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E) A Democratic and Unitary State.Содержание книги Поиск на нашем сайте
E) Ancient. $$$ 2 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: C) Over the last three week. $$$ 3 For how many of years people lived in harmony with environment: B) Thousand. $$$ 4 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: D) So far. $$$ 5 But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to ______: C) Increase. $$$ 6 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: E) This week. $$$ 7 Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about _________ tons of dust and other harmful substances: D) 1000 million. $$$ 8 Choose the expressions that are used in the Present Perfect Tense: B) Just, this week, never. $$$ 9 Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the _______balance: A) Oxygen. $$$ 10 Find the sentence in the Present Perfect Tense: B) I have already traveled abroad. $$$ 11 The most horrible ecological disaster befell Ukraine and its people after the Chernobyl tragedy__________: E) In April 1986. $$$ 12 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: A) Yet. $$$ 13 About ________percent of the territory of Byelarus were also polluted with radioactive substances: D) 18. $$$ 14 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: B) For three years. $$$ 15 Environmental protection is of a ________concern: C) Universal. $$$ 16 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: C) Over the last three week. $$$ 17 As many as ___ countries - members of the UNO - have set up environmental protection agencies: C) 159. $$$ 18 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: D) So far. $$$ 19 The international organization _________is also doing much to preserve the environment: B) Greenpeace. $$$ 20 To avoid wasting things we can use: D) Recycling. $$$ 21 Throwing things away unnecessarily is called: A) Waste. $$$ 22 In cities the air is hard to breathe because of car: D) Exhaust fumes. $$$ 23 Areas with low rainfall often suffer from: A) Shortage. B) Drought. C) Pollution. D) Exhaust fumes. E) Rubbish. $$$ 24 Air, sea and land suffer from: C) Pollution. $$$ 25 The paper people drop in the street is called: B) Litter. $$$ 26 A mixture of smoke and fog is called: E) Smog. $$$ 27 Things which we throw away are called: E) Rubbish. $$$ 28 Not having enough of something is called a: A) Shortage. $$$ 29 The earth's climate is changing because of: A) Global warming. $$$ 30 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: E) This week. $$$ 31 Currently, the greatest ecological crisis facing marine systems is: B) Overharvesting. $$$ 32 Approximately ___ of Earth's human population lives within 100 miles of the ocean: C) 2/3. $$$ 33 Which of the following is true of eutrophication in marine systems?: D) It can lead to algal blooms that kill fish. $$$ 34 Most present day fisheries managers: A) Wish to set aside areas of ocean where systems can function without human interference. $$$ 35 Choose the correct variant: The Republic of Kazakhstan is ….: E) A Democratic and Unitary State. $$$ 36 "Day of State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan was confirmed __________: B) On the 4th of June 1992. $$$ 37 Choose the correct variant: Poirot ______ her if Mrs. Ascher ______ any peculiar letters without a proper signature: D) Asked, had received. $$$ 38 The principle of independence and the political system were formulated in the first Constitution of Kazakhstan of _________:
B) January 1993. $$$ 39 Choose the correct variant: I thought that Mrs. Fowler ______ us everything: B) Had told. $$$ 40 Kazakhstan has a___________ system with a president as head of the State: A) Parliamentary. $$$ 41 Kazakhstan last presidential election was in January 2006: E) January 2006. $$$ 42 Choose the correct variant: But Poirot said that she ______ more than she ______ us: D) Knew, had known. $$$ 43 Kazakhstan last presidential election was for a ________term: A) Seven-year. $$$ 44 Kazakhstan parliament is the ___________body: C) Supreme legislative. $$$ 45 Choose the correct variant: The letter ______ just before I ______ back: B) Had come, arrived. $$$ 46 Kazakhstan parliament consists of _______chambers: B) Two. $$$ 47 The _____members of Kazakhstan