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На материале умк дом VIII класса школ с углублённым изучением английского языка В. Н. Богородицкой и л,в. Хрусталевой↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 7 из 7 Содержание книги
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План урока № 1 Тема: Health, Sports and Pastimes. Сюжет: How to Keep Fit. Цели урока: Практические; к концу урока учащиеся должны научиться: • использовать НЛЕ в высказываниях по теме; • извлекать информацию из текста для чтения; • составлять монологические высказывания с опорой на прочитанное; • составлять творческие монологические высказывания по теме. Общеобразовательные: • расширение общего кругозора; • развитие филологического кругозора. Воспитательные: • воспитание любви к спорту и здоровому образу жизни; • воспитание внимательности, самостоятельности, трудолюбия. Развивающие: • развитие языковой и речевой догадки; • развитие памяти, мышления, воображения. Языковой материал: новый - regular(ly), to go in for sports, to care for sports, track-and-field events, competition, championship, tournament, record, to train hard, to achieve good results, to stay away from (PT lessons), to take part in, to participate; для повторения - to be / keep / feel fit, cycling, badminton, football, basketball, tennis, etc. Речевой материал: микротексты из упр. 19, стр. 38. Оснащение урока: карточки с ЛЕ, РО, картинки. Ход урока I. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности на английском языке. 1. Приветствие. Good afternoon. Nice to see you. Sit down, please. How are you? T~P1,P2,P3,... 2. Сообщение темы урока. T: At the previous lesson we spoke about health, sports and pastimes. Today we'll discuss a very important problem: how to keep fit. We'll speak about your favourite kinds of sport too. 3. Фонетическая зарядка. Т: Today we'll learn two new sayings about health. Ex. 15, p. 37. Снятие трудностей - имитативно-аналитический способ [q]. 4. Речевая подготовка. Вопросно-ответное упражнение по теме. Т: Do you do morning exercises? Do you feel fit after them? Do morning exercises help you to be fit? Are you fit? What do you do to keep fit? T-P1,P2,P3,... П. Введение нового лексического материала. 1. Ориентирующее замечание учителя. Boys and girls, you know that sport is a very important part of our life. It helps us to be fit and healthy. Today we are going to speak about sport in our life and to learn new words on the topic. Listen to me carefully and try to understand the meaning of new words and word combinations. 2. Раскрытие значений новых лексических единиц и их фонетическая If you want to be fit, you to go in for sports Did you get what it means? Let's say it altogether, (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) A lot of people care for to care for sport, (беспереводный, толкование на АЯ) It means "A lot of people like sport". Did you get it? People, who care for sport, regularly go in for sports regularly. (беспереводный, опора на родной язык) It's not difficult to guess the meaning of the
word. Let's pronounce it altogether. The stress is on the 1st syllable: regular, regularly, to go in for sports regularly. (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) Jumps and races belong to track-and-field events It means they belong to athletics. Please, repeat after me. (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) If a person goes in for sports to achieve good results regularly he achieves good (беспереводный, контекст) results. What does the word combination mean? Let's say it altogether; to achieve, to achieve good results, (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) If a sportsman achieves good to take part / particip ate is used after these verbs. Let's pronounce them altogether: to take part, to take part |n a sporting event, to participate, to participate in a sporting event, (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) Sportsmen take part in championship championships. (беспереводный, опора на родной язык) Did you get what it means? Now say after me: championship, world championship, (хоровая отработка) A competition is also a kind competition of sporting event. (беспереводный, контекст) "Competition" is a noun from the verb "to compete" which means "соревноваться". Say after me, please: competition, (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) Sporting events are tournament championships, competitions (беспереводный, контекст, доп. контекст) Wimbledon. What does it mean? The letter-combination "our" is read as [u]. Repeat the word after me: tournament, chess tournament, tennis tournament, (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) Every sportsman dreams to to set a record set a record. (беспереводный, опора на родной язык) Did you get what it means? Mind that the preposition "in" is used after the word combination. Let's pronounce it altogether: to set a record, to set a record in swimming, to set a record in cycling, (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) Every sportsman dreams to to break a record break an existing record. (беспереводный) And what is the synonym for "to set a record"? Let's