How do these expressions illustrate the author’s idea that the door the perception of culture has been opened? 

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How do these expressions illustrate the author’s idea that the door the perception of culture has been opened?



Qualify the following questions and statements by marking that you 1/ strongly agree, 2/ agree, 3/ have no opinion, 4/ disagree, or 5/ strongly disagree:

· Men in my country usually expect women to prepare and serve food. __________

· A married man should help around the house, doing cleaning, ironing and cooking. __________

· In my country, it is common for a man to give up his seat to a woman on public transport. __________

· In my country, it is not typical for women to speak their minds and contradict men. __________

· Should both husband and wife contribute to the household income? ___________

· Is it normal “going Dutch” (when each pays half of the costs) when a man and a woman go out? __________

· If a man and a woman are having dinner together, is it OK for the woman to pay the bill? __________

· Is it OK for a man to give a woman a pat on the backside to show he likes her? __________

· Is it proper for a man to hold a door open for a woman? __________

· Whenever a mixed group of people (male/female) come together the men always sit together. __________

· If you are a student at school and you received a mark that seemed not to reflect your knowledge, is it proper to talk to the teacher about it? __________. Is it proper in your country?

· If children do well at school, parents should reward them with a present or pocket money. __________

· Students treat what the teachers and textbooks teach as something final and unquestionable. __________. Do they follow this stereotype in your country?

· Faithfulness is the most important factor for a successful marriage. __________

· In English, the terms stewardess (or steward for men) have been replaced with the gender-neutral term “flight attendant.” ____________. Can you give examples of such changes in your language?

How do your answers qualify Ukrainaians’ ways of thinking, beliefs and values?

Answer the following questions basing on Paragraph 3:

· Does a great majority of Ukrainian citizens have the necessity or opportunity to use English for communication?

· If there is no opportunity to use a language, will the learner’s motivation to learn the language become weaker and eventually disappear?

· Will a language which is not used for frequent communication slowly disappear?

· Does it mean that the teaching and learning of a second language in Ukraine is a waste of time?


Section 2. Grammar workout

Wrong word choice

Word choice errors involve the incorrect use of one word in place of another. The two words may have related forms (other and another, for example) or they may be completely different (do and make, for example).

Descriptions of some of the most common word choice errors are given below:

Wrong choice of make or do

The verb to do is often used in place of to make, and tomake in place of todo. In its basic sense, make means to produce, to create, to construct, while todo means to perform, to act, to accomplish, these verbs are also used in a number of set expressions:

Set expressions with Make:

make advances, make an attempt, make a comparison, make a contribution, make a decision, make a distinction, make a forecast, make a law, make a point, be made of (= be composed of), make up (= compose), make an investment, make a plan, make a prediction, make a profit, make a promise, make an offer, make a suggestion.

To make is also used in this pattern: make + someone +adjective (The gift made her happy.)

Common Expressions with Do:

do an assignment, do business with, do one's duty, do someone a favor, do a job (errand, chore) do research, do one's work.

The auxiliary verb do is used rather than repeat main verbs: (My computer doesn't operate as fast as theirs does.)

Wrong choice of like or alike and like or as

The word alike is incorrectly used in place of like, or like is used in place of alike. These words are used correctly in the following patterns:

Like А, В... Like birds, mammals are warm-blooded.

A, like B,... Birds, like mammals, are warm-blooded.

A is like В... Birds are like mammals in that they are both warm-blooded.

A and В are alike... Birds and mammals are alike in that they are both warm-blooded.

The word like is also sometimes confused with the word as. When like is used in a comparison, it is followed by a noun or pronoun. When as is used in a comparison, it is followed by a clause containing a subject and a verb.

I did my experiment just as Paul did. My results were much like Paul's.

The word as is also used before nouns when it means in place of or in the role of. This is particularly common after certain verbs: serve, function, and use, among others.

The vice-president served as president when the president was sick

Wrong choice of other or another

Another means "one more, an additional one." It can be used as an adjective before a singular noun or alone as a pronoun.

He needs another piece of paper.

I have one class in that building and another in the building across the quadrangle.

An understudy is an actor who can substitute for another actor in case of an emergency.

Other is used as an adjective before a plural noun. It is also used as an adjective before a singular noun when preceded by a determiner such as the, some, any, one, no, etc. It can also be used alone as a pronoun when preceded by a determiner.

There are other matters I'd like to discuss with you.

One of the books was a novel; the other was a collection of essays.

There's no other place I'd rather visit.

Wrong choice of because/because of, despite/inspite of or although, when/while or during

Certain expressions, such as because, are adverb clause markers and are used only before clauses, other expressions, such as because of, are prepositions and are used before noun phrases or pronouns.


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