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Possible solutions to exercise 13.↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 19 из 19 Содержание книги
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UNIT III. Possible solutions to exercise 12. When you are handed a key assignment, here are some critical questions to ask yourself to determine if you can do it: - Is this more work than I can handle? The boss may delegate more work than you can handle. Prepare an action plan using your most pessimistic estimates of the time involved in each step of the project. If your deadline is unrealistic, let your boss know right away that you’ll need more time. Point out the conflicts in your work schedule and ask your boss to prioritize your assignments. - Do I understand the assignment? If the boss hasn’t made it clear what is really wanted, the chances of making a mistake are very high. Ask questions until you are clear about your boss’s expectations. Don’t worry about seeming stupid. Use self-disclosure and say, “This may seem like a stupid question, but…”. Ask he boss to write the objectives down. Set up a schedule for regular check-ins with the boss.
-Does the assignment require coordination with other individuals or departments with whom I do not yet have a good working relationship? Do I have access to the equipment, technology, and personnel I’ll need?Make sure you get the authority to accomplish the job, or the assignment will seem impossible. If you’ll need money, computer time, temporary help, or access to confidential records, ask your boss to be specific about how far you should go and how much you should spend. Call suppliers, outside contractors, and professional contracts you’ll be using now. Figure out how to negotiate with – or bypass – anyone that would have a reason to sabotage your work on this project.
UNIT V. Possible solutions to exercise 13. In discipline discussions with an employee, the supervisor points out the unsatisfactory behavior, explains the need for and purpose of the rule or practice that is being violated, and expresses confidence in the employee's willingness and ability to make the necessary changes in behavior. During a discipline discussion the supervisor should be objective in reviewing the situation and give the employee specific examples of the behavior that is causing the problem. The employee should be allowed an opportunity to present his or her own case. The supervisor needs to make sure the employee has a clear understanding of the consequences of his or her behavior. Discipline Discussion 1. Explain specifically what you have observed and why the behavior cannot continue. 2. Request and listen actively to the employee's reasons for the behavior. 3. Ask the employee for ideas on changing the problem behavior and offer your help. 4. Come to an agreement on specific action steps to be taken by each party. 5. Schedule a follow up meeting to check whether the problem has been resolved. 6. Document the meeting, noting date, content action steps agreed upon, and timetables for implementing them. If, after two or three discussions, the employee's behavior has not changed, he or she should be asked to decide if he or she wants to quit or return to the job and abide by the organizational rules and standards. UNIT VI. Exercise 21. Keys to the questionnaire:
13. http://www.public.iastate.edu/scmfaq.html 14. http://www.careersonline.com.au/easyway/res/skill.html 15. http://www.club-mgmt.com/sports/locker.html 16. http://www.ergoweb.com/Pub/Info/Std/fjw.html 17. http://www.altavista.com
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