F Look at the pictures of houses. Try to imagine what the houses are like inside and then write their description as if you are estate agents trying to sell these houses. 

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F Look at the pictures of houses. Try to imagine what the houses are like inside and then write their description as if you are estate agents trying to sell these houses.





Unit 5 Family Matters In this unit you will: ü Read about “traditional family” nowadays ü Talk about modern family trends ü Listen to problems and responsibilities in families ü Practise how to agree and disagree ü Write a composition expressing your opinion Useful vocabulary:
Nouns brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, stepmother, stepfather, uncle, aunt, ex-wife, half-brother, suburbs
Adjectives married, divorced, single, bossy, reliable, complicated, elderly
Verbs marry to, divorce, manage
Phrases and collocations a bit, make smb do smth, get on well with smb, complain about, prefer smb to smb else, single-parent family, step family, stay out late, tidy the house, look after
Linkers luckily, although, moreover, firstly, in addition, therefore, however, to sum up, in contrast



1 Lead–in

A Read Heidi's words and write the names of the people on the family tree.

My name's Heidi. I’m married to Kerim. We have two children, Aisha and Leila. My mum, Wendy, died when I was a teenager. My dad, Keith, got married to Katrina fourteen years ago. I’ve got one sister, Gina, and one brother, Andy. Gina's married to Jean-Claude, who's French. They’ve got a little girl called Julie and a boy of twelve called Michael. My brother Andy was married to a girl, called Caroline but they got divorced. Luckily they didn't have any children. Now he’s married to a girl called Susanna.


B What do they all say about family life? Choose the correct word for each gap.

aunt brother-in-law cousins daughter-in-law ex-wife
father-in-law grandparents husband sister-in-law uncle
  son-in-law wife stepmother  

Kerim: My (1) father-in-law Keith is really nice. We're partners in a computer software company.

Aisha: My (2) _______Gina is really bossy. She always makes me eat everything on my plate.

Leila: My (3) ______ Andy should get divorced again. I don't like his wife, Susanna.

Heidi: I like my (4) _________ Katrina very much. She's like a real mother to me.

Keith: My (5) _______, Kerim, is a really reliable person. I couldn't manage the business without him.

Gina: I don't get on very well with my (6) ______, Susanna. I get on much better with Andy (7) ______ Caroline.

J. Claude: My (8) _________ Andy is a really nice guy but I don't like his (9) _______ Susanna very much. She complains about everything.

Julie: My (10) ______ Aisha and Leila are coming on holiday with us next summer. We're going to rent a big house in the south of France.

Michael: I'm trying to teach my (11) ______ Keith and Katrina to speak French. They're really slow!

Susanna: My (12) ________ Andy prefers his sisters to me.

Keith: I get on well with everyone in the family. Well, nearly everyone. I have a problem with my (13) ______ Susanna.


2 Reading



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