Формування аудіативної компетенції. 

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Формування аудіативної компетенції.


а) Формування крос-культурної компетенції. Work Your Wisdom! SB p. 56 (a)

Copy the table in your workbook. Match the parts of the proverbs and explain their meanings.


Like father like son.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

Company in distress makes sorrow less.

A man is known by the company he keeps.

Joys shared with others are more enjoyed.

There are spots even on the sun.



Work Your Wisdom! SB p. 56 (b)

Illustrate the proverb you like most.


Work Your Wisdom! WB p. 20

Choose a proverb from the box to respond with in these situations and account for your choice.

b) Презентація необхідного лексичного матеріалу.

Учитель на дошці виписує слова, які необхідні учням для якомога повнішого розуміння тексту.

c) Етап аудіювання.

Your Language Portfolio: Listening. CD 1, track 14, SB p. 56 (a)

Listen to the conversation of two friends. Say what Sam thinks about her achievements.

Учні слухають текст 2 рази.


Mike: Gosh, isn't it Sam? I can hardly recognize you — all dressed up and in the best of spirits. Where are you going?

Sam: To school. There is a disco tonight.

Mike: You go to the disco? Can't believe my ears! You were so shy in public and usually staged away from discos and parties.

Sam: That's true. I can't believe this is really happening to me. But now I love to be more outgoing like Kity and Ann.

Mike: How do you feel about dancing now?

Sam: You won't believe but I find it so pleasant and enjoyable. Last time I was a real hit as a dancer.

Mike: Incredible, just incredible! Are you that free about big gather­ing?

Sam: I sure am. I heard my parents say that I've become more sociable and I do feel comfortable among my friends now.

Mike: Terrific. I'm glad you've become so self confident.

Sam: Me too. I didn't even realize I could be such a good mixer. My easy going nature made me so popular at school.

Mike: Speaking about your self-esteem, did you manage to overcome your timidity completely?

Sam: Sometimes boys at school are bullying and it hurts my dignity, but I've learnt how to answer back.

Mike: That beats everything! Congratulations, Sam. I'm proud of you.

Sam: Thank you, Mike, you are so kind.


d) Перевірка розуміння тексту.

Your Language Portfolio: Listening. SB p. 57 (b)

Now say:

how Mike expressed his:

• surprise;

• interest;

• approval;

• congratulations.

how Sam expressed her:

• confidence;

• self-esteem;

• joy;

• belief.

Your Language Portfolio: Listening. SB p. 57 (b), WB p. 21

Transform the dialogue as if Sam was talking to her first teacher. Make II up round the middle part.


Робота над проектом.

а) Активізація набутих знань.

Your Language Portfolio: Writing. SB p. 58, WB p. 21

Compose a plan for your self-presentation as a part of your project work.

Учні ще раз обговорюють із вчителем свої плани щодо постера "Learn me Better". Задача вчителя — зняти усі труднощі, що виник в учнів під час роботи над цим проектом.



Домашнє завдання.


a) Your Language Portfolio: Writing. SB p. 58, WB p. 21

To make a poster about yourself "Learn me Better".

b) A Cross-cultural Reading. SB p. 232

Підготуватися до уроку позакласного читання: прочитати текст “At the Lessons”.



Урок № Дата Клас 9

Тема: Урок домашнього читання


Удосконалювати техніку читання.

Навчати майстерності публічного виступу.

Розвивати крос-культурну компетенцію.

Прищеплювати любов до читання.

Виховувати повагу до української та іноземних культур.

Обладнання: Підручник, зошит.






Повідомлення мети уроку.

Today we will read and discuss the text about the lesson which one day took place in Canadian school.


Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

а) Активізація лексичного матеріалу. BRAINSTORMING

Вчитель на дошці пише слово TEENAGERS, а учні вголос прига­дують слова й словосполучення, пов'язані з цим поняттям.



Тренування навичок читання.

a) Активізація комунікативної компетенції.
Бесіда вчителя з учнями.

At home you have read the text which is called "At the Lessons".

Who are the main characters of the story?

Were there any new words?

Were this text difficult to understand?

b) Етап читання.

A Cross-cultural Reading. SB p. 232 (a)

Read the story and say:

• what the two lessons have in common;

• what problems the pupils of different grades discussed in the class;

• what atmosphere the children had in the class.

c) Перевірка розуміння тексту.

A Cross-cultural Reading. SB p. 234 (b)

Look at three pictures and relate the events of the story.

A Cross-cultural Reading. SB p. 234 (c)

Discuss the following questions.

• Once Oscar Wilde famously said, "If you want the children to be good, make them happy". Do you agree with the quotation? Why? / Why not?

• The children learn well when they can display their creativity. Think and decide what can motivate children for enlarging their knowledge and what can discourage them? Copy the table in your workbook. Fill in the chart.

A Cross-cultural Reading. SB p. 234 (d)

Compare the way the children behave and learn in Canadian and I Ukrainian schools. Is there anything you would like to borrow from Cana­dians?




Домашнє завдання.

Підготуватися до контрольної роботи. Повторити лексико-граматичний матеріал усієї теми.

Підведення підсумків уроку.

Діалог вчителя з учнями.

What story were we discussing today?

What moment in the story did you like the most?



