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Man's greatest problem is himself↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Содержание книги
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Scientists forecasting the future trends of scientific research see the greatest problem facing mankind as mankind himself, its impact on the environment. While some scientists believe that thе future course of science is unpredictable there is growing interest in forecasting the scientific future. The results of research in the next twenty years may exceed the entire previous scientific achievements and the time required for the introduction of scientific ideas is continually being reduced. Thirty years passed before radio was applied on a large scale; transistors became part of our life within three years, while lazer established itself in just two months. Given such rates of development, the choice of the most important and far reaching direction of scientific research takes on special significance. In the former USSR scientific forecasting was increasingly becoming an essential element in research and economic development planning. Fundamental discoveries which speed up scientific and technological progress appear unexpectedly and, according to a majority of scientists, are unpredictable. Yet an analysis of society's economic needs, the logic of scientific development and the concentration of means and efforts in special fields can indicate the areas where new ideas are more likely to appear. Most experts agree that biological science and research into universe as a whole will prove most productive in this respect. Achievements in genetics will make it possible to control the heredity of man as well as of plants and animals. Science brings neither good, nor evil. It merely gives a man a set of instruments, the use of which is up to him or the social system he lives under. Consequently there is a need for greater social responsibility of scientists and for more public control over the activities of those who may utilize superior knowledge for the wrong aim. Interesting is the study of such higher biological phenomena as thinking, memory, emotions. Ultimately these studies will make it possible to greatly increase the intellectual potential of people. The world ocean will play an increasingly important role in the life of mankind. So far oceans proved to be less difficult field for explorers than cosmic space. Scientists believe man will be able to explore the sea's resources to the depth of three quarters of a mile at the very least. The extraction of mineral resources from the sea bed and from sea water-will be industrialized. Specialists in rocket engineering and space research are inclined to think that even our generation will live to see highly efficient industrial facilities, highly powerful stations, astronomical observatories, stationary research centers of various designations and large scale pilot installations working outside the planet Earth. As he extends his knowledge man will increasingly use the achievements of space technology for the solution of earthy problems. How soon these problems will be solved depends on the scope of international cooperation and the pooling of resources and technical achievements. "In the past nature threatened man, now man threatens nature," said the French marine explorer Jacques Cousteau. Surprising as it may seem, today the world is faced with ecological catastrophe. Even today the price we have to pay for the unlimited exploration of natural resources and the pollution of the air and water is rather high. Once the well-known chemist Academician Nesmeyanov was asked the question: "What is your attitude to the problem of purification of the air and water?" "Negative," answered Nesmeyanov. "It is much more important not to pollute them." The greater the level of economic development, the more means need to be spent for the protection of the environment.
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