Simens introduces the modular Venturio 

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Simens introduces the modular Venturio

Siemens has developed a new type of train for inter-city and inter-regional

passenger services called Venturio. The main feature of this train is its fully modular design, that is the train is built using modules. It is known that a module is a part having a standard shape and size, used in building, making furniture or even vehicles.

The new Venturio train family is based on a single modular platform. It has been designed to incorporate tilting equipment and will operate at speeds of between 160 km/h and 250 km/h in diesel-electric or emu form.

The length of the trains is likely to vary between three and seven (or even nine) cars. The units will be able to operate on lines electrified at 25 kV ac, or 15 kV ac, or 3 kV dc. They can also be built as multi-system versions.

The modularity of the design extends to the interior furnishing which can include business facilities, upgraded seats and passenger information systems. The seats will include air conditioning for increased passenger comfort during the journey.

All the trains will be supplied with standardized spare parts. Siemens says that modularity combined with the use of proven design technology will ensure low maintenance costs. Testing of the trains will be carried out at the manufacturer’s own test center at Wildenrath, Germany.

1. З’єднайте ліву колонку A з правою B так щоб завершити речення. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.


1) The new Venturio train is based on … a) business facilities, upgraded seats and passenger information systems.

2) The train can operate in … b) spare parts.

3) The length of the train is between … c) 160 km/h and 250 km/h.

4) This train can run at … d) three and nine cars.

5) Interior furnishing of the train can include e) the manufacturer’s own centre.

6) All the trains will be supplied with f) diesel-electric or emu form.

7) Testing of the trains will be carried out at g) a single modular platform.

2. Дайте відповіді на запитання у письмовій формі.

1. What company has developed a new type of train? What is its name? 2. What services will this train be used for? 3. What design is this train based on? 4. Does this train incorporate tilting equipment? 5. What speed can this train reach? 6. Is the length of the new Venturio train changeable? What does it mean? 7. Will this train operate on ac or dc electrified lines? 8. What can you say about the interior furnishing of the cars? 9. Will the train be supplied with spare parts? 10. Where will testing of the trains be carried out?

3. Використавши відповіді вправи 2 розкажіть про новий потяг англійською мовою.

Unit 3

Main elements of freight cars construction

I.Essential vocabulary

a variety [vəʹraɪətiː] різноманітність

a make up [meɪk ʌp] конструкція

a draft gear [drɑ:ft ɡɪə] поглинаючий апарат

a body [ʹbɑdi] кузов

a brake [breɪk] гальмо

a stress [stres] напруження

a connection [kəʹnekʃən] з’єднання

a coupler [ʹkʌplə] щеплення

a coupler rigging [ʹkʌpləʹrɪɡɪŋ] нерухоме щеплення

a truck [trʌk] вагонетка

a center sill [ʹsentəʹsɪl] хребтова балка

motion [ʹmoʊʃən] рух

a framework [ʹfreɪmˌwərk] остов, каркасна стіна

an underframe [ʹʌndəʹfreɪm] підрамник

a carrying capacity [ʹkæriːɪŋ kəʹpæsətiː] вантажна ємність, об’єм

a drawback [ʹdrɔbæk] перешкода

a rot [rɔt] гниття

a disadvantage [ˌdɪsədˈvɑ:ntɪdʒ] недолік

an alloy [ʹæˌlɔɪ] сплав

a lettering [ʹletərɪŋ] надписи

resistance [riʹzistəns] опір

smoothness [ʹsmu:ðnis] гладка поверхня


to apply [əˈplaɪ] застосовувати

to adjoin [əʹdʒɔɪn] прилягати

to comprise [kəmʹpraɪz] містити в собі

to compose (of) [kəm ʹpoʊz(əv)] складатися

to ensure [inʹʃʊə] забезпечувати

to retard [rɪʹtɑ:d] затримувати

to rest on [rest ɔn] спираться

to rust [rʌst] іржавити

to print [ʹprɪnt] друкувати

to protect [prəʹtekt] захищати

to withstand [wɪθʹstænd] витримувати

irrespective [ɪrɪʹspɛktɪv] незалежно

an artificial [ɑ:tiʹfiʃəl] штучний

II. Прочитайте та перекладіть.


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