Senate are indirectly elected representatives of regional assemblies: E) 47. $$$ 48 Choose the correct variant: She said that Betty ______ anything about her plans and she ______ her in the café that evening: D) Hadn’t said, hadn’t seen. $$$ 49 The Mazhilis is composed of _____ elected deputies. D) 67. $$$ 50 Kazakhstan parliament is elected for a ______ term: C) Four-year. $$$ 51 Kazakhstan _________is the head of the executive branch of government: D) Prime minister. $$$ 52 Choose the correct variant: Hardly ______ she ______ these words when a beautiful young lady ______ in the room: A) Had... said, appeared. $$$ 53 Since___________, the capital of Kazakhstan has been Astana: E) December 1997. $$$ 54 The United States of America is a ______________: C) Federal republic. $$$ 55 Choose the right sentence in Past Perfect Simple (positive): C) I lost the key that he had given to me. $$$ 56 The government of the USA act according to the Constitution which was signed by the first thirteen representatives of thirteen original American states in________: A) 1787. $$$ 57 The federal power is located in _________: C) Washington, D.C. $$$ 58 The President of the USA is chosen in nationwide elections every _____together with the Vice-President: B) 4 years. $$$ 59 Choose the correct variant: I ______ that once he ______ a well-known specialist in his field: A) Knew, had been. $$$ 60 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a ______________: B) A Constitutional Monarchy. $$$ 61 Parliament is ____________authority in Britain: D) The most important. $$$ 62 Parliament is made up of _______parts in Great Britain: A) Three. $$$ 63 The Queen was crowned in Westminster Abbey in________: E) 1953. $$$ 64 The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliament. There are ____ of them in the House of Commons: B) 650. $$$ 65 The House of Lords comprises about ______peers: D) 1,200. $$$ 66 Parliament is responsible for British national__________: B) Policy. $$$ 67 In_______the International Federation of Journalists identified a "growing pattern" of intimidation of the media: C) 2004. $$$ 68 There are ______private channels, including Channel 31, KTK and Perviy Kanal Evraziya: A) 116. $$$ 69 The first radio station in Kazakhstan, was Kazakh radiosy, created in_______: E) 1922. $$$ 70 Choose the right variant of Present Perfect Passive: A) The jobhas been finishedby me. $$$ 71 The most popular sources of entertainment and information are ______________: D) The press, radio and tv. $$$ 72 The first American newspaper was called Public Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestic. This paper was first published in _________in 1690: B) Boston. $$$ 73 Choose the right variant of Present Perfect Passive: D) That moviehas been watchedby me.
$$$ 74 By the latter half of the 19th century, competition led to___________: C) Yellow journalism. $$$ 75 In the USA daily newspapers are published in _______different languages: D) 34. $$$ 76 The daily newspapers are of ______kinds: B) Two. $$$ 77 A quality paper is a _______newspaper, which publishes articles and commentaries on politics: E) Serious. $$$ 78 Choose the right variant of Present Perfect Passive: B) 1940s. $$$ 81 ________ has recently become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don't have to wait for news time on TV: B) Newspaper. $$$ 82 ___________is one of the best inventions the man ever made: D) TV. $$$ 83 Choose the right variant of Present Perfect Passive: C) Six lettershave been writtenby me. $$$ 84 Choose the right variant of Present Perfect Passive: A)Has the parcel been receivedby you? $$$ 85 Most of Kazakhstan’s water supply has been polluted by _________and agricultural runoff and, in some places,_________: B) Industrial. E) Radioactivity. $$$ 86 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: B) For three years. F) Since 1998. $$$ 87 The reduction in the Aral Sea’s water surface has exacerbated regional ________extremes, and agricultural soil has been damaged by _______and eroded by wind: A) Climatic. C) Salt deposits. $$$ 88 The Aral Sea covers 26,300 square miles with ________to the north and to the south: D) Kazakhstan. F) Uzbekistan. $$$ 89 Choose the expressions that are used in the Present Perfect Tense: A) Yet, already. F) So