How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer. 

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How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.


How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

The fact that television and movies influence people’s behavior is pretty clear. But this influence is defined for people as response for man or woman character. I want emphasize that all that performance only develop our features. But no, may be I am wrong. Because for children who have no formatted live position and can be changed by TV shows and films. Now, let me show my thoughts in order.
First, very important point of view is about kids. And nowadays I think TV influence for children is noxious mostly. They watch all that performance on television, which is negative proclaiming power and violence. Often TV programs describe criminal groups with courage and brave leaders and participants. And what we have consequently. Our offspring believe that crime can be for good. They become criminals believing that romantic stuff pushed into their heads. As an example I remember group of teenagers who create some crime clique like they saw in popular TV serial “The band” it’s called. They take nicknames of participants of that band. They committed crimes; they stole and had scare people to get money from them. That was real; I have read it in newspaper. And how about series of issues happened in American schools when pupils went to school and shot to everyone who they saw. There were victims and not one or two.
Another hand of the problem is that there are qualitative movies and shows, which teach us, be friendly, good. The films like that I call worth to see films. We can take many good patterns and become wise, adult peoples. Real friendship, notion of fairness and real love can we also derive from television. For example recently I saw TV program. In that program people was checked for honesty by observing their behavior for some common situation. Cell phone was lost on visible place after it was called. Some people didn’t respond the phone intent to keep it for themselves. Now, if I would things, which I can give back to its owner, I would give it back.
Finally, as you remember I started with saying that things we see on TV screen only develop our own features. As a proof I can say that people who dislike violence doesn’t watch performances with it. Some people doesn’t watch stardust movie, they are not romantic, and I think they should.
All said means we choose who we are and no one our bad features couldn’t be explained in way: “I saw too much violence so I become alike”. Movies can improve us in way we choose.

Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.

I support the view that teachers should be a part of the learning process. Below are several beneficial reasons for which I feel that teachers are needed in while learning. Below are also some of the the problems that come up without their presence.

Primarily teachers are there for guidance in a particular field or subject. They give you a systematic and better way to approach a subject. A teacher normally teaches a subject in which he or she has expertise in. Hence that person has made a study of the subject and can guide you in order to help you approach the subject in a better way. This guidance may be in the form of giving you names of reference books or giving you notes. Without a teacher it would be extremely cumbersome to go through large libraries for a certain topic. Besides this the teacher could provide you help with any sort of problem that you come across while studying. The teacher could provide you strategies that help you solve a problem. Without a teacher, this problem would take up a lot of your valuable time or remain unsolved. Teachers can also point out when you are going wrong. They point out our mistakes and suggest ways for us to correct them.

In the end it does depend on the individual person to finally getting down to learn a subject. The actual studying has to be done by the individual. But the learning process can be made much simpler with the proper and continuous guidance of teachers. Hence it better to learn with the help of a teacher rather than learning by yourself.

A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

I live in the city of Kolkata- the city of joy. My city is one of the four metropolitan cities of my country-India. It is a big city with a huge population. Kolkata is the city of my birth and no doubt it is my favourite city. Kolkata, like many other metropolitan cities, have a number of features, some of which will really attract newcomers while others will keep them away.

Kolkata is a city- full of life. Here, unlike any other city, people are cooperative and one can enjoy one's joy and happiness in company of others. In Kolkata, help is always available, even if one does not ask for it. This is really a unique feature of Kolkata, which makes it a different city. One can enjoy the festivals to the full extent of one's desire. During the festivals people come closer evenif they are not known to each other. It is the mood during the festivals, which brings all the Kolkatans together. Similarly, people are also available to share each other's sorrow and grief. Here, one will always find a company if he/she searches for solace and comfort. If someone is in distress people are always avalable to help hime/her whatever may be the time of the day. Kolkata is a lively city. One will not feel the liveness of Kolkata unless he or she recides here.

However, inspite of the livelyness of Kolkata, it has some features that may upset a newcomer. One of these is the crowd. The roads here are crowdy enough and also the buses on the roads. Its really difficult for a newcomer to get adjusted to these crowdy roads. To walk on these roads people have to jostle one another's arms and tramp each others feet. There is a great rush on the roads during the peak hours and a lot of traffic congestion. As a result people are always late in reaching their destinations. Here, the number of vehicles passing through the roads is greater in comparison to the number of roads available, which results in traffic congestion.

