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1) to be available ___ irrigation; 2) the distance of water table ___ the surface; 3) to be planted __ rows; 4) to be flooded ___ a few hours ___ a time; 5) to plant seeds ___ the ridges ___ the furrows; 6) to seep ___ the ridges; 7) to be mounted ___ the ground;8) to become popular ___ the development of plastic; 9) to force water ___ a pipe ___ nozzles; 10) to distribute water ___ the crops ___ a spray; 11) ___ most cases; 12) to move ___ a farm ___ one’s own power; 13) to have openings ___ points corresponding ___ the location of the plant; 14) to trickle ___ the emitters ___ the soil; 15) to make it ideal ___ areas ___ small water supply.
Read the following text and choose the right forms of the missed words (they are given below the text). Providing artificial drainage Under many conditions, water drains from soil 1)______. However, a flood or heavy rain can cause excess water 2) ______ in soil. An efficient water 3) ______ system provides for the artificial drainage of excess water. When land 4) ______ too much water, the water table rises almost to the level of the ground surface, and the soil becomes 5) ______. Most plants need air in the soil, as well 6) _____ water. Pores (air spaces) in soil 7) ______ provide air. However, 8) ______ of saturated soil are filled with water. Farmers 9) ______ water from soil through underground drains or by means of ditches. Underground drains are made 10) _____ pipe or hollow tile. They have 11) ______ openings that allow water to enter but keep soil out. Drainage ditches cost less to build than underground drains, but they are expensive 12) ______. They also interfere with 13) _______ of workers and machines. Some drainage systems return water to irrigation channels for 14) ______. Most irrigation water contains small amounts 15) _____ soluble salts. These salts remain in the soil, whether crops use the water or it 16) ______ from the surface of the ground. Excess salts 17) ______ reduce or prevent plant growth. For example, certain salts react 18) _______ with soil particles to change the structure of soil. Such a change can 19) ______ the movement of air and water through the soil. In addition, salts injure some plants and compete 20) _______ roots for water in soil. Farmers remove excess salts from soil by 21) _______ (flushing) the soil with water. Leaching applies 22) _______ water to soil to move salts away from the roots of plants. But if the land 23)_______ a good drainage system, leaching may result in saturated soil. In addition, 24) _______ leaching may not remove enough salt In the Southwestern United States, some land that 25) _______ is now of limited use for agriculture because of a build-up of salt.
Fill in the words listed below. Sources of Fresh Water Surface water is water on the 1) ______of the earth, such as in streams, rivers, and 2) ______. It is the chief source of water used for 3) ______. Surface water comes mostly from 4) ______and snow. Rain water flows from land into streams and rivers. Great quantities of snow 5) ______on highlands and mountains during 6) ______. In spring, the snow melts and runs off into surface 7) ______. In many parts of the world, engineers build dams across rivers to 8) ______water in artificial lakes. These lakes 9) ______as reservoirs that hold water until it is needed for irrigation or some other 10) ______. Ground water is stored 11) ______the earth's surface in spaces between rocks, grains of sand, and other 12) ______in soil. Water fills these spaces as it moves down through the soil. The water eventually 13) ______a layer of rock or of a soil material that it cannot 14) ______. The ground above this layer becomes a saturated area called 15) ______. Other sources contribute little to the total amount of water 16) ______for irrigation. In the Negev Desert of Israel, farmers conserve 17) ______and use it to irrigate their fields. In some other areas, farmers use water from 18) ______ to irrigate certain crops. Ocean water can be used for irrigation if the 19) ______is removed. However, the cost of removing the salt and pumping the water 20) ______is extremely high.
Translate into English. Орошение (ирригация) — подвод воды на поля, испытывающие недостаток влаги, и увеличение её запасов в корнеобитаемом слое почвы в целях увеличения плодородия почвы. Орошение является одним из видов мелиорации. Орошение улучшает снабжение корней растений влагой и питательными веществами, снижает температуру приземного слоя воздуха и увеличивает его влажность. К основным способам орошения относится: § полив по бороздам водой, подаваемой насосом или из оросительного канала; § разбрызгиванием воды из специально проложенных труб; § аэрозольное орошение — орошение мельчайшими каплями воды для регулирования температуры и влажности приземного слоя атмосферы; § подпочвенное (внутрипочвенное) орошение — орошение земель путем подачи воды непосредственно в корнеобитаемую зону; § лиманное орошение — глубокое одноразовое весеннее увлажнение почвы водами местного стока; § дождевание — орошение с использование самоходных систем.
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