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Semantical Correlation with the Subordinative ConnectionsСодержание книги
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It is easily seen that some coordinative connections are correlated semantically with subordinative connections so that a compound sentence can be transformed into a complex one. E.g.: He was really taken aback so he stopped dead in his tracks. => He stopped dead in his tracks because he was really taken aback. Іn these transformations complex sentences are used as diagnostic models to expose the semantic relations between the coordinate clauses; this is of especial importance for unmarked coordinative constructions [2], e.g.: Follow your heart and you will find peace of mind. => If you follow your heart, you will find peace of mind;the transformation shows that the event in the first clause is the condition for that in the second. This type of sentences often contains repetitions, as in: Have some respect for other people and they will respect you back. => If you have some respect for other people and they will respect you back. The copulative relations between coordinate clauses can be specified as implying that one event is the cause which generated the following event as a consequence. E.g.: He kept on telling dirty jokes and the room burst with indignation. => The room burst with indignation because he kept on telling dirty jokes.; There also can be observed a correlation between complex sentences with adverbial clause of time and some compound sentences: The sun rose slowly over the hill and every living creature woke up. => Every living creature woke up when the sun rose slowly over the hill. In some cases a complex sentence with adverb clause of concession could be transformed into a compound sentence with adversative coordination: Although she was poor, she was always neatly dressed. => She was poor, yet she was always neatly dressed.; Even though he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car. => He had enough money but he refused to buy a new car. By introducing some minor changes into the sentence, it is possible to transform attributive clauses into coordinate ones. This holds true for sentence-relative clauses, as in: The streets were empty, which was unusual for this time of day. => The streets were empty and it was unusual for this time of day. The same goes for non-restrictive relative clauses: The man was squinting at his dog that was chasing the neighbor's cat. =>The man was squinting at his dog and it was chasing the neighbor's cat.; Later that year he settled down in Poland where he spent the last days of his life.=> Later that year he settled down in Poland and there he spent the last days of his life. In complex sentences the subordinate clause modifies in some way one of the sentence members of the principal clause which it refers to. By eliminating the subordinate clause we discard this modification so in many cases we need to insert additional word into a newly transformed sentence so as to save it. In some cases it is necessary to change the word order to render the relations implied by complex sentence by means of coordination: He now hated those people he once cared too much for. => He cared once for those people but now he hated them. Occasionally, the clauses of primary nominal position, namely, object clauses, could be transformed into coordinate clauses: Little did he think that his girlfriend might leave him. => His girlfriend might leave him but little did he think of it. So, according to our findings, not all of the complex sentences could be transformed into compound ones, for the semantic relations they render are often quite complicated. Most easily this transformation goes with adverbial clauses of time, consequence, cause, and concession. It is much less typical for attributive or nominal clauses to be transformed into coordinate clauses although such a possibility exists provided some minor change will take place, as we've explained above. Coordinative connections, as such transformations show, are semantically more general than the connections in complex sentences, which are semantically more discriminatory [8].
It must be noted, though, that the coordinative and subordinative constructions above are not equivalent and coordinative connections are not reducible to subordinative connections.
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