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Increased sodium reabsorption, increased aldosterone production


4. Decreased sodium reabsorption, increased aldosterone production

5. Increased permeability of capillary wall


34. Which changes in this urine analysis according to Zimnitski are typical for renal diseases: relative density varies in the scope of 1007 – 1009; daily diuresis – 600 ml, nocturnal dieresis – 200 ml, diurnal diuresis – 800 ml.

1. Polyuria

2. Hypersthenuria

3. Hyposthenuria

4. Anuria

5. Oligouria


35. Indicate pathological signs in urine analysis according to Zimnitski: relative density varies in the scope of 1015 – 1029; daily diuresis – 450 ml, nocturnal dieresis – 550 ml, diurnal diuresis – 1000 ml.

1. Anuria

2. Hyposthenuria

3. Isosthenuria

4. Nocturia

5. Polyuria


36. Rehberg's test allows evaluating:

1. Number of leukocytes in urine

2. Urine amount

3. Value of glomerular filtration

4. Concentration ability of kidneys

5. Number of cylinders in urine


37. Color of urine in macrohematuria:

1. 'Meat slops'

2. Pale-yellow

3. 'Beer color'

4. Colorless

5. Greenish


38. Proteinuria is

1. Presence of leukocytes in urine

2. Presence of erythrocytes in urine

3. Presence of oxalates in urine

4. Presence of protein in urine

5. Presence of phosphates in urine


39. In oliguria the number of urine excreted daily is less than:

1. 1000 ml

2. 800 ml

3. 700 ml

4. 600 ml



40. Hematuria is:

1. Presence of leukocytes in urine

2. Presence of erythrocytes in urine

3. Presence of oxalates in urine

4. Presence of protein in urine

5. Presence of phosphates in urine


41. In the development of renal edemas plays a role the following:

1. Decreased proteins synthesis

2. Vitamin C deficiency

3. Hypoproteinemia +

4. Hyperproteinemia

5. Hyperkaliemia


42. In the mechanism of edemas development in nephrotic syndrome, the following plays a role:

1. Decreased permeability of capillary wall

2. Decreased hydrostatic pressure of blood plasma

3. Increased oncotic pressure of blood plasma

Decreased oncotic pressure of blood plasma

5. Potassium ions retention in blood and tissues


43. In the mechanism of edemas development in acute nephritic syndrome, the following plays a role:

1. Decreased permeability of capillary wall

2. Decreased hydrostatic pressure of blood plasma

Increased permeability of capillary wall

4. Potassium ions retention in blood and tissues

5. Increased hydrostatic pressure of blood plasma


44. Clinical signs of renal edemas syndrome:

1. Appearing on legs

2. More pronounced in the evening

Appearing on face

4. Cold by touch

5. Cyanotic


45. Laboratory sign of nephrotic syndrome:

1. Hyperbilirubinemia

2. Hypocholesterolemia


4. Hyperalbuminuria

5. Leukocyturia


46. Renal arterial hypertension syndrome develops as a result of:

1. Decreased aldosterone level

2. Activation of rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system

3. Activation of prostaglandin system

4. Potassium retention in the body

5. Increased kallikrein-kinin system function


47. Clinical sign of chronic renal failure, detectable in the examination:

1. Dilatation of subcutaneous veins

2. Hemorrhages, traces of scratches on the skin

3. Diffuse cyanosis

4. Xanthomas, xanthelasmas

5. Palmar erythema


48. Laboratory sign of chronic renal failure:

1. Increased kreatinine blood level

2. Decreased kreatinine blood level

3. Hypokaliemia

4. Hypoglycemia

5. Hyperalbuminemia


49. In nephritic syndrome the urine is:

1. Pale yellow

2. Black

3. Color of 'meat slops'

4. 'Beer-colored'

5. Greenish


50. Laboratory sign in chronic renal failure:

Increased urine blood level

2. Decreased kreatinine blood level

3. Hypokaliemia

4. Hypoglycemia

5. Hyperalbuminemia


51. Rehberg's test in chronic renal failure syndrome allows evaluating:

1. Number of leukocytes in urine

2. Amount of urine

3. Concentration ability of kidneys

Value of glomerular filtration

5. Urine color


52. Signs of which syndrome are: eyelids edemas, skin paleness, hypoalbuminemia, hypercholesterolemia, normal kreatinine blood level?

