Complete the words in the right-hand column. 

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Complete the words in the right-hand column.



something which is manufactured p__________
negotiations over pay b__________
to settle or solve (a problem) i_____ o_____
the amount of inflation inflation r____
something asked; a demand c______
work done after normal working hours o____________
to make smaller or shorter r__________
the time worked in a week w_____ w____
wages looked at in terms of their actual buying power are wages in r____ t_____
150% of normal pay time- _________


Fill each gap in the following passage with an appropriate word.


Chemco is a ____ manufacturer of chemical products, employing ____ 10,000 workers. The workers are ____ all members of UCW, the ____ of Chemical Workers, which negotiates ____ and conditions of employment on their _____. There is normally an _____ bargaining session, where pay, holidays,____ of work and other terms ___ employment are ironed ___.

This year there has been a ____ increase in Euro’s inflation ____. Inflation in Euro usually runs ___ 10%, but for various reasons __ has been running at 18% ___ the past three months. For ___ reason, Bob Newstein, the President ___ UCW, has arranged a meeting ___ Paul Scott, the Personnel Manager __ Chemco Ltd.,in order to____ the employees’ claim for a ___ basic rate of pay.

Relations _____ the Union and the management ___ Chemco are good. However, at the ______ union meeting the workers ____ in favour of a demand ___ 20% pay increase. Newstein, _______, has the responsibility to put ____ demand to the Chemco management.



Match the expressions with the function.


Expression Function

Now, I think you’ll agree that…

I feel I ought to say that…

One important point is… persuasion (6)

Well, you must realize that…

Well, you have to admit that…

I think we have to consider…

Yes, but you do realize…

I would like to say here… introducing a point (4)

Yes, but don’t forget that…

I think I should say that…


In your first meeting with your opponent, you will have to provide him with some information. On the left is a list of the points you want to introduce, and on the right is a list of openers you can use to introduce these points.

Choose one of the openers for each of the points.

Points Openers
Inflation is running at 18%. I would like to say that…
Relations between the Union and the management. I think we have to consider that are very good.
Inflation in Euro usually runs at 10%. I would like to say here that…
Chemco employs about 10,000 workers. One important point is…
The workers are demanding a 20%. You should know that pay increase.


Complete this dialogue by inserting a suitable expression.


A: (asking for information) … the workers’ demands?

B: (introducing a point) … they have voted in favour of 20% pay increase.

A: (introducing a point)… that inflation is only 18% at the moment.

B: (persuasion) … that the increase should be higher than the inflation rate because…

A: (interrupting) …. (persuasion)… the company cannot afford this kind of increase.


Information Sharing

You areBob Newstein, the President of the Union of Chemical Workers. You are going to a meeting with Paul Scott, the Personnel Manager of Chemco, in order to find out what he is prepared to offer you. To do this, you will have to listen carefully to what he has to say. You will also have to provide him with the following information:

The demands of Chemco Workers:

1. An increase in the basic rate of 20% for all Chemco Workers. This will mean an increase of 2% in real terms.

2. An extra two days’ holiday for all workers.

3. A reduction in the working week from 40 to 37 hours. (The workers will refuse to work overtime if the working week is not reduced).

4. A guarantee that payment will be linked to the inflation rate in the future. It is probable that inflation will increase further over the next few months, and you want to avoid the workers’ payments go down in real terms.


Find out all you can about the following:

- how much extra pay the company will offer;

- how much extra holiday they will offer;

- whether they are prepared to reduce the working week;

- what they are prepared to offer as a response to inflation.


This is not a bargaining session.Your objective is to find out and give information. You should find out as much as you can from Paul Scott, and then report this information back to your colleagues. You should not try to reach an agreement until after you have discussed the position with your colleagues.



Bob Coles, a Chemco worker, is talking to Fred Smith, a foreman, about the situation at Chemco.


Bob: Morning, Fred.

Fred: Morning.

Bob: What’s this about the management only offering us 8%?

Fred: Well, I don’t know much about it… but you do realize that’s probably all you’re going to get, don’t you?

Bob: Well, I think if we don’t get more than that, there’ll probably be a strike.

Fred: Well, don’t forget that you’re asking for more than just the 20% increase – you’re asking for a shorter working week and more holidays as well.

Bob: Yes, but if we got our 20% increase we probably wouldn’t want so much extra holiday…

Fred: I think we have to consider the company’s position at the moment… we’ve just taken on a new contract and we won’t be able to meet it if everyone gets a shorter working week.

Bob: If we got a shorter working week, then we’d be prepared to work more overtime.

Fred: Well, if you can do more overtime, you don’t need a shorter week, do you?

Bob: Well, look, that really is nonsense. At least you have to admit that we need more money – don’t forget that inflation is running at 18% at the moment… I think you’ll agree that our wages are going to go down in real terms if we don’t get an increase.

Fred: Yes, but one important point is the company’s position at the moment. If the company has to pay higher prices because of inflation, and has to pay higher wages as well, then we’re all going to be in trouble.

Bob: Well, I suppose we’ll have to see what happens at the next meeting.

Fred: Aye.



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