say it altogether: to break a record, to break a record in swimming, (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) One should train hard to set to train hard a record. (беспереводный, контекст) Now repeat after me: to train hard, (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) 3. Фонетическая отработка всех НЛЕ. 4. Контроль понимания НЛЕ. 5. Первичная автоматизация НЛЕ в вопросно-ответном упражнении. ОЗУ: Now that you know the new words, please answer my questions: Do you care for sport? Do you go in for sports regularly? What kind of track-and-field events do you know? When did you take part in a competition / championship / tournament last time? Did you achieve good results? Would you like to set a world record? What should you do to achieve good results? etc. III. Отработка ранее введённого языкового материала и овладение видами
речевой деятельности- А. Развитие умений монологической речи на основе текста. 1. ОЗУ: Now we are going to read 3 short texts at p. 38, ex. 19. Two boys and a girl tell us about their attitude to sport. Let's read the texts out loud and after that be ready to answer my questions on the text. 2. Чтение текстов и вопросы учителя по основному содержанию каждого текста. 3. Ex. 19 b, p. 39. 4. Итог. Т: You have just read about the pupils' attitude to sport. I hops that now you can express your idea about sport as well. Б. Упражнение в развитии умений диалогической речи. 1. ОЗУ: Work in pairs. Ask your partner about his or her attitude to sport. Try to find out as much as possible asking such questions as "Do you like sport? Why? How often do you go in for sports? What kind of sport do you go in for?" and others. Exchange your opinions. Use the new words on the topic. 2. Контроль диалогической речи. Boys and girls, your time is up. You are welcome to present your dialogues. Pl-P2fP3-P4,P5--P6,... 3. Итог. Т: So, you've just talked about your attitude to sport. I hope, the IV. Заключительный этап. 1. Сообщение и объяснение домашнего задания. At home make up a story "Sport in my life". Use the new words. The texts from ex. 19 p. 38 are to help you. 2. Подведение итогов работы на уроке и сообщение отметок. I like the way you've worked today. Your marks are... 3. Организованный конец урока. The lesson is over. See you tomorrow. План урока №2 Тема: Health, Sports and Pastimes. Сюжет: Sports and Fans. Цели урока: П рактические: к концу урока учащиеся должны научиться: • использовать НЛЕ в высказываниях по теме; • использовать ранее введенных ЛЕ в ситуациях; • составлять творческие высказывания по теме; • передавать основное содержание услышанных рассказов по теме. Общеобразовательные: в развитие общего кругозора; • развитие филологического кругозора. Развивающие: • развитие языковой догадки; • развитие памяти, мышления, воображения. Воспитательные: «воспитание любви к спорту и здоровому образу жизни; • воспитание внимания, умения слушать друг друга; • развитие умений работы в паре, в группе. Языковой материал: новый - goal, goalkeeper, (to) score, to defeat, to attend, spectator, enthusiast / enthusiasm / enthusiastic. для повторения - ранее введенные ЛЕ по теме "Sport" Оснащение урока: карточки с ЛЕ, РО, картинки. Ход урока I. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности на английском языке. 1. Приветствие. 2. Сообщение целей. 3. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка. Have you done your morning exercise today? Do you feel fit now? Do you go in for sports regularly? Do you take part in school competitions? Do you achieve good results? II. Отработка ранее введенного языкового материала и овладение ВРД. 1. Проверка домашнего задания. ОЗУ: Today we'll continue speaking about sports. First of all I want you to talk about sports in you life. Now turn to each other and tell your partner your stories. I give you 5 minutes. 2. Выполнение (PI «-* P2). 3. Развитие монологической речи на основе услышанных рассказов. ОЗУ: Now tell me what you have learnt about your friends. 4. Итог. Т: Thank you, I've leant a lot about you. I'm glad that you go in III. Введение НЛЕ. 1. ОЗУ: As far as I know, football is very popular among schoolboys. Some time later we are going to speak about football and football matches. For this you'll need some new words that you are going to learn now. Listen to me attentively and try to guess the meaning of new words. 2. Раскрытие значений НЛЕ и их фонетическая отработка (НЛЕ - на When playing football, you a goal aim for goals. (беспереводный, опора на род. язык) Pay attention to the pronunciation of the word. The letter-combination "oa" is read as [ou]. Let's say it altogether, (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) A goalkeeper is the most important player in a team, a goalkeeper (беепереводный, опора на род. язык) Did you get the meaning of the word? Say after me: goalkeeper, a good goalkeeper, the goalkeeper of the team. (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка)
The team won with a score of lto3. score (беспереводный, контекст) Repeat after me: a score, a score of 1 to 3. (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка)
The team scored a goal at last and won the game.