So, a person who is planning to move to my city will like all its advantages but dislike all its disadvantages. Though, Kolkata has a number of drawbacks and suffers from a lot of disadvantages, still it is my favourite city and will always be.

Some people believe that the Earth is being damaged by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

1. There is an argument over the issue of whether human activity is damaging the Earth.. In my
opinion, however, the bad influences are outweighed the good. Human activity is harming not
only the Earth but the living habitats of animals and people as well.
First of all, flood not only demolishes many infrastructures but also takes away people’s life.
Because of cutting down trees for cultivation or personal benefits, tree roots cannot hold the soil
in place and absorb water from the soil making the soil unable to store more rainwater leading
to flood. In addition, deforestation also devastates the living environment of animals affecting to
the diversity.
Furthermore, pollution of environment is a serious consequence. Firstly, the toxic from factories
and residents pollutes the water, air and even the solid. Lacking of clean water and polluted air
cause many troubles for human life. Secondly, several diseases appearing in recent years that
still endangers human life. Finally, overuse of resources such as fossil fuels, water, and land
contribute to environmental degradation worldwide.
Last but not least, global warming is occurring due to human activity. Human activity has
increased the concentration of heat-trapping gases such as methane, nitrous oxide, carbon, and
halocarbon. This higher concentration acts as a barrier resulting in higher temperatures,
weather changes, ice cover, and sea levels. Climate change not only harms human health but
also damages the environment of living things.
In conclusion, people should consider carefully before doing something to minimize bad
influences on the Earth and protect the human life as well.

2. Research so far has shown there is life only on plant Earth. Since B.C and A.D periods humans have been living on planet earth with affection, discipline and integrity. Mankind has worked for several years to make this planet, Earth a better place everyday by putting their efforts. These efforts are seen in form of facilities and developments build for better life, protecting the environment and enforcing laws.
Mankind has made tremendous progress since the ancient years and changed the outlook of earth into a better and more beautiful place. The progress is seen in form of facilities implemented for people to live their daily life in comfort and planned way. In early days it would take months to travel from one part of the world to another part. But the progress that people have made, it now takes a couple of hours to reach from one end of the world to another end of world. Another change that humans have progressed is in development of living standards. Earlier humans used to live in huts, but now people live in houses and mansions.
April 22 is celebrated as Earth Day all over the world. There are non profit organizations and associations that spread the awareness of Earth Day to people all across the world. The mission of these organizations and the purpose of Earth day is to save earth by protecting the environment in different ways. One way of protecting the environment and earth is by planting more trees and giving proper supply of water, fertilizers to these trees. Another way is by building reservoirs to store water and make proper use of it. There is scarcity of water in many parts of the world and hence stored water is used in proper manner by humans and for environment growth.
Humans are enforced to follow laws created by the society and it is for the benefit of mankind and saving the planet earth. Laws have both good and bad impact. There are laws on forest preservations, land expansions and many more. Because of these laws, we have forests that are protected and maintained around the world. In addition to forests laws, there are laws on land expansion and protection.
Humans are making progress each and every day in fields like technology, science, and medicine. They are making sure to consider all the factors without causing any harm to planet earth. The time in which we are currently living with comfort and all the luxuries is because of the efforts made by humans taking into consideration some of the factors like facilities and development in the society, protection of the environment and implementing laws to follow these factors.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

In modern society, with the rapid development of technology, people have more choices ways to communicate each other such as face to face, letters, emails, or telephones. However, I believe that face to face communication is much better than others, and in this essay, I will analyze some advantages of this kind of communication to support my opinion.
First of all, when people communicate each other in person, they can get responses immediately without misunderstanding. During conversation, people can not only hear responses from others, also see how they are feeling; people can guest what will take place next, how conversation is on, which is very important to have a successful talk. For example, in criminal inspection, face to face communication can know whether or not suspects are telling the truth through the way suspects answer questions, their facial, behaviors and eyes sight.
In addition, using face to face communication helps people express their feelings, ideas much better. Instead of using word only when people choose letters, emails or phone for communication, people can use eye contact, verbal language in order to show their opinions. Scientists show that more than seventy percent people use body or verbal language in communicating; thus, it very important for people use actions to express views.
Last but not least, conversations seem to be longer when people communicate in person. And of course, the more people talk together, the stronger and better relation they have. Take my friend for example. He is an insurance consultant, and he is very busy with his work; however, whenever his customers need advices, he always meets them in person never through phones, emails no matter how important customers they are. He believe that will make relationship with customers stronger and it is a key factor for success in his field.
To sum up, I believe that no matter how developed means of communication they are, face to face is still the most important and effective way for communication

What do you want most in a friend - someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.

