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29/ 30 no, because according to the Constitution 1. The Republic of Kazakhstan proclaims itself a democratic, secular, legal and social state whose highest values are an individual, his life, rights and freedoms. Family Kolesnychenko addressed to the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Kiev for admission to the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They never lived in the territory of Kazakhstan, Almaty, however resides in the sister of the head of household. Will this be the basis for granting citizenship Kolesnikovafamily?Yes Chapter 2. The acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yes. Article 16. 2) citizens of former Soviet republics, who arrived for permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan with one of his close relatives - citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the child (including adopted), wife (husband), one of the parents (adoptive parents), sister, brother, grandfather or grandmother, regardless of their residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The family Mironov wife - a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the husband - a citizen of the Republic of Moldova. Both reside in the territory of the Russian Federation. In 2000, before their child was born in Kazakhstan. In this case must decide on the child's nationalityChapter 2. Article 12. When parents have different citizenships, one of which at the time of birth of the child is a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the child is a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, when he was born: 1) in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2) outside the Republic of Kazakhstan, but the parents or one of them at that time had a permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. When parents have different citizenships, one of which at the time of birth of the child is a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the time when both parents have permanent residence outside of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the citizenship of a child born outside the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be determined by agreement between the parents, expressed in written form. Child one of whose parents at the time of its birth was a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the other was a person without citizenship or nationality is unknown, is a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regardless of place of birth Among those eligible for election to the local authorities, the voter lists were included Russian citizens living in Kazakhstan last 5 years. Has the right to citizens of other countries to take part in the elections to local authorities in Kazakhstan? elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan Chapter 4. Lists of voters (electors) Article 24. Lists of voters (electors) and the order of compilation 3. The basis for including citizens in the voters list at a particular polling station is the fact of his registration at the place of residence in the territory of the polling station. 5. List of voters in the community is an appropriate local agency on the basis of information provided by the bodies engaged in counting the population. Each voter has the right to register to vote in the appropriate local executive body with the announcement of the election or appointment. Amirov citizen at 15 years of age with his parents left Kazakhstan. 35 years later he returned to Kazakhstan, has created his own political party, and in 1998 submitted an application to the Central Election Commission for registration as a candidate for president. CRC checking for all the conditions that apply to the laws of the presidential candidates, registered it. Whether lawful actions of the CEC? NO, The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan Article 41 1. The President of the Republic shall be elected by universal, equal and direct suffrage under a secret ballot for a seven-year term in accordance with the constitutional law by the citizens of the Republic who have come of age.
2. A citizen of the Republic shall be eligible for the office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan if he is by birth not younger than forty and has a perfect command of the state language and has lived in Kazakhstan for not less than fifteen years. 36 A citizen of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, has filed an application for membership in the Public Association "Nevada - Semipalatinsk." Can a foreigner be a member of the public association? Can. According to the decree having the force of law by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from June 19, 1995 N 2337 "On the Legal Status of foreign citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan, "Section II. Fundamental rights, freedoms and duties of foreign citizens in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Article 12.Participation in voluntary associations. Foreign nationals permanently residing in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall have the right to engage in voluntary associations, in addition to political parties and public associations pursuing political goals, and if it does not contradict the statutes (regulations) of these associations. The President of the Republic, speaking with his annual address to the nation, to strengthen the defense and security of the state suggested the need for our country to join the NATO. Constitutionally, in your opinion, this proposal? Yes Chapter IVArticle 27. The transition of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1. In the event of early release or removal of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as his death powers of the President of the Republic for the remainder of moving to the Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament; if the Chairperson of the Senate to assume the powers of the President they are moving to the Chairman of the Majilis of the Parliament, if the Chairperson of the Majilis accept powers of the President are transferred to the Prime Minister of the Republic. A person who has taken the powers of the President of the Republic shall act accordingly with the powers of the President of the Senate, Chairman of the Majilis of the Prime Minister.
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