far, never. $$$ 90 In developed countries, the two most deadly sources of indoor pollution are _____: C) Radon. D) Cigarette smoke. $$$ 91 Which of the following is a consequence to acidic deposition: A) It changes soil chemistry. C) Leaching out important minerals. $$$ 92 Choose the expressions that are used in the Present Perfect Tense: B) This week, just. C) This week, already. $$$ 93 Acidic deposition___: D) Often crosses national boundaries. C) Plants. F) Motor vehicles. $$$ 95 __________and ________make the World Ocean dirty: B) Oil spills. E) Acid rains. $$$ 96 Climate change can lead to the development of other harmful effects in our life, such as occurrence of __________and__________: A) New diseases. C) Change in seasons. $$$ 97 We must realize that deforestation causes the extinction of _________and__________: B) Animals. D) Plants. $$$ 98 __________and _________pollute the air we use: A) Cars. D) Factories. $$$ 99 ____________and _________to global warming which may bring about a change in the world’s climate: B) Burning coal. D) Oil leads. $$$ 100 Climate change is the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time, responsible for________, raging storms, searing heat, ferocious fires, _______, and punishing floods: A) Rising seas. F) Severe drought. $$$ 101 The pollution of_________, destruction of the _______is the result of man's careless interaction with nature, a sign of the ecological crises: C) Air and the world's ocean. E) Ozone layer. $$$ 102 The________, known as the ________ has two chambers: B) Legislature. C) Parliament. $$$ 103 The Lower House Assembly (Mazhilis) has ______ seats, elected for a four-year term, ________seats are from party lists, 9 - from Assembly of People: B) 107. E) 98. $$$ 104 The Upper House Senate has ____ members, ____of whom are elected for six-year terms in double-seat constituencies by the local assemblies: A) 47. F) 40. $$$ 105 _________deputies and the _______both have the right of legislative initiative: A) Majilis. F) Government. $$$ 106 Local level courts serve as courts of first instance for less serious crimes such as ______and_______: A) Vandalism. D) Theft. $$$ 107 The president of Kazakhstan is __________and______________: E) The head of the state. F) Chief supreme commander. $$$ 108 The system of the executive branch of the government consists of the________,____________: E) Services and agencies. G) Ministries. $$$ 109 Choose the right sentences in Past Perfect Tense: B) The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we had built. C) Supreme Court. F) Local courts. $$$ 111 Britain does not have a________________, but a_______________: A) Written constitution. E) Set of laws. $$$ 112 The monarch is expected to be ___________and should not make______________: D) Politically neutral. G) Political decisions. $$$ 113 There are few _____________in Britain thanks to the British____________: A) Political parties. D) Electoral system. $$$ 114 Choose the right sentences in Past Perfect Tense: A) Policy decisions. E) The Cabinet. $$$ 116 The government of the USA act according to _____________which was signed by the first thirteen ______________of thirteen original American states in 1787. B) The Constitution. E) Representatives. $$$ 117 The Constitution proclaims a ___________of government which keeps both _________and the federal power from getting too much power: C) Federal system. D) The states. $$$ 118 The legislative power is vested in Congress, which consists of two houses: ________and___________:
A) The Senate. D) The President. F) The Vice President. $$$ 120 Federal courts decide cases involving__________, conflicts between ________of different states: A) Federal law. B) Citizens. $$$ 121 Media in Kazakhstan include____________,__________________: B) Television and radio. C) Russian-language. C) The jobhas been finishedby me. D) State television. G) Radio company. $$$ 125 Print media is made up of___________, newspapers,_________________: C) Books. D) Newsletters and magazines. $$$ 126 Broadcast media includes ___________and__________: B) Television and radio. E) The Internet. $$$ 127 Television quickly grew to be a popular source of _________and___________: E) News. G) Information. $$$ 128 Choose the right sentences in Present Perfect