Friends are an important part of life and there is scarcely a person without friends at all. Most people have more than one friend but still stick to a small group of people with whom they are very close. The question is what are the most valuable characteristics in friends? What makes them differ from acquaintancies? What makes them so important to us?
In my opinion, it depends on the individual person which characteristics he or she seeks in a friend. Intelligence, sense of humor and reliability, however, are probably the most named qualities people would like to have in a friend. But which of these character traits is the most important one? For me personally it would be a healthy mixture of all three. Intelligence, to begin with, is quite necessary because I appreciate the idea of being able to share my thoughts with a person equal to me. If I talk about my studies for example, I actually expect the other person to generally understand what I am saying — even if they work in a totally different subject area. A person who lacks intelligence would probably not be able to follow me and couldn't support me if I asked for help. Thus, intelligence definitely is one of the things I really value in a friend.
Sense of humor is, of course, a well-liked characteristic as well. Especially, when it comes to cheering someone up, a humorous person may be of great help. While discussing a problem with a friend, I do not actually expect them to solve my problem but to comfort me or distract me. Some jokes may do the trick in this situation and a good humored friend is the most likely to come up with one. For some people this may seem even more valuable than intelligence but I am convinced that a certain amount of intelligence is needed to come up with a good joke and more important to get a feeling for the situation.
Although I highly appreciate intelligence and good humor in a person, this is of no point if the person is not reliable. Reliability is the foundation of every good friendship because obviously nobody would want a friend who lets him or her down when they are most needed. Thus, reliability probably is the most important character trait. However, for me it would not work if the person was plain boring or rather unintelligent.
To sum it up, the perfect friend for me would inherit all three characteristics. Ideally, this friend would use his or her intelligence to understand what I am talking about and the same to get a feeling for my current state of mind, he or she would then try to cheer me up by using a good sense of humor and of course would never let me down if I needed a friend the most.


The advent of the computer is one of the results of the development of the advantaged technology. While some people advocate for the idea that computers have made life more complex and stressful, others support the idea that computers have made life easier and more convenient. In my point of view, computers brought convenience and easiness to our life since they enabled easier access to information and increased qualities of the communication.
First, computers through internet made our access to information easier. Through computers we can collect appropriate data very quickly, store it in the hard disc as long as we want and use it when needed. Search engines such as google, yandex with many features relevant to the characteristics of the information needed enable search of information in few minutes. Social networks such as facebook, twitter have changed traditional sources of information and decreasing the monopolization of the information by the governments. Hence, with the use of computers we spend less time in search for information, and can get it from different sources.
Second, in a globalized world that we live computers made communications faster, visual and cheaper. With the use of email our messages can be delivered to any person in any part of the world in few minutes. In addition, it is convenient because you do not need to mile to the post office, but just click the mouse of your computer from the convenience of your arm chair in order to reach your friends, family members in any part of the world. Internet facilities such as msn, skype made visual communication possible. For example, via skype people not just communicate with their family members and friends, but also make interviews for employment, enrolment into universities. In result, communication has become cheaper, faster and visual.
Finally, I believe that computers have made life easier and more convenient in the ways that it broadened the sources of information and made access more quick, a long with the improving quality of the communication in many ways.

Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Being expert on one subject is better than knowing one thing about everything. Universities has very important role in shaping their student's futures. They all have their own ways in teaching and these different technics of teaching sometimes affects the student's lerning. I think trying to teach something about everything is the biggest error in universities. Specialising in one thing brings professionalism and practical use of knowledge to people. First of all, I think information become beneficial when person is able to use it for his/her own good. We may know a lot of things, but if we are not able to put them into practical use, this knowledge means just a worthless sum. And in order to put in use what you know about one topic, you must know enough about it. Moreover, learning everything about one thing gives person more pleasure. As we learn more, it becomes more interesting. Hence, it does not bore people. But we should not forget that this is valid when we are studying in our favaurite topic. Determining the best topic to study on is vital for success. For instance, when I was in high school, I used to select books to read spontaneously. I used to go to the library, choose one book and read it. The subject was not important. As the time passed, I understood that it was good to learn about everything but it was purposeless. After that I decided the topics that I was interested in and began to read books about these topics. And now I do reading more motivatedly and I can see it develops me in a way I want. In conclusion, I believe knowledge is for people's own benefit. It has to serve people. And in order to succeed this, it should be in sufficient amount and usable. Thus, as the main teacher of a person's life, universities should support specialising on one thing. There is no logic in learning unnecessary information. All universities should adopt this principle in teaching.


Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we do not need. However, others believe that advertisements provide us with information about new goods. This issue is a very controversial and it is still open for debates. Personally, I believe that advertising is not very helpful and brings some mess in human life. I base my opinion on the following points.
First of all, I have to say that we have too much advertising on TV and mass media in nowadays. I overload our mind and attention. We look around and advertising is everywhere. From my viewpoint, it is very annoying. Business companies try to attract our attention to their products and perhaps it really works and most of people are encouraged to buy all of those items. But I think that we do not need so many products for surviving in the world. For example luxuries, I do not believe that we need to buy so many luxury things to be happy and to have full life. Advertising tempts people to buy beautiful jewelries and ones are ready to waste most of their savings for such useless things.
Second of all, I guess young and inexperienced in life people who are so easier influenced by tricks of advertising tend to waste their money for things which they really do not need. When they watch TV that filled with commercials every thirty minutes they are getting appealed to the beautiful image of the product and they are not interested to figure out whether they really need it or not. The immediate impulse encourages desire to obtain the item.
Thirdly, the commercial does not maintain the true information about the product. The main purpose of adverts is to sell as much as possible and it does not care about providing people with the complete information of the goods that could deter potential buyers. In result, we are involved in buying things which might be useless or even harmful.
In conclusion, I want to notice that when we see commercials we have to be careful with our fleeting intention to buy all those things which are advertised there. It is better to learn more information about the product and to think over the real needs. I tend to think that we do not really have to buy so many things which we are encouraged by advertising.

Support your opinion.

Like a hurricane that brings fear and panic all over with its powerful winds, uprooting trees and disrupting belief in an all-merciful God, so the human development too has swept across all natural environments. Within resources more critical is water. Many people think that next wars will be for taking control of this vital element. It is necessary that the entire society takes consciousness about the overuse of the water and its consequences.
When I was a child, I do not remember hearing anybody speaking about the importance of the water. I played with my friends to get wet with water when the weather was hot. In the primary school, teachers did not teach topics related to this matter. In this new century just scientists have presented researches that explain the difficult situation for the human race if this resource runs out. Moreover, some investigations forecast the end of the world in 2070 which is not an exaggeration considering that some species of animals already have extinguished.
Nowadays, governments are promoting the optimum use water through advertisement and laws that punish people or enterprises when they not take care of this element. For example, if an industry uses more water than authorized it has to pay a lot of money. Also, if a family spends too much water during the summer it has an extra charge in its bill. A strategy to solve the need that generates the limitation of this resource has been the use of seawater for specific activities such as, copper mine process.
The lack of water is the most important problem that society must solve if wants to last for more time and to leave a good legacy for next generations. While people, governments and enterprises do not change their practices it is impossible to think about a happy future for humanity. In this moment some positive actions are being realized, but still they are not enough.

Support your choice.

