Software Development and Construction 

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Software Development and Construction


Developing computer software can be a complicated process, and in the last 25 years researchers have identified numerous distinct activities that go into software development. They include:

- problem definition;

- requirement development;

- construction planning;

- software architecture or high-level design;

- detailed design;

- coding and debugging;

- unit testing;

- integration testing;

- integration;

- system testing;

- corrective maintenance.

These activities may be grouped together as “programming” or “creating a software product”. If you create software on informal projects you deal with the activity the researchers refer to as “construction”.

Construction focuses on coding and debugging but also includes detailed design, unit testing, integration testing, and other activities. Construction is also sometimes referred to as “coding” or “programming”. But “coding” isn’t really the best word because it implies the mechanical translation of preexisting design into a computer language. Construction is not at all mechanical and involves substantial creativity and judgement.

But what activities are not part of construction? Important non-constructional activities include management, requirements development, software architecture, user-interface design, system testing, and maintenance. Each of these activities affects the ultimate success of a project as much as construction – at least the success of any project that calls for more than one or two people and lasts longer than a few weeks.


Exercise 3. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following word combinations.

A complicated process, to identify numerous distinct activities, to go into software development, problem definition, requirement development, software architecture or high-level design, unit testing, integration testing, corrective maintenance, to refer to as “construction”, to focus on coding and debugging, to be referred to as “coding” or “programming”, to imply the mechanical translation of preexisting design into a computer language, to involve substantial creativity and judgement, to be part of construction, requirements development, user-interface design, system testing, to affect the ultimate success of a project as much as construction, to call for more than one or two people.

Exercise 4. Find in the text 2 the English for:

складний процес; визначати багато окремих процесів; розробка вимог; визначення завдання; високорівневе проектування; кодування та налагодження; тестування компонентів системи та тестування взаємодії компонентів системи; коригувальний супровід; мати справу з роботою, яку дослідники називають конструюванням; передбачати багато креативності та розсудливості; проектування інтерфейсу користувача; кінцевий успіх проекту; потребувати більше двох людей, продовжуватися більше декількох тижнів.

Exercise 5. Write out all verbs from the text. Identify their tense and voice.

Exercise 6. Write out all Non-Finite forms of the verb (Infinitives, Participles and Gerunds) from the text. Identify their forms and functions.

Exercise 7. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Developing computer software can be a complicated process.

2. In the last 25 years researchers have identified numerous distinct activities that go into software development.

3. These activities may be grouped together as “programming” or “creating a software product”.

4. If you create software on informal projects you deal with the activity the researchers refer to as “construction”.

5. Construction focuses on coding and debugging.

6. Construction is also sometimes referred to as “coding” or “programming”.


Exercise 8. Answer the questions on the text.

1. What activities does software development include?

2. What may these activities be named as?

3. What does software construction focus on?

4. What is construction sometimes referred to as?

5. Is construction just a mechanical process?

6. What activities are not part of construction?

7. How do these activities affect the ultimate success of a project?


Варіант 3


Exercise 1. Memorize the following words and word combinations.

Fundamentals – основи

minimize – мінімізувати, зменшувати

complexity – складність

anticipate - передбачати

change – 1) зміна 2) змінювати(ся)

concept – поняття, концепція

apply (to) – 1) стосуватися, відноситися 2) застосовувати(ся)

major – основний, головний

convey – передавати, висловлювати

intent – намір

severely – дуже, значно, досить

ability – можливість, здатність

driver – драйвер, тут: рушійна сила

essentially – по суті, істотно, надзвичайно

particularly – дуже, надзвичайно, особливо

critical – важливий; необхідний

achieve - досягати

emphasize – надавати особливе значення, акцентувати увагу

drive – тут: запускати, керувати

unavoidably – неминуче

environment – оточення, середовище

in diverse ways – різними способами, по-різному

support – підтримувати, підтримка

technique – техніка, метод

communication method – метод передачі інформації

operating system call – виклик операційної системи

tool – засіб, інструмент, сервісна програма

notation – система числення, система позначень, запис

Unified Modelling Language (UML)– уніфікована мова моделювання

fault – пошкодження, дефект, збій

ferret out – розшукувати, знаходити

as well as – так само, як; а також

software engineer – спеціаліст з розробки програмного забезпечення

operational – операційний, оперативний

restricted – обмежений

issue – питання, проблема

interaction – взаємодія

software interface specification – специфікація, детальний опис програмного інтерфейсу

Object Management Group (OMG) – група керування об’єктами

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) – Міжнародна організація зі стандартизації


Exercise 2. Read and translate the text in writing.


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