and (heavy). 4. My sister is the (tall) girl in her class. 5. Who is the (attentive) student in your group? 6. It is autumn. Every day the air becomes (cold), the leaves (yellow). 7. This is the (beautiful) view I have ever seen in my life. 8. Your handwriting is now (good) than it was last year; but still it is not so (good) as Nick's handwriting. Nick has a (good) handwriting than you. And of course Nellie has the (good) handwriting of all. III. Вставьтеглагол to be в Present, Pastили Future Simple. 1.The students... in the Russian Museum. 2. Last month they... in the Hermitage. There... an interesting exhibition there. 3. In two weeks they... in the Tretyakov Gallery. They... lucky. 4. My father... a teacher. 5. He... a pupil twenty years ago. 6. I... a doctor when I grow up. 7. My sister... not... at home tomorrow. 8. She... at school tomorrow. 9.... you... at home tomorrow? 10.... your father at work yesterday? 11. My sister... ill last week. 12. She... not ill now. IV. Определите в каждом предложении видо-временную форму глагола-сказуемого и переведите данные предложения: 1) Ann told me that she had seen an interesting film. 2). The room was cleaned and aired. 3) She showed me a picture which had been painted by her husband. 4) They were being taught drawing at that lesson. 5) When I came home, mother had already cooked dinner. 6) Nick was told to go home at once. V.Перепишите предложения, выбрав нужную форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге. Переведите предложения. 1. Water (cover) most of the Earth’s surface. 2. The park gates (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening. 3. The letter (post) a week ago and it (arrive) yesterday. 4. While I was on holiday, my camera (steal) from my hotel room. 5. While I was on holiday, my camera (disappear) from my hotel room. 6. The boat hit a rock and (sink) quickly VI. Переведите текст письменно. The Great Waltz “The Great Waltz” is an old American film about the life and music career of Strauss. The director of the film is Duvivier. This film-maker is the author of many commercial films. They say that among his films there are many original productions. “The Great Waltz” is one of his popular films. The action takes place during the bourgeois revolution of 1848 in Vienna. In the opening scenes we see young Straus at the beginning of his career. He works as a clerk at a bank and writes waltzes instead of financial documents during his working day. He dreams to become a musician. Suddenly his chief learns about it and Strauss loses his job at the bank but he is not sorry about it all. He is even glad, because he still hopes to be a success as a musician. He decides to become a professional composer and conductor. Soon he organizes his own little orchestra of amateur musicians. His orchestra plays his waltzes and performs at restaurants and in parks. Little by little his waltzes become very popular not only among simple people but also in the palaces. There is a love-story in the film too. At the beginning of his music career Strauss marries a lovely girl Poldy. She becomes his wife, and his real friend. She believes in his talent and tries to help him. But when Strauss becomes a popular composer, he meets a brilliant opera-singer Carla Donner. They fall in love with each other. FernandGravet as Strauss gives a vivid portrayal of a modest and promising musician. M. Corius as the opera-singer is very attractive, her voice is strong and full of charm. As usual Duvivier uses excellent actors. I think it is an excellent film. VII. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста: 1. What is the name of American film about Strauss? 2. Where does the action of the film take place? 3. What was Strauss at the beginning of his career? 4. What does Strauss organize? 5. What music does this orchestra play? 6. Is there a love-story in the film? 7. Who plays the role of Strauss? 8. Did you see this film? Контрольная работа № 3
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