1. Chronic renal failure

2. Acute renal failure

3. Urinary syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome

5. Renal arterial hypertension


53. Evaluate the urine analysis according to Nechiporenko: leukocytes – 2000, erythrocytes – 3000, cylinders – 20.

1. Leukocyturia


3. Cylindruria

4. Oxalathuria

5. Piuria


54. Evaluate the urine analysis according to Nechiporenko: leukocytes – 4500, erythrocytes – 1000, cylinders – 15.

1. Oxalathuria

2. Piuria


4. Hematuria

5. Cylindruria

Loco-motor system tests


1. Genu varum is:

1. Asymmetric knee joints defiguration

2. Bandy legs +++

3. Baker's legs

4. Symmetric knee joints defiguration

5. Swelling of one knee joint

498. Genu varum это:

Асимметричная дефигурация коленных суставов

2.+О-образные ноги

Х-образные ноги

Симметричная дефигурация коленных суставов

Припухлость одного коленного сустава


2. Range of motions in joints is measured in:

1. centimeters

2. millimeters

3. inches

4. degrees +++

5. minutes


3. Which examination data indicate spinal pathology?

1. Lumbar spine lordosis

2. Thoracic spine kyphosis

3. Lumbar lordosis rectification +++

4. Tommeier's symptom = 0 cm

5. Cervical spine lordosis


4. Which data of joint examination indicate its pathology?

1. Skin temperature above the joint is usual

2. Joint form is preserved

3. Joint defiguration +++

4. There are rotational movements in the joint

5. Movements in the joint are preserved


5. Objective sign of joint pathology:

1. Pain in the joint

2. Increased joint volume +++

3. Movements in the joint in full volume

4. Morning joint stiffness

5. Arthritis in an immediate relative


6. Which sign indicates a joint pathology?

1. Joint form is preserved

2. Movements in the joint are preserved

3. Skin temperature above the joint is usual

4. Skin hyperthermia in the joint area +++

5. There are flexion movements in the joint


7. Goose gait is typical for:

1. Damage of both knee joints

2. Affection of both hip joints +++

3. Lumbar spine affection

4. Affection of one ankle joint

5. Affection of one hip joint


8. Sign of osteoarthritis in physical examination is:

1. Restriction of active movements in a joint

2. Restriction of active movements in specific directions

3. Temporary restriction of joint movement

4. Restriction of active and passive movements in all directions

5. Crunch (rough crepitation) in a joint when examining its movement +++


9. Typical complaint in rheumatoid arthritis:

1. Pains in lumbar spine

2. Restriction of movements in thoracic spine

3. Fever 39ºС

4. Morning stiffness +++

5. Movements in a joint are preserved


10. Typical complaint in gouty arthritis:

1. Severe pain in 2nd and 3rd proximal interphalangeal joints of hands

2. Morning stiffness

3. Starting pain

4. Restriction of movements in lumbar spine

5. Severe pain in 1st metatarsophalangeal articulation of foot +++


11. Most typical sign of inflamed joint during examination:

1. Uneven joint defiguration

2. Skin depigmentation above the joint

3. Skin hyperemia above the joint +++

4. Acrocontracture

5. Papular rash in joint area


12. Most typical sign of ankylosing spondylitis to be detected in the examination:

1. Kyphoscoliosis

2. "Applicant's posture"+++

3. Lumbar spine hyperlordosis

4. Scoliosis

5. Knee joints swelling


13. Sign of inflammatory joints affection in biochemical blood test:

1. Increased fibrinogen +++

2. Increased total cholesterol

3. Increased total cholesterol

4. Hyperbilirubinemia

5. Hypoproteinemia


14. In osteoarthrosis patients are mostly bothered by:

1. Arthralgia at rest

2. Arching pain in the joint

3. Starting pain in the joint+++

4. Joint stiffness

5. Edema in the joint area


15. Heberden's nodes are:

1. Thick nodes at dorsal extensor surface of distal interphalangeal joints of hands +++

2. Subcutaneous nodes in the area of extensor tendons

3. Subcutaneous nodes extensor surface of joints

4. Nodes at dorsal extensor surface of proximal interphalangeal joints of hands

5. Subcutaneous nodes in the area of auricles

493. Узелки Гебердена это:

1.+Плотные узелки в тыльно-разгибательной поверхности дистальных межфаланговых суставах кистей

Подкожные узелки в области сухожилий разгибателей

Подкожные узелки на разгибательной поверхности суставов

Узелки в тыльно-разгибательной поверхности проксимальных межфаланговых суставах кистей


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