to score a goal (беспереводный, контекст, опора на род. язык) I hope you have got the meaning of the word combination. Let's pronounce it. (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка)
When you win a game, it means you defeat the other team. to defeat (беспереводный, контекст, синоним) Pay attention that the verb is always used with a direct object. Say after me, please: to defeat, to defeat an enemy, to defeat a team, (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) If you are a sports fan but you don't play yourself, you attend a sporting event, to attend (беспереводный, контекст, синоним) It means you come and watch a sporting event. Repeat after me: to attend, to attend a match, to attend a game, (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка)
A lot of spectators came to the stadium to watch the match because they are real fans. a spectator (беспереводный, контекст) Pay attention to the stress in the word "spectators", Let's pronounce it altogether: spectator, a lot of spectators. (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) Spectators were full of enthusiasm / enthusiast / enthusiastic enthusiasm to see the game of (беспереводный, опора на род. язык) their favourite players. I'm sure you got the meaning of the word. Pay attention to the stress in the word "enthusiastic". Let's say it altogether: enthusiasm, enthusiast, enthusiastic, enthusiastically, to be full of enthusiasm, (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) 3. Первичная автоматизация НЛЕ в вопросно-ответном упражнении. Who is the best goalkeeper in our country? Have you ever scored a goal? How many goals did your team score? What was the score? Did you defeat the other team or were you defeated? Do you like to attend football matches? Are there a lot of spectators at the stadium? Do you shout enthusiastically to cheer your favourite players? 4. Итог. Т: Now you know the meaning of the new words and you ' pronounce them correctly. I want you to remember them. ГУ*. Упражнения на закрепление НЛЕ, повторение ранее введённых ЛЕ и развитие монологической речи. 1. ОЗУ: Now we are going to speak about football and a boy whose name is Peter. He is a great sports enthusiast. Every sports event seems very exciting to him. Peter dreams of becoming a sporting reporter and has begun to write his first articles. Open your books at p. 41, ex. 28, There are three pictures there. I will divide you into three groups. Every group must describe a picture. Use the words you've learnt today. You have 5 minutes for that. 2. Выполнение. 3. Презентация. (Представитель от каждой группы описывает картинку, другие дополняют.) 4. Итог. Т: It's nice that you've listened attentively to each group. It will be easy for you to make up the whole story on the three pictures. V. Заключительный этап. 1. Сообщение и объяснение домашнего задания. At home make up a story about Peter and the football match. 2. Подведение итогов работы на уроке и сообщение отметок. 3. Организованный конец урока. План урока №3 Тема: Health, Sports and Pastimes. Сюжет: Sports and Fans (продолжение). Цели урока: Практические; к концу урока учащиеся должны научиться: # использовать ранее введенные ЛЕ в речи; • составлять монологические и диалогические высказывания по » должны усвоить форму, значение и употребление новых грамматических явлений. Общеобразовательные: * развитие общего кругозора; «развитие филологического кругозора. Развивающие:
* развитие языковой догадки; * развитие памяти, мышления, воображения. • воспитание любви к спорту и здоровому образу жизни; • воспитание внимания, умения слушать друг друга; Языковой материал: новый - to suggest that somebody should do something; to offer something, to offer to do something; для повторения - ранее введенные ЛЕ по теме "Sport". Оснащение урока: грамматическая схема на доске, карточки с ЛЕ и РО. Ход урока I. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности на английском языке. 1. Приветствие. 2. Сообщение целей. 3. Речевая зарядка. How are you today? Did you go in for sports at Hie weekend? What did you do? H, Отработка ранее введенного языкового материала и овладение различными видами речевой деятельности. 1. Проверка домашнего задания. 2. Развитие диалогической речи. ОЗУ: You've just listened to a story about Peter who is going to be a sporting reporter. I'm sure, some of you dream of becoming reporters too. So, make up a dialogue between Peter and a player (or a spectator) before the beginning of a game or a competition. Discuss the sporting event, the players; express your expectations of the results of the game. Use the words and word combinations you learnt at the previous lessons. I give you 5 minutes. 3. Подготовка 4. Презентация диалогов. Boys and girls, your time is up. You are welcome to present your dialogues. 5. Итог. T: Thank you, I liked your dialogues. I hope you'll: be good III. Введение нового лексико-грамматического материала. 1. ОЗУ: Now listen to me carefully and try to understand me correctly. Now we are going to speak about the verbs "to offer" and "to suggest". Do you know these verbs? How are they translated? Right, they both mean "предлагать". And what's the difference between the two verbs? So, let's open the books at p. 43 and read the information about them. 2. Проверка понимания. 3. Отработка нового материала в подстановочных и трансформационных упражнениях (ex. 33,34 а, 34 Ь, р. 44). Ex. 34 b. Report the conversations. Use "suggest that somebody should do something". Ex. 34 c. Say whether you prefer attending the competitions to watching them on television. Give reasons for your answer. 4. Тренировка новых грамматических структур и овладение What will you suggest / offer your friend if he comes to your place but he is feeling fit for nothing? 5. Итог. Т: Now you know the difference between these verbs and I hope IV. Заключительный этап, 1. Сообщение и объяснение домашнего задания. 2. Подведение итогов работы на уроке и сообщение отметок. 3. Организованный конец урока. План урока № 4 Тема: Health, Sports and Pastimes. Сюжет: Going in for Sports. Цели урока: Практические; в ходе урока учащиеся научатся: • использовать НЛЕ в высказываниях по теме; • использовать ранее введенных ЛЕ в речи; • составлять монологические высказывания по теме на основе серии картинок и речевых опор. Общеобразовательные: • развитие общего кругозора; • развитие филологического кругозора. • развитие языковой догадки; • развитие памяти, мышления, воображения. Воспитательные: • воспитание любви к спорту и здоровому образу жизни; • воспитание внимания, умения слушать друг друга. Языковой материал: новый - to determine, to be determined to do smth, to encourage, attempt, to make an attempt, particular, past; для повторени я - to be Ml of enthusiasm, to be enthusiastic, to score a goal, to offer, to suggest, etc. Оснащение урока: картинки - опоры для монологического высказывания, карточки с ЛЕ, РО. Ход урока I. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности на английском языке.
1. Приветствие.
2. Сообщение целей урока. 3. Речевая подготовка.