Passive: B) This issue has not been agreed to by us. D) The thieves have not been caught by them. $$$ 129 Kazakhstan has identified at least two major ____________within its borders: the shrinking of the___________, and radioactive contamination at the _________nuclear testing facility B) Ecological disasters. D) Aral Sea. H) Semipalatinsk. $$$ 130 Most of Kazakhstan’s water supply has been polluted by ________and __________and, in some places,_____________: C) Industrial. D) Agricultural runoff. H) Radioactivity. $$$ 131 The most dangerous demonstrations of today’s environmental crisis are ___________of the Caspian Sea, ___________in Aral Sea, a ___________of the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site: A) Oil pollution. F) Reduction of water. G) Harmful effect. $$$ 132 35 to 40 % of the Syrdarya run-off are formed by ____________and ____________as well as_____________: C) Industrial. E) Communal waste waters. G) Drainage waters. $$$ 133 Particular areas of concern include air and climate change, the impact of climate change, ____________, water, land use and sustainable __________and_____________:
C) Biological diversity. F) Consumption. H) Production. $$$ 134 Choose the country’s three largest environmental organizations by membership: A) African Wildlife Federation. D) American Forests. B) Biofuelwatch. C) Fauna and Flora International. E) Oceana. $$$ 136 The company (Kazakhstan Agency of applied ecology) was registered in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1996, with offices in Astana, _________, _________and __________: D) Aktau. F) Atyrau. H) Aktobe. $$$ 137 Choose three sentences in Present Perfect Simple: A) Have you washed the dishes yet? D) Have you already done your homework? E) Collect. G) Create. H) Housing superintendents. $$$ 140 Choose three sentences in Present Perfect Simple: A) I have just cycled 50 km. D) I have already written two essays this term. B) Celebrate. C) Nauryz. F) Planting a tree. $$$ 142 In 1998, Tabigat and the National Park "Ile-Alatau" opened a __________park near the mountain of __________where newlyweds___________: C) Honeymoon. E) Medeo. G) Plant trees. $$$ 143 Find three synonyms to the word “abiotic”: A) Non-biological. D) Unvital. F) Cardboard. $$$ 144 Find three synonyms to the word “adaption”: B) Adjustment. E) Assistance. H) Accommodability. $$$ 145 Find three synonyms to the word “ecosystem”: C) Natural site. G) Natural habitat. H) Natural complex. $$$ 146 Find three synonyms to the word “environment”: A) Surrounding rock. D) Climate. E) Natural settings. $$$ 147 Choose three sentences in Present Perfect Simple: A) I have already seen Madonna live in concert. D) I have already written two essays this term. A) Surrounding. B) Natural medium.
E) Habitat area. $$$ 149 Choose three sentences in Present Perfect Simple: D) I have already written two essays this term. B) Democratic. C) Secular. F) Law-abiding. $$$ 152 The State power in Kazakhstan is______________, and carried out on the basis of the Constitution and laws according to a principle of its ____________into legislative, _____________and judicial branches: C) Uniform. E) Division. H) Executive. $$$ 153 Basic principles of the activity of Kazakhstan as a state are public consent and_____________, economic development for the sake of all people, Kazakhstani__________, including _________on a republican referendum or in Parliament: A) Political stability. D) Patriotism. G) Voting. $$$ 154 President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the____________, its supreme_________, who determines the basic guidelines of the internal and foreign __________of the state: C) Head of the state. E) Official. H) Policy. $$$ 155 The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the supreme _____________body of the Republic which carries out ____________-__________ functions: A) Representative. D) Supreme. F) Legislative. $$$ 156 The elections to the lower chamber (Majilis) are carried out by__________, __________and __________suffrage: C) Direct. D) Secret. G) Universal. $$$ 157 The Chief executive of the Republic is the ___________who heads the __________of the Republic which is responsible before the ___________and is accountable to the Parliament: B) Prime-Minister. D) President. F) Government. $$$ 