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Lesson 3: leadership and managementСодержание книги
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Reading: The most important function of a manager is to set tasks to his subordinates and to organize their fulfillment. Industrial psychologists did a lot to show better ways to do it more successfully. Douglas McGregor contrasts two approaches to management, calling them Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X assumes that the average human being has an inherent dislike for work and will avoid it if possible. That is why people must be controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment before they will put forth effort toward the achievement of organizational objectives. Theory Y assumes that the average man does not inherently dislike work. For him physical and mental effort at work is as natural as play and rest. External control and the threat of punishment are not the only means to direct effort toward organizational objectives. People will work willingly at the objectives to which they feel committed, receiving the most significant rewards – the satisfaction of ego and self-actualization – from these efforts. In 1981, William Quiche proposed the so-called Theory Z, which focuses on forming and maintaining manager – employee relationships through the use of group dynamics when the employees are involved in decision-making by consensus. There are also other theories of leadership. Contingency theory links leadership style to the needs of a particular situation. In some circumstances, such as a crisis moment, it may be useful for the leader to issue direct orders to be obeyed precisely. In such situations, the leader assumes a Theory X persona, but he should revert to the more participative Theory Y leadership style for greater effectiveness. In order to work according to Theory Z, a special type of leadership is necessary called transformational leadership. A transformational leader inspires others not by performing the day-to-day tasks of subordinates, but by developing and encouraging their commitment to a shared vision of the future. Often it takes some form of communication known as "grapevines" –informal communication with staff can help to develop trust and commitment.
Exercises: 1. Find in the text the following topical words and phrases, make sure that you are able to explain in English what they mean, and add them to your working vocabulary: ego and self-actualization, group dynamics, by consensus, commitment to, contingency theory, participative, to assume a persona, transformational leadership, "grapevines".
2. Answer the following questions using the topical words and phrases: 1. What assumptions does Theory X make about human beings in respect of their attitudes to work? What management strategy does it offer? 2. What does Theory Y assume about working habits of the average man? What management strategy does it offer? 3. What are the most significant rewards for human beings, according to this theory? 4. What does Theory Z focus on? 5. What management strategy does the contingency theory offer? 6. What is meant by transformational leadership? Why this style is most appropriate to implement Theory Z?
LESSON 4: REVIEW EXERCISES Exercises: 1. Discuss the following concepts and notions: conceptual skills, human skills, technical skills, levels of management, strategic planning, the external analysis, the strengths / weaknesses analysis, a strategic business unit, the growth/share matrix, management by objectives, quality control, total quality management, span of control, contingency theory, transformational leadership, "grapevines".
3. Give your definitions of the following words and phrases: marketing opportunities, marketing threats, organization competency, to be rated, the annual growth rate, question marks, cash cows, stars, dogs, harvesting, divesting, short-range planning, disposition of resources, an organization mission, programmed decisions, nonprogrammer decisions, front-line employees, to recur on a regular basis, nonrecurring, internal guests, error detection, a top-down process, participative, indispensable, to soar or to plummet (about stock), an employee turnover, a customer survey, to be in short supply.
4. Choose a topic for Project Work or an Essay from those given below: 1. The advantages and disadvantages of the portfolio model. Arrange a talk show on this issue. 2. Problems of decision-making in the hospitality industry. 3. Contrast Theory X and Theory Y from the point of view of scientific management. Arrange a talk show on this issue. 4. Transformational leadership and the possibilities for its application in hospitality industry. Unit 9.
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