II. Введение нового лексического материала. 1. ОЗУ: Boys and girls, today you are going to make up a story and for that you need to learn some new words. Listen to me attentively and try to understand the meaning of new words and word combinations. 2. Раскрытие значений новых лексических единиц и их The players were determined to to be determmed win the game. (беспереводный способ, контекст, синоним) The players decided to win the game by Spectators encourage their favorite players during the game. The sportsman made an attempt at setting a record in swimming last summer. all means, Let's say it altogether: determined, to be determined to do smth., to be determined to win Pay attention to the stress. (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) to encourage (беспереводный, контекст, словообразование) Did you get it? Repeat after me: to encourage, to encourage the players. Watch the pronunciation of the word. (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) to make an attemp t (беспереводный, синоним) It means 'The sportsman tried to set a record in swimming last summer but he failed". So, what does the word combination mean? Let's pronounce it altogether: an attempt, to make an attempt, to make an attempt at swimming. (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка) 3. Повторная фонетическая отработка НЛЕ. ОЗУ: And now I'd like to draw your attention to the board. Let's read the new words and word combinations once again. Контроль понимания (уточнение) отдельных НЛЕ. 4. Первичная автоматизация НЛЕ в вопросно-ответном упражнении. ОЗУ: Now please answer my questions: What are you determined to do in the evening? Does your coach encourage you to train hard? Have you ever made an attempt at lifting weights? etc. Ш. Отработка ранее введенного языкового материала и овладение некоторыми видами речевой деятельности. 1. Проверка домашнего задания 2. ОЗУ: Here are four pictures. What do you see in them? Make up a story on the pictures using the words and word combinations from the cards, I give you 3 minutes. 3. Выполнение. 4. Проверка. 5. Итог. IV. Заключительный этап. 1. Сообщение и объяснение домашнего задания. 2. Подведение итогов работы на уроке и сообщение отметок. 3. Организованный конец урока.
План урока № 5
Тема: Health, Sports and Pastimes. Сюжет: Sports in Great Britain. Цели урока: Практические: в ходе урока учащиеся научатся: • использовать ранее введенные ЛЕ в устной речи; • составлять монологические высказывания на основе текста страноведческого характера; • вести диалог-расспрос по теме;
• извлекать информацию при чтении. Общеобразовательные: • развитие общего кругозора; • развитие филологического кругозора; • расширение знаний о стране изучаемого языка. Развивающие: • развитие языковой догадки; • развитие памяти, мышления, воображения. Воспитательные: • воспитание любви к спорту и здоровому образу жизни; • воспитание внимания, умения слушать друг друга; • развитие умений работы в паре, в группе. Языковой материал: новый - cricket, soccer, bats, wickets, lawn-tennis; для повторения - ранее введенные ЛЕ по теме "Sport". Оснащение урока: карточки с ЛЕ для диалогов, карточки со страноведческим текстом. Ход урока I. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности на английском языке. 1. Приветствие. 2. Сообщение задач урока. 3. Фонетическая зарядка. 4. Речевая зарядка. II, Отработка ранее введенного языкового материала и овладение 1. Проверка домашнего задания. А. ОЗУ: At home you were to read the text "Sports in Great Britain" and say which are the most popular sports and the most popular sporting events in Great Britain. Б. Снятие трудностей. T: At first, let's pronounce some difficult words from the text. Fd like to draw your attention to the board. Read the words after me paying attention to their pronunciation,
Чтение вслух отдельных предложений текста (отработка ритмико- интонационного рисунка, фразового ударения, контроль ориентации в тексте). В. Проверка понимания прочитанного дома текста. Вопросно-ответное упражнение по тексту. What are the most popular sports in Great Britain? When did Englishmen begin to play football? What is Rugby or "rugger"? Why is it called Rugby? What is the most important football match in England? When and where does it take place? Г. Беседа с учениками по теме на основе прочитанного текста. Now say, which kinds of sport are popular both in our country and in Great Britain; which kinds of sport are popular only in Great Britain. 