Construction Models and Construction Planning 

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Construction Models and Construction Planning


Numerous models have been created to develop software, some of which emphasize construction more than others.

Some models are more linear from the construction point of view, such as the waterfall and staged-delivery life cycle models. These models treat construction as an activity which occurs only after significant prerequisite work has been completed – including detailed requirements work, extensive design work, and detailed planning. The more linear approaches tend to emphasize the activities that precede construction (requirements and design), and tend to create more distinct separations between the activities. In these models, the main emphasis of construction may be coding.

Other models are more iterative, such as evolutionary prototyping and extreme programming. These approaches tend to treat construction as an activity that occurs concurrently with other software development activities, including requirements, design, and planning, or overlaps them. These approaches tend to mix design, coding, and testing activities, and they often treat the combination of activities as construction.

Consequently, what is considered to be “construction” depends to some degree on the life cycle model used.

The choice of construction method is a key aspect of the construction planning activity. The choice of construction method affects the extent to which construction prerequisites are performed, the order in which they are performed, and the degree to which they are expected to be completed before construction work begins.

The approach to construction affects the project’s ability to reduce complexity, anticipate change, and construct for verification. Each of these objectives may also be addressed at the process, requirements, and design levels – but they will also be influenced by the choice of construction method.

Construction planning also defines the order in which components are created and integrated, the software quality management processes, the allocation of task assignments to specific software engineers, and the other tasks, according to the chosen method.


Exercise 3. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following word combinations.

Waterfall and staged-delivery life cycle models; to treat construction as an activity; significant prerequisite work has been completed; extensive design work; to emphasize the activities that precede construction (requirements and design); to create more distinct separations between the activities; to be more iterative, such as evolutionary prototyping and extreme programming; to occur concurrently with other software development activities; the approaches, which tend to mix design, coding, and testing activities; the choice of construction method; to affect the extent to which construction prerequisites are performed; to affect the project’s ability to reduce complexity, anticipate change, and construct for verification; tobe addressed at the process, requirements, and design levels; to be influenced by the choice of construction method; to define the order in which components are created and integrated; the software quality management processes; the allocation of task assignments to specific software engineers.


Exercise 4. Find in the text the English for:

численні моделі; розробляти програмне забезпечення; приділяти особливе значення конструюванню; водоспадні та каскадні моделі життєвого циклу; розглядати конструювання як процес; важлива попередня робота; лінійний підхід; операції, що передують конструюванню; чітке розмежування; еволюційне моделювання; екстремальне програмування; поєднувати вимоги, проектування та планування; впливати на ступінь виконання передумов конструювання; підхід до конструювання; вибір методу конструювання; порядок створення та поєднання компонентів; процес керування якістю програмного забезпечення; розподіл завдань.


Exercise 5. Write out all verbs from the text. Identify their tense and voice.

Exercise 6. Write out all Non-Finite forms of the verb (Infinitives, Participles and Gerunds) from the text. Identify their forms and functions.

Exercise 7. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Numerous models have been created to develop software.

2. The main emphasis of construction may be coding.

3. These approaches often treat the combination of activities as construction.

4. The approach to construction affects the project’s ability to reduce complexity, anticipate change, and construct for verification.

5. Each of these objectives may also be addressed at the process, requirements, and design levels.

6. They will also be influenced by the choice of construction method.

7. Construction planning also defines the order in which components are created and integrated.


Exercise 8. Answer the questions on the text.

1.What models are more linear from the construction point of view?

2. What activities do the more linear approaches tend to emphasize?

3. What models are more iterative?

4. What do evolutionary prototyping and extreme programming tend to treat and mix?

5. What does the choice of construction method affects?

6. What objectives may also be addressed at the process, requirements, and design levels?

7. What does construction planning also define?


Варіант 5

Exercise 1. Memorize the following words and word combinations.

Artifact – артефакт, продукт розробки, робочий продукт

measure – 1) міра 2) вимірювати, оцінювати, визначати

rate – 1) темп, швидкість, частота 2) коефіцієнт 3) інтенсивність

effort – зусилля; обсяг робіт, робота

schedule – 1) графік, розклад; план робіт 2) планувати

fix – 1) визначати 2) зафіксовувати, закріплювати

ensure – забезпечувати

come to terms (with) – домовлятися; приймати чиїсь умови

arbitrary – довільний

chaotic – невпорядкований, хаотичний

constraint – обмеження

proximity – близькість; схожість

drive (p. drove, pp. driven) – рушати, приводити в рух

consideration – міркування

craft-like – професійний, майстерний

explicitly – явно

regardless of – не звертаючи увагу на

immovable – нерухомий, незмінний

impose (a constraint) – накладати (обмеження)

address – 1) спрямовувати (зусилля) 2) звертатися (до когось - to); адресувати

scale – шкала, масштаб

small-scale – невеликий

account for – враховувати

unanticipated – непередбачуваний

gap - прогалина

flesh out – конкретизувати

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text in writing.


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