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Consider a data set of 100 items. Which of the following is a search algorithm (are search algorithms) that could possibly examine 25 items in this set before succeeding?Содержание книги
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Linear search (a) I only Consider the following C++ code fragment. for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { If body executes in constant time, then the asymptotic running time that most closely bounds from above the performance of this code fragment is Consider the following definition of a recursive function f. bool f(int x) The value returned by the call f(x) will determine whether the input x is Consider the following C++ function that uses a divide and conquer approach to calculate the sum of a range of numbers. int sum(int i, int j) { int power(int b, int e) Asymptotically in terms of the exponent e, the number of calls to power that occur as a result of the call power(b,e) is for(int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { If body executes in constant time, then the asymptotic running time that most closely bounds from above the performance of this code fragment is for(int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { If body executes in constant time, then the asymptotic running time that most closely bounds from above the performance of this code fragment is for(int i = 1; i < n; i *= 2) body; If body executes in O(1) time, then the asymptotic running time that most closely bounds the code fragment above is Consider the following code fragment. for(int i = n; i > 0; i /= 2) body; If body executes in O(1) time, then the asymptotic running time that most closely bounds the fragment is template<class T> void sort(T a[], int n) {... } For a given sorting algorithm S, which of the following is true about using this outline to implement S? template<typename A, typename B> template<typename T> void swap(T& a, T& b){ swap(i1, c2) try { template<typename T> class Array {... } template<typename T> void swap(T& a, T& b){ class Base { public: int x; private: int y; }; class Derived: public Base { public: int z; }; Derived D; Under these declarations, which of the following statements, if any, will fail to compile? (c) D.y = 555;
Consider the following partial C++ template class definition. template<typename T> class Array { public: T& operator[](int i) {return arr[i];}... private: int len; T *arr; }; Which of the following is a (are) correct template instantiation(s)? I.Array<int> A; II.Array<double> A; III.Array<Array<int> > A; (d) I, II, and III Consider the following template swap function and data types. template<typename T> void swap(T& a, T& b){ T tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } char c1, c2; int i1, i2; float A[10]; Which of the following calls to swap produces a compile time error? I.swap(i1, c2) II.swap(c1, i2); III.swap(A[5], A[2]); (b) I and II deque<int> numbers; vector<int> A(10); int f(int x) For which inputs x will the call f(x) terminate? vector<int> A(10,20); int f(int n) The value returned by the call f(10); is int ff(int n) If n > 0, what is returned by ff(n)? Consider the following definition of a recursive function ff in C++. int ff(int n, int m) class string { vector<Thing> A(10); string str1("Hello, World"); stack<int,vector<int> > S; Execution of the statement results in creation of which of the following? list<int> A(10,20); Which of the following accurately describes what is created? Insert element with value 3 The next element removed from this queue will have which of the following values? list<int>::iterator it; The code segment will not serve the intended purpose because Consider the following C++ program segment, which uses the STL. stack<int> X; for(it = L.begin(); it!= L.end(); ++it) Execution of this fragment has the effect of D Decomposition of a problem involves which of the following? queue provides support for iterators, whereas deque does not.
Each of the following is a basic C++ type except
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