2. Упражнение в развитии монологической устной речи на основе A. ОЗУ: Now work in groups. Name the most popular international sporting events attended by thousands of spectators, Try to explain their popularity. I give you 5 minutes. Б. Выполнение. B. Контроль. Г. Итог. Т: Thank you very much. You have named a lot of sporting events. Let's sum up all the information; you will use it in your dialogues. 3. Упражнение на развитие диалогической речи на основе A. ОЗУ: Work in pairs. Ask your partner about an international sporting event he or she watched. Mention the countries - participants, where and when it was held, the results, the best players, any exciting moments, and your partner's impressions. Use the words from the cards. Б. Выполнение. B. Контроль. Г. Итог. Т: Now that you have discussed it so well, it'll be easy for you to fulfil the home task. III. Заключительный этап. 1. Сообщение и объяснение домашнего задания. At home make up a sporting report about an interesting international match or competition, as if you were a professional sporting reporter. Use the words and ward combinations from ex. 42 at p. 47. 2. Подведение итогов работы на уроке и сообщение отметок. 3. Организованный конец урока. План урока № 6 Тема: Health, Sports and Pastimes. Сюжет: Sports in Great Britain (продолжение), Цели урока: П рактические; в ходе урока учащиеся научатся: • творчески высказываться по теме «Любимый вид спорта, • извлекать основную информацию из текста. Общеобразовательные: • развитие общего кругозора; • развитие филологического кругозора; • расширение знаний о стране изучаемого языка. Развивающие: • развитие языковой догадки; • развитие памяти, мышления, воображения. Воспитательные: • воспитание любви к спорту и здоровому образу жизни; • воспитание внимания, умения слушать друг друга; Языковой материал: для повторения - ранее введенные ЛЕ по теме "Sport". Оснащение урока: текст для аудирования. Ход урока I. Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности на английском языке. 1. Приветствие. 2. Сообщение задач урока. 3. Фонетическая зарядка. 4. Речевая зарядка. П. Отработка ранее введенного языкового материала и овладение различными видами речевой деятельности. 1. Проверка домашнего задания. 2. Упражнение на развитие умения аудирования. A. ОЗУ: Today you are going to listen to the text which is entitled "Sports in Great Britain". Last time you read the text about sports in Great Britain and now you are going to learn more information about it Б. Снятие трудностей. Before listening to the text let's revise the most popular kinds of sport in Great Britain (soccer, rugby, cricket, etc.). B. Слушание текста с заданием. So, listen to the text carefully and after that be ready to answer my questions. Г. Проверка понимания. Вопросно-ответное упражнение по тексту. Now answer my questions, please: What are the most popular individual / team games in Great Britain? What is the difference between rugger and soccer? Since what time is cricket played? What is a favourite summer pastime for Englishmen? What is the oldest touring club in the world? Д. Итог - резюме по тексту. 3. Упражнение на развитие монологической речи. Now you know a lot about sports in Great Britain. So, I want you to choose a kind of sport you like best and speak on it. Please, be ready to tell us the reason why you like this or that kind of sport which is popular in Great Britain, when and where competitions take place. You have 3 minutes at your disposal, Б. Выполнение. 96 В. Контроль. Г. Итоговое суждение по теме. Т: Thank you, I see that you've learnt a lot about sports and you are great experts on it now. Ш. Заключительный этап. 1. Сообщение и объяснение домашнего задания. 2. Подведение итогов работы на уроке и сообщение отметок. 3. Организованный конец урока. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ Приложение 1 Текст песни "Love letter", music and lyrics by Leona Lewis I can't wait for the day to end So I can finally see your face again We'll find a way If this wish comes true tonight Even though, I never met you I still miss you I can feel you in my dreams And I hope that When you wake up Just maybe you'll remember me And now I believe that this is fate Cause baby we belong together I know everything is gonna be OK Just as long as we have each other Through the sunshine and through the rain 1 know that it'll last forever Just last night I stayed up late And I wrote you a love letter Wrote you a love letter Tell me, am I insane? I sent your letter on the window pane I thought of you As I let it fly away, and away Even though I never met you I still miss you I can see you in my dreams And I hope that When you read this Just maybe you'll remember me And now I believe that