Music is everywhere! It is played on the radio, on the television, in shops, on the street, in restaurants, and it is even played in elevators! There is no escaping from it, some people complain it is too noisy and aggressive, others don’t notice it, but when it is turned off, everybody takes notice. Why then, after being orally assaulted while out and about in the city, would anybody want to actually sit down and listen to it? Music, has been proven to change our moods. This is why shoppers use it, and why therapists also recommend it. Life without it would be unthinkable. Music means different things to many people. To some, the musicians themselves, it is a way of articulating what they cannot say with the spoken word; to others, namely the audience it is a means of escapism. Everybody feels stress in their lives, and everybody wants to be free of it. Personally, I find listening to Beethoven’s Fifth Piano concerto the perfect stress relief. The smooth melody and soothing harmony just washes all of the day’s worries away, and prepares me for a good night’s sleep. However, just as music helps us to relax, it also energises and encourages us to push beyond what we think we are capable of. Many sports people train at the gym while listening to music. They run to the tempo of the music, or pump weights in time with the beat. I guess the theme tune from the Sylvester Stallone movie “Rocky” is a perfect motivator for sports people. Runners probably find that listening to music while running takes their mind off the pain of running long distances, and rowers probably use it for the same reason. You often see professional athletes wearing ear phones or head phones right before a game or event. It obviously helps to focus the mind and prepare mentally for the rigours of the sport. Yet, it is not just indispensable to sports people, but also to students. When I was studying at high school, and especially before exams, I would listen to any kind of classical music. I don’t know how, but it seemed to aid retention. I guess it relaxed my mind sufficiently enough to enable it to absorb and retain more information than might have otherwise been possible. I was never a great student, but music certainly helped. In fact, according to many theories, listening to music while studying does in fact, “make you smarter!” If it can make you smarter, it can also make you richer. Sales people need a lot of adrenalin to close a sale. I discovered this when I was recruiting executives for fortune 500 companies a few years back. It was perhaps one of the toughest jobs I have ever done. I was then, naturally shy and quiet, and very unsure of myself. I knew that I needed to became more confident and assertive, and so applied to this job. Music became my companion. Before going to important meetings I often found it necessary to listen to upbeat music that would get my blood pumping and boost my courage. The strong fast rhythm of heavy metal or rock would do the trick, along with loud aggressive singing. It was the perfect mood changer; changing me from meek and mild to suitably confident and assertive. Without it, I would not have been able to make as many of the sales as I did. In sales, confidence is the number one cause of success, and lack of it leads to failure. I was happy to discover that I was not the only person who relied on it; music, is every sales person’s companion.

For a longtime now, therapists, educators and scientists have known what people have instinctively known for centuries; that other than art, music is healing. It soothes the soul grieving for a loved one, and inspires those lacking in hope. Musicians, in my opinion have one of the most indispensable jobs on earth today. They not only comfort the sick and the dying, but keep reminding us all of the beauty that man is capable of. This is much needed in the profit driven, over populated, materialistic society that we have to endure today. In other words, music keeps us sane

How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

The fact that television and movies influence people’s behavior is pretty clear. But this influence is defined for people as response for man or woman character. I want emphasize that all that performance only develop our features. But no, may be I am wrong. Because for children who have no formatted live position and can be changed by TV shows and films. Now, let me show my thoughts in order.
First, very important point of view is about kids. And nowadays I think TV influence for children is noxious mostly. They watch all that performance on television, which is negative proclaiming power and violence. Often TV programs describe criminal groups with courage and brave leaders and participants. And what we have consequently. Our offspring believe that crime can be for good. They become criminals believing that romantic stuff pushed into their heads. As an example I remember group of teenagers who create some crime clique like they saw in popular TV serial “The band” it’s called. They take nicknames of participants of that band. They committed crimes; they stole and had scare people to get money from them. That was real; I have read it in newspaper. And how about series of issues happened in American schools when pupils went to school and shot to everyone who they saw. There were victims and not one or two.
Another hand of the problem is that there are qualitative movies and shows, which teach us, be friendly, good. The films like that I call worth to see films. We can take many good patterns and become wise, adult peoples. Real friendship, notion of fairness and real love can we also derive from television. For example recently I saw TV program. In that program people was checked for honesty by observing their behavior for some common situation. Cell phone was lost on visible place after it was called. Some people didn’t respond the phone intent to keep it for themselves. Now, if I would things, which I can give back to its owner, I would give it back.
Finally, as you remember I started with saying that things we see on TV screen only develop our own features. As a proof I can say that people who dislike violence doesn’t watch performances with it. Some people doesn’t watch stardust movie, they are not romantic, and I think they should.
All said means we choose who we are and no one our bad features couldn’t be explained in way: “I saw too much violence so I become alike”. Movies can improve us in way we choose.


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