158 Choose three sentences in Past Perfect Simple: C) He had not been to Cape Town before 1997.. B) Civil. D) Criminal. F) Economical. $$$ 160 The government of the USA act according to the __________which was signed by the first thirteen _____________of thirteen ___________American states in 1787: A) Representatives. E) Constitution. G) Original. $$$ 161 The Constitution proclaims a _____________of government which keeps both the _______and the _________from getting too much power: C) Federal system. D) States. G) Federal power. $$$ 162 The federal government in the USA is given certain powers, for example, to make ________or war, to issue ______and to regulate the ___________and so on: F) Peace. G) Money. H) Trade. $$$ 163 The legislative power is vested in____________, which consists of two houses: the ________and the_______________: B) House of Representatives. F) Senate. G) Congress. $$$ 164 Choose three sentences in Past Perfect Simple: C) I could not remember the poem we had learned the week before. C) Federal. F) Commander-in-chief. H) Armed Forces. $$$ 166 The Vice President, elected from the same political party as the President, acts as____________, and in the event of the _______of the President, assumes the__________: A) Chairman of the Senate. D) Death. G) Presidency. $$$ 167 Technically Parliament of UK is made up of three parts: the_________, the___________; and the_____________: C) Monarch. D) House of Lords. E) House of Commons. $$$ 168 The present sovereign in UK is___________. She was crowned in ___________in_________-: B) Queen Elizabeth II. F) Westminster Abbey. H) 1953. $$$ 169 The House of Commons consists of Members of_________. There are _______of them in the_________: A) Parliament. C) 650. E) House of Commons. $$$ 170 The House of Lords comprises about__________. It is presided by the__________. The House of Lords has_______: B) 1,200 peers. D) Lord Chancellor. G) No real power. $$$ 171 Find three synonyms to the word “monarch”: B) Sovereign. E) King. G) Throne. $$$ 172 Find three synonyms to the word “constitution”: A) Fundamental law. C) Legislation. F) Document. $$$ 173 Find three synonyms to the word “sovereignty”: D) Supreme power. G) Authority. H) Leadership. $$$ 174 Find three synonyms to the word “legislature”: E) Assembly. F) Jurisdiction. G) Legislative house. $$$ 175 Find three synonyms to the word “democracy”: A) Democratic society. B) Sovereignty. F) Democratic party. $$$ 176 Circulation is the usual number of _____________or ________that ________each day, week, etc: B) Copies of a newspaper. F) Magazine. G) Are sold. $$$ 177 Interview is a _________(often a public one) at which a ___________asks somebody questions in order to find out their________: C) Meeting. G) Journalist. H) Opinions. $$$ 178 Subscription is an amount of __________you pay, usually once a year, to receive regular ________ of a newspaper or__________, etc.:
A) Money. B) Copies. F) Magazine. $$$ 179 Mass media is the sources of __________and news such as_________, magazines, radio and television, that reach and _________large numbers of people: D) Information. F) Newspapers. G) Influence. $$$ 180 What are the qualities that go to make a good journalist?: B) Open-mindedness. F) Good language. H) Humility. $$$ 181 General assignment reporter is a reporter who works in the area of_________, in contrast to one who works in a__________, such as___________: C) General news. D) Specialty. E) Science. $$$ 182 Choose three sentences in Present Perfect Passive: B) The present has been opened by me. D) Anticipate. F) Poised. G) Button. $$$ 184 Journalist is a person who_______, ________, or ________news or other current information: A) Collects. B) Writes. D) Distributes. $$$ 185 Choose three sentences in Present Perfect Passive: B) This issue has not been agreed to by us. A) Respectable. B) Pulitzer Prize. G) Journalist. $$$ 187 Choose three sentences in Present Perfect Passive: B) This issue has not been agreed to by us. C) In charge. E) Final content. G) Newspaper. $$$ 189 Choose three translations to the phrase “hand in hand”: C) Рука об руку. F) Взявшись за руки. G) Вместе. $$$ 190 __________and _________person, not always with a university _________can be better in career of journalism: