Exercise 19. Read the dialogue 

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Exercise 19. Read the dialogue


Lorna McCourt, a stockbroker, is consulting with Brian Lowman, an investor in IBM


B: Suppose, the stocks go down by 5 points. How much will I lose?

L: As far as I know, you have about $75,000 invested in IBM and that would be about a $20,000 loss. But that won't happen over the long run, I hope. IBM is going up steadily.

B: But anyway, what would you recommend to make a safer portfolio?

L: Diversify and study the market. Here I have some of the latest reports. You take them and study most thoroughly. You will easily see the direction most companies head to if you do it rather regularly.

B: And could you possibly do it for me?

L: I am a so called discount broker, you know, and I do not usually do that kind of a job. But if...

B: Well, I see, that means some additional payment?

L: Right. Brokers usually get an additional 20 percent for information about the market.

B: That'll suit me. That'll help me to avoid mistakes.

L: That'll be of some help, sure. But you've got to be aware that even the best brokers sometimes perform below average and do not pick a winner every time.

B: You have to run risks if you want to stay in the business, haven't you?


Exercise 20. Make up dialogues of your own


You consult a broker about possible mistakes in the investment policy in order to avoid them. Choose between major techniques of predicting stock market activity


Exercise 21. Translate into English


1. Наиболее надежный способ зарабатывать деньги на фондовом рынке - создать диверсификационный портфель акций. 2. Чтобы преуспеть в бизнесе, инвесторы должны иметь хорошие источники информации. 3. Биржевые брокеры изучают биржевые отчеты и предоставляют инвесторам бюллетени о состоянии капиталов компаний. 4. Брокеры устанавливают дополнительный гонорар за информационное обслуживание. 5. Если инвесторы хотят избежать уплаты высоких брокерских гонораров, они полагаются на собственную финансовую политику. 6. Многие инвесторы становятся экспертами в конкретных отраслях. 7. Простейшая инвестиционная стратегия состоит в выборе надежных "голубых фишек". 8. Главные ошибки инвесторов состоят в неспособности к диверсификации, придании слишком большого значения советам и слухам, в незнании, когда следует продать акции, теряющие в цене. 9. Серьезные инвесторы полагаются на фундаментальный анализ рынка. 10. Они сравнивают текущее финансовое состояние разных компаний в разных отраслях промышленности. 11. "Чартисты" пытаются установить поведение акций. 12. Другие инвесторы выбирают акции наугад.




Fill in the spidergram with the words associated with Petroleum Industry

Key words: hydrocarbon raw materials, gas-bearing territory, exploration,

production of oil and gas, resources, marine shelf, license, geological research, investment capacity.

Discuss the following questions.

1. Do you agree that Russia is one of the leading oil-extracting countries of the world?

2. Where are the largest oil and gas deposits situated in our country?

3. What other oil-producing countries do you know? Where are they located?

4. Do you think that oil and gas industry is very important for Russian economy?

5. In what way does oil and gas industry contribute to the development of Russian economy?


Terms and Vocabulary


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