this is fate Cause baby we belong together I know everything is gonna be OK Just as long as we have each other Through the sunshine and through the rain I know that it'll last forever Just last night I stayed up late And I wrote you a love letter Wrote you a love letter I know that we'll always be together Together, together, together Even though I never met you I still miss you I can see you in my dreams And I hope mat When you read this Just maybe you'll remember me And now I believe that this is fate Cause baby we belong together I know everything is gonna be OK Just as long as we have each other Through the sunshine and through the rain I know that it'll last forever Just last night I stayed up late And I wrote you a love letter Wrote you a love letter I know that we'll always be together We'll be together, together, together (We'll always be) Cause I wrote you a love letter Приложение 2 Текст для изучающего чтения "The elephant and the monkey " One day an elephant said to a monkey: "Look how big and strong I am! I can carry a very big tree. I am glad I am strong". "Look how quick I am! I can run quickly, and I can climb a tree very quickly!" said the monkey. "And I am glad I am quick". But which is better: a strong animal or a quick animal? They did not know. They argued, and each of them thought he was better. Then the monkey had an idea. "The old owl is very clever. Let's go to her and ask her about it". They went to the old owl, and the elephant said, "The monkey is quick, but I am strong. Which is better?" The owl said, "Do you see that big tree? There is a nut on it. Who can bring it here? Go and pick the nut and bring it to me". The elephant and the monkey ran to the tree. But on their way they came to a river. The monkey was afraid of swimming. "I can carry you," said the elephant. "I am big and strong". The monkey sat down on the elephant's back, and the elephant swam across the river. When they came to the tree, the elephant wanted to pick the nut with his trunk, but he could not, because the nut was too high. The elephant tried to shake the tree, but the tree was too thick. "I can climb the tree", said the monkey and went up the tree. Then the monkey picked the nut. The elephant put the nut in his mouth. Then they swam back to the owl and gave her the nut. "Now Mrs. Owl, which is better: a strong animal or a quick animal?" "Both are good," said the owl. "But you could not do alone what you did together". Приложение 3 Текст для ознакомительного чтения "Quake hits IRAN" A huge earthquake struck south-eastern Iran early yesterday morning. The quake measured 7.5 on the Richter scale and is one of the worst earthquakes to have struck the area in over fifty years. The quake occurred at 5 a.m. local time and lasted for about half a minute. Most buildings collapsed, At least 5,000 people are feared dead and more victims are expected to be found during the next few days. The authorities have reported many people missing. Many people are believed to be buried under the rubble. President has spoken of a national tragedy. A big relief operation is under way with many foreign countries. They are sending medical supplies and rescue workers. Emergency centres are set up in makeshift buildings are now trying to care for the tens of thousands of people. Volunteers are building shelters and Red Cross doctors are treating the injured. Ambulances have taken others to a hospital to a nearby city. Terrified local people are still trying to get over the shock. "It was horrible", one resident said, "I will never forget it". The people are learning tocope with nature's fury.
Приложение 4 The layout of the informal entail Hello Adela, My name's Elise and Fm writing to you as a part of the Link up project at my school. I’m your new e-pal and I’m very excited about writing to someone in South Africa. Personal Information I live in a small flat in a centre of Antwerp with my parents, my brother Johan and my dog Max. I enjoy playing hockey and I play for a local team,. We're not very good and we're always losing matches, but we have fun when we play. Fm attaching a photo of myself and my friends on our last school trip. Fm the dark-haired girl in the middle. My best friend Larissa is the tall one on my right. She is wearing a white T-shirt and jeans. She's quite shy, butjrejet on well together and she's got a very good sense of homour.
Please email me back and send me a photo. Tell me about your life and your friends. I hope to here from you soon. Bye for now, Elise УЧИМСЯ ПЛАНИРОВАТЬ УРОК
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