E) Educated. F) Talented. H) Degree. $$$ 191 Choose three sentences in Present Perfect Passive: B) A hamburger has been eaten by me. B) Distribution. F) Signals. H) Audience. $$$ 194 What differentiates a column from other forms of journalism is that it meets each of the following criteria: B) It is a regular feature in a publication. C)Editorial,leader. E)Leading article. G) Editor. $$$ 196 Choose three sentences in Present Perfect Passive: B) A hamburger has been eaten by me. E)Editorialboard. G)Editors. H) Publication. $$$ 198 Journalism is the craft of ___________news, descriptive __________and comment via a widening spectrum of__________: D) Conveying. F) Material. G) Media. $$$ 199 Media bias is a term used to describe a real or __________bias of journalists and news producers within the_________, in the selection of which __________will be reported and how they are covered: C) Perceived. G) Mass Media. H) Events. $$$ 200 News is any __________or information on current events which is __________by print, broadcast, Internet, or word of mouth to a third party or mass_________: A) New information. D) Presented. F) Audience. $$$ end
E) Ancient. $$$ 2 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: C) Over the last three week. $$$ 3 For how many of years people lived in harmony with environment: B) Thousand. $$$ 4 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: D) So far. $$$ 5 But with the development of civilization man's interference in nature began to ______: C) Increase. $$$ 6 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: E) This week. $$$ 7 Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about _________ tons of dust and other harmful substances: D) 1000 million. $$$ 8 Choose the expressions that are used in the Present Perfect Tense: B) Just, this week, never. $$$ 9 Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the _______balance: A) Oxygen. $$$ 10 Find the sentence in the Present Perfect Tense: B) I have already traveled abroad. $$$ 11 The most horrible ecological disaster befell Ukraine and its people after the Chernobyl tragedy__________: E) In April 1986. $$$ 12 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: A) Yet. $$$ 13 About ________percent of the territory of Byelarus were also polluted with radioactive substances: D) 18. $$$ 14 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: B) For three years. $$$ 15 Environmental protection is of a ________concern: C) Universal. $$$ 16 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: C) Over the last three week. $$$ 17 As many as ___ countries - members of the UNO - have set up environmental protection agencies: C) 159. $$$ 18 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: D) So far. $$$ 19 The international organization _________is also doing much to preserve the environment: B) Greenpeace. $$$ 20 To avoid wasting things we can use: D) Recycling. $$$ 21 Throwing things away unnecessarily is called: A) Waste. $$$ 22 In cities the air is hard to breathe because of car: D) Exhaust fumes. $$$ 23 Areas with low rainfall often suffer from: A) Shortage. B) Drought. C) Pollution. D) Exhaust fumes. E) Rubbish. $$$ 24 Air, sea and land suffer from: C) Pollution. $$$ 25 The paper people drop in the street is called: B) Litter. $$$ 26 A mixture of smoke and fog is called: E) Smog. $$$ 27 Things which we throw away are called: E) Rubbish. $$$ 28 Not having enough of something is called a: A) Shortage. $$$ 29 The earth's climate is changing because of: A) Global warming. $$$ 30 Which of the following expressions is used in the Present Perfect Tense: E) This week. $$$ 31 Currently, the greatest ecological crisis facing marine systems is: B) Overharvesting. $$$ 32 Approximately ___ of Earth's human population lives within 100 miles of the ocean: C) 2/3. $$$ 33 Which of the following is true of eutrophication in marine systems?: D) It can lead to algal blooms that kill fish. $$$ 34 Most present day fisheries managers: A) Wish to set aside areas of ocean where systems can function without human interference. $$$ 35 Choose the correct variant: The Republic of Kazakhstan is ….: E) A Democratic and Unitary State. $$$ 36 "Day of State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan was confirmed __________: B) On the 4th of June 