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Gathering the Information: An InterviewСодержание книги
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You have been given bio-sheets to fill out and bring back to class. First you will exchange bio-sheets with a classmate/interview partner that I will designate. Then you will take the bio-sheet home and develop an interview schedule. You may use some of the information from the bio-sheet to develop a list of questions to interview a classmate in order to reduce uncertainty, and to become familiar with the interviewing process. You will interview your classmate and be interviewed by your classmate in the next class and introduce each other on another day. The purpose of the interview is to find out particular and interesting information about that individual so that you can introduce him or her to the class. Your partner will interview you for the same purpose. Since you will be introducing each other to the class, finding out about your partner's hometown, major field of study, hobbies and interests, and similar kinds of information will be important. In addition, you will need to find out something valuable, important, or unique about that individual. Your goal is to go beyond a list of information and provide an interesting description of your classmate. Your interview schedule will include an opening, a body with at least 10 open questions, and a closing. You will record the information (field notes) gathered from your interview with your classmate and develop an outline based on the information you would like to share with our class about your interviewee. You will then share the information with our class in the form of a brief but memorable presentation on another day.
Organizing the Information After the interviews are complete, organize your information from the particulars (name, major, hometown, etc.) to the general description of something unique, special, or important about the individual you are introducing. Remember to include that person's name in your opening and closing remarks. You will receive a handout to help you outline your introduction of your partner. You will be presenting from an outline of your information. Delivering the Speeches of Introduction As you practice your delivery, remember that you are asking your classmates to greet or welcome the uniqueness of your partner. You want your classmates to remember his or her name and something particular and /or unique about that individual--So your tone of voice, your energy and your enthusiasm must suggest these qualities. THE BIO-SHEET: The following questions are asked in order to gather some initial information about you. The more I know about you, the easier it will be for me to tailor this class to your interests and needs. The information will also be used by your classmate who will interview you, and introduce you to our class. The more information you provide your interviewer the easier it will be for your interviewer to develop an interview schedule (you will all be interviewers and interviewees– Please fill out this bio-sheet in detail, and bring this back to class on the next class meeting). Name: ________________________________ Phone #:_________________________ Email: ___________________ Where do you live? __________________ How long have you lived in Khabarovsk? ________ How long have you attended FESTU_____ Date of birth (0ptional): ____________________ Where have you previously lived (if applicable)? ____________________________________ What is/are your Major area(s) of study? __________________________________________ Why is this your Major area of study? ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Educational Background: Schools Attended (Other Universities/colleges & High Schools) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Why did you take this class (other than because it may be required)? ____________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List 3 goals you want to accomplish in this class this semester. ________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Define “Quality Work:” ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What Grade do you plan on receiving for your accomplishments and efforts in this class? A B C D How will you achieve your desired grade? _________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List any previous public speaking you have done, or will do (other than in this class) ______ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rate your enjoyment of public speaking on the following scale (Circle one number -- 1 = loathe, despise, avoid it at all costs; 10 = savor every moment of it, can’t get enough of it, you look forward to the next time you can speak in public): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 What would be your least favorite public speaking situation? _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What would be your most favorite public speaking situation? ________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What days and times during the week are you free to have group meetings? _____________ __________________________________________________________________________ (Over) Role Model (Briefly describe a special person who has had an impact on your life, and why): __ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Community/Campus Activities: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ List your Hobbies/Interests/Extracurricular activities: ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Current employment& work experience:_ _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ At what do you consider your self to be an “expert” (i.e., what are you good at doing, or knowledgeable/passionate about)? ____________ ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ What could you competently inform our class about? ________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Supplemental Information (Include travel, special skills, talents, awards, accomplishments, and unique areas of knowledge): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Finish This Sentence: The qualities I look for in a good public speaker are... ____________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Which of the above qualities do you possess? _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
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