Урок № Дата Клас 9

Тема: Глобальні проблеми довкілля


Повторити й активізувати навчальний матеріал.

Формувати аудіативну компетенцію.

Продовжувати формувати граматичну компетенцію.

Практикувати навички письма.

Розвивати крос-культурну компетенцію.

Удосконалювати комунікативну компетенцію.

Виховувати розуміння необхідності збереження навколишнього середовища незабрудненим.

Обладнання: Підручник, зошит, картки з україномовними еквівалентами лексики, що вивчалася.





Повідомлення мети уроку.

T: Today we are going to continue our talking about global problems and pollution of environment. We will listen to a very interesting text and try to write an introduction to e-mail.


3. Перевірка домашнього завдання.




1. Формування аудіативної компетенції.

a) Активізація лексичного матеріалу.

Words. Phrases. Expressions. SB p. 60

Учні прослуховують слова.

b) Презентація необхідного лексичного матеріалу.

Учитель на дошці виписує слова, які необхідні учням для якомога повнішого розуміння тексту.

c) Етап аудіювання.

Your Language Portfolio: Listening. CD 1, track 18, SB p. 67 (a)

T: Listen to the information about the environmental problems in Britain and say which of them are not typical of Ukraine. Can you explain why? Учні слухають текст 2 рази.


The Environment and Pollution

It was in Britain that the word "smog" was first used to describe a mix­ture of smoke and fog. As the world's first industrialised country, its cit­ies were the first to suffer this atmospheric condition. In the 19th century London's "pea soups" (thick smogs) became famous through descriptions of them in the works of Charles Dickens and in the Sherlock Holmes sto­ries. The situation in London reached its worst point in 1952. At the end of that year particularly bad smog, which lasted for several days, caused between 4,000 and 8,000 deaths.

Water pollution was also a problem. In the 19th century it was once sug­gested that the Houses of Parliament should be wrapped in enormous wet sheets to protect those inside from the awful smell of the River Thames. In the middle years of this century, the first thing that happened to peo­ple who fell into the Thames was that they were rushed to hospital to have their stomachs pumped out!

Then, during the 1960s and 1970s, laws were passed which forbade the heating of homes with open coal fires in city and which stopped much of the pollution from factories. At one time, a scene of fog in Hollywood film was all that was necessary to symbolise London. This image is now out of date, and by the end of 1970s it was said to be possible to catch fish in the Thames outside Parliament.

However, as in the rest of Western Europe, the great increase in the use of the motor car in the last quarter of the 20th century has caused an increase in a new kind of air pollution. This problem has become so serious that the television weather forecast now regularly issues warnings of "poor air quality". On some occasions it is bad enough to prompt official advice that certain people (such as asthma sufferers) should not even leave their houses, and that nobody should take any physical exercise, such as jogging or running, out of doors.


c) Перевірка розуміння тексту.

Your Language Portfolio: Listening. SB p. 67 (b)

T: Now, read the statements on the text you've listened to and mark the statements "True" or "False".

1. The word "smog" means a mixture of smoke and rain. (-)

2. Great English writers described thick smogs in their works. (+)

3. The smog of 1952 caused a lot of deaths.(+)

4. The river Thames is greatly polluted. (+)

5. People who fell into the Thames died. (-)

6. The British government passed the laws to protect the environ­ment. (+)

7. The last quarter of the 20th country is characterized by air pollution. (+)

8. London air pollution is caused by a great number of cars. (+)


2. Тренування навичок письма.

а) Презентація нового матеріалу.

Your Language Portfolio: Writing. SB p. 68

Information about e-mail.

Електронна пошта (англ. e-mail (email), скорочення від electronic mail) — популярний сервіс в Інтернеті, що робить можливим обмін даними будь-якого змісту (текстові документи, аудіо-, відеофайли, архіви, програми).

b) Активізація нового матеріалу Your Language Portfolio: Writing. SB p. 68

How to write an introduction to e-mail.


3. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного матеріалу.

Учитель роздає учням картки з україномовними еквівалентами лексики, що вивчалася. Завдання — надати англомовні еквіваленти.




1. Домашнє завдання.

a) Повторити граматичний матеріал про Modal Verbs.

b) Rhyme and Reason. WB p. 22 (a) Read the words and underline those that have the given sound. Practise Haying them.

c) Rhyme and Reason. WB p. 22 (b)

Group the W-words into categories according to the vowel sounds. Prac­tice saying them.

d) Your Language Portfolio: Writing, SB p. 69, WB p. 26. Write an introduction to an e-mail to your e-pal who is an environmen­tal activist.


2. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Діалог вчителя з учнями.

T: What environmental problems do we have in Ukraine?

How do Ukrai­nians have to stop them?

Are you environmentally educated person?


Урок № Дата Клас 9

Тема: Стань захисником довкілля


Повторити й активізувати навчальний матеріал.

Ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою.

Формувати комунікативну компетенцію.

Практикувати навички письма.

Розвивати фонетичну компетенцію.

Удосконалювати аудіативну компетенцію.

Виховувати бережливе ставлення до довкілля.

Обладнання: Підручник, зошит.





Повідомлення мети уроку.

T: Today we are going to learn new interesting words, phrases, expres­sions. We will also have a lot of speaking and learn how to write a body of e-mail.



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