1992. $$$ 37 Choose the correct variant: Poirot ______ her if Mrs. Ascher ______ any peculiar letters without a proper signature: D) Asked, had received. $$$ 38 The principle of independence and the political system were formulated in the first Constitution of Kazakhstan of _________: B) January 1993. $$$ 39 Choose the correct variant: I thought that Mrs. Fowler ______ us everything: B) Had told. $$$ 40 Kazakhstan has a___________ system with a president as head of the State: A) Parliamentary. $$$ 41 Kazakhstan last presidential election was in January 2006: E) January 2006. $$$ 42 Choose the correct variant: But Poirot said that she ______ more than she ______ us: D) Knew, had known. $$$ 43 Kazakhstan last presidential election was for a ________term: A) Seven-year. $$$ 44 Kazakhstan parliament is the ___________body: C) Supreme legislative. $$$ 45 Choose the correct variant: The letter ______ just before I ______ back: B) Had come, arrived. $$$ 46 Kazakhstan parliament consists of _______chambers: B) Two. $$$ 47 The _____members of Kazakhstan Senate are indirectly elected representatives of regional assemblies: E) 47. $$$ 48 Choose the correct variant: She said that Betty ______ anything about her plans and she ______ her in the café that evening: D) Hadn’t said, hadn’t seen. $$$ 49 The Mazhilis is composed of _____ elected deputies. D) 67. $$$ 50 Kazakhstan parliament is elected for a ______ term: C) Four-year. $$$ 51 Kazakhstan _________is the head of the executive branch of government: D) Prime minister. $$$ 52 Choose the correct variant: Hardly ______ she ______ these words when a beautiful young lady ______ in the room: A) Had... said, appeared. $$$ 53 Since___________, the capital of Kazakhstan has been Astana: E) December 1997. $$$ 54 The United States of America is a ______________: C) Federal republic. $$$ 55 Choose the right sentence in Past Perfect Simple (positive): C) I lost the key that he had given to me. $$$ 56 The government of the USA act according to the Constitution which was signed by the first thirteen representatives of thirteen original American states in________: A) 1787. $$$ 57 The federal power is located in _________: C) Washington, D.C. $$$ 58 The President of the USA is chosen in nationwide elections every _____together with the Vice-President: B) 4 years. $$$ 59 Choose the correct variant: I ______ that once he ______ a well-known specialist in his field: A) Knew, had been. $$$ 60 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a ______________: B) A Constitutional Monarchy. $$$ 61 Parliament is ____________authority in Britain: D) The most important. $$$ 62 Parliament is made up of _______parts in Great Britain: A) Three. $$$ 63 The Queen was crowned in Westminster Abbey in________: E) 1953. $$$ 64 The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliament. There are ____ of them in the House of Commons: B) 650. $$$ 65 The House of Lords comprises about ______peers: D) 1,200. $$$ 66 Parliament is responsible for British national__________: B) Policy. $$$ 67 In_______the International Federation of Journalists identified a "growing pattern" of intimidation of the media: C) 2004. $$$ 68 There are ______private channels, including Channel 31, KTK and Perviy Kanal Evraziya: A) 116. $$$ 69 The first radio station in Kazakhstan, was Kazakh radiosy, created in_______: E) 1922. $$$ 70 Choose the right variant of Present Perfect Passive: A) The jobhas been finishedby me. $$$ 71 The most popular sources of entertainment and information are ______________: D) The press, radio and tv. $$$ 72 The first American newspaper was called Public Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestic. This paper was first published in _________in 1690: B) Boston. $$$ 73 Choose the right variant of Present Perfect Passive: D) That moviehas been watchedby me. $$$ 74 By the latter half of the 19th century, competition led to___________: C) Yellow journalism. $$$ 75 In the USA daily newspapers are published in _______different languages: D) 34. $$$ 76 The daily newspapers are of ______kinds: B) Two. $$$ 77 A quality paper is a _______newspaper, which publishes articles and commentaries on politics: E) Serious. $$$ 78 Choose the right variant of
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