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Find the words in the text according to the following definitions.Содержание книги
Поиск на нашем сайте
1.At the newest and most exciting stage in the development. 2.Worked by the pressure of a liquid, esp.water. 3.get used to a new situation. 4.A thing similar or corresponding to another. 5.Device that makes sounds or radio signals louder. 6.Including or concerning everything 7.Filled with air, worked by air under pressure. 8.Lenght of coiled wire which returns to its shape after being pulled or pressed. Match a verb and a noun to make verb patterns.
Make up a sentence using a verb pattern from 5.4.
Fill in the missing adjectives. 1. … sensors. 2. ….jugs. 3. … devices. 4. … drives. 5. ….controllers. 6. … products.
5.7. Fill in the prepositions from the box.
1. have advantages …. 2. come … contact. 3. …. the cutting edge. 4. must be familiar …. 5. the application … mechatronics engineering. 6. based … the dampness of the clothes. Writing Scan the text and write down the key-words. 5.9. Sum up the text using the key-words.
Compiled by Guzheva E. V., Makovskaya T. P., Piottukh K. V. Module VI Faculty of Radio Engineering and Electronics Unit 1 Before you read Answer the questions 1. Do you remember when the University was founded? 2. How many faculties did it have at that time? Can you name these faculties? 3. When was the first group of students enrolled at the faculty of radio Engineering and Computer Science? How many students were enrolled at your faculty? 4. Since what time has the faculty been functioning?
Read the text
Faculty of Radio Engineering and Electronics
In the early 1950s, in Western Siberia there was a pressing need for competent radio engineers who could solve challenging research and engineering problems arising in designing new radio and electronic facilities. To meet the needs, Novosibirsk Electrical Engineering Institute (now NSTU) started to train students in radio engineering in October 1953. Later in 1955, the department of theoretical radio engineering was set up and since that time it has been the centre of training radio engineers in Novosibirsk. During the five years of its development the conditions for opening other radio engineering departments were created. As a result, the department of antenna-feeder devices (now the department of radio physics), department of radio receiving and transmitting equipment and department of design and construction of radio electronic facilities branched off. The faculty was formed on the basis of the Radio Engineering, Physical Engineering and Electronic Engineering Faculties in October 1953. One of the advantages of this joining was to provide students with the opportunity to more precisely choose the area of specialization and the subarea he/she wants to explore in depth.
Comprehension Decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F)
1. NSTU stands for Novosibirsk Electrical Engineering Institute. 2. The institute was founded in 1963. 3. The institute started to train students in radio electronics during the five years of its development. 4. The faculty was formed in October 1953. 5. There was a pressing need in radio engineers in Western Siberia.
Answer the following questions 1. Why was a new institute formed in 1953? 2. What was the first department at the faculty? 3. When were conditions for opening other radio electronic departments created? 4. What are the advantages of being students of the faculty? 5. On what basis was the faculty formed?
Grammar revision 1.5. In what functions are the ing-forms used? 1. People living in Japan have some customs different from ours. 2. He heard voices coming through the open window. 3. The channel linking the two seas is being built now. 4. The playing children were too noisy. 5. The sitting of the committee was to begin at 7p.m. 6. The stars shining in the dark sky seem blue.
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