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Приготовление дезинфицирующих растворов различной концентрации Практические работы по географии для 6 класса Организация работы процедурного кабинета Изменения в неживой природе осенью Уборка процедурного кабинета Сольфеджио. Все правила по сольфеджио Балочные системы. Определение реакций опор и моментов защемления |
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Don't copy the article. Instead, paraphrase. While paraphrasing, use verbs of saying and reporting, e.g.: “the author argues, claims, maintains, states, suggests, etc.” Don't give your opinion. Edit what you write. Check your English grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes. Section 2. Grammar workout
Adverb clauses An adverb clause consists of a connecting word, called an adverb clause marker (or subordinate conjunction), and at least a subject and a verb. An adverb clause can precede the main clause or follow it. When the adverb clause comes first, it is separated from the main clause by a comma. Example: The demand for economical cars increases when gasoline becomes more expensive. When gasoline becomes more expensive, the demand for economical cars increases. In this example, the adverb clause marker when joins the adverb clause to the main clause. The verb clause contains a subject (gasoline) and a verb (becomes). The following markers are commonly used: Examples: Time: Your heart rate increases when you exercise. Time: Some people like to listen to music while they are studying. Time: Some people arrived in taxis while others took the subway. Time: One train was arriving as another was departing. Time: We haven't seen Professor Hill since she returned from her trip. Time: Don't put off going to the dentist until you have a problem. Time: Once the dean arrives, the meeting can begin. Time: Before he left the country, he bought some traveler's checks. Time: She will give a short speech after she is presented with the award. Cause: Because the speaker was sick, the program was canceled. Opposition (contrary cause): Since credit cards are so convenient, many people use them. Contrast: Although he earns a good salary, he never saves any money. Contrast: Even though she was tired, she stayed up late. Condition: If the automobile had not been invented, what would people use for basic transportation? Condition: I won't go unless you do. In structure items, any part of afull adverb clause – the marker, the subject, the verb, and so on – can be missing from the stem. Clause markers with ever: Words that end with -ever are sometimes used as adverb clause markers: whoever, whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, however. In some sentences, these words are actually noun-clause markers. Examples: Put that box wherever you can find room for it. They stay at that hotel whenever they're in Boston. No matter how/ Wqhatever way/However you solve the problem, you'll get the same answer. Reduced adverb clauses When the subject of the main clause and the subject of the adverb clause are the same person or thing, the adverb clause can be reduced (shortened). Reduced adverb clauses do not contain a main verb or a subject. They consist of a marker and a participle (either a present or a past participle) or a marker and an adjective. Examples: When linguists are studying a minority language, they don't neglect its social functions, (full adverb clause). When studying a minority language, linguists don't neglect its social functions, (reduced clause with present participle). Although it had been limited, the regional language was still operational, (full adverb clause). Although limited, the regional language was still operational, (reduced clause with a past participle). Although he was nervous, the lecturer gave a wonderful speech, (full adverb clause) Although nervous, the lecturer gave a wonderful speech, (reduced clause with an adjective). You will most often see reduced adverb clauses with the markers although, while, if, when, before, after, and until. Reduced adverb clauses are NEVER used after because.
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