II Complete the conversation with a waiter 

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II Complete the conversation with a waiter


W: You are being served, aren’t you?

V: …

W: The steak is just to your taste, isn’t it? You have ordered salad for two, haven’t you?

V: …

W: Do you need the wine list?

V: …

W: Will you have the strawberries with sugar?

V: …

W: Will you eat table d’hote or a la carte?

V: …


III Answer the following questions

1 What do you usually do when you fall ill?

2 What does the doctor do when you have flu?

4 What are the symptoms of flu?

5 Who operates on people?

6 When is one put on sick leave?

IV Suggested topics for conversation:

1 Traditional Ukrainian Cuisine

2 Health Service in Ukraine

3 Sport helps people prepare themselves for life

9 КЛАС ____________________________________________________________




I 1-, 2-, 3+, 4-, 5-, 6-

II 1B, 2B, 3C, 4A, 5B, 6B

III 1 has ever got, 2 Oklahoma, 3 a famous athletic coach, 4 Stockholm, 5 baseball, and football player


I 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, 7+, 8-

II 1c, 2b, 3d, 4b, 5d, 6c, 7b

III 1a, 2a, 3b


I 1 knew, 2 read, 3 had been, 4 had suggested, 5 had not seen, 6 were, 7 had gone.

II 1 I wish you were not ill.

2 He wished he had had enough time to finish his test.

3 I wish you had sent for us last night.

4 I wish you knew German.

5 I wish we could reach home before tea-time.

6 The student wished he had studied the material better.

III 1c, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5d, 6d, 7a, 8a, 9b, 10b, 11c, 12d.

IV 1 I wish you came earlier.

2 I wish I were free now.

3 I wish you had visited that exhibition.

4 She wished she had not told us this story.

5 He wished he listened to his advice.






Canada covers all of the North American continent to the north of the USA except Alaska and the small French Islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon. It is the second largest country in the world after Russia. But the population of Canada is not very big – only 27,4 million people who live mostly in the south of Canada, along the border of the USA. Canada is bordered by three oceans, the Atlantic, the Arctic, and the Pacific. The capital of the country is Ottawa.

Canada is a nation in North America composed of two linguistic and cultural groups: French and English. To these major groups, and to the small native population of Indians and Eskimos, have been added many thousands immigrants representing the major European cultures. The two official languages of Canada are English and French. In the north of the country there are 330,000 Indians and 25,000 Eskimos who are the original peoples of the North, Central and South America. They have no equal rights with other citizens of the country and they have fought for their rights for many years.

The interior of the country is a vast plain. The plain extends from the Rocky Mountains to the Appalachian Mountains. In the north the plain ends in the islands of the Arctic Ocean. In the south Canada shares the Great Lakes with the United States. The most admirable sight which attracts tourists from all over the world is the Niagara Falls. They are on the Niagara River between the Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

All parts of the country have cold weather in winter. Winter in Canada lasts from four to five month with heavy snowfalls. Summer is usually warm, though quite short.


I. Find true and false sentences

1) Canada is situated in the south of the North American continent.

2) Alaska is included in the territory of Canada.

3) Canada is the second largest country in the world.

4) It is bordered by two oceans: the Atlantic and the Arctic.

5) The population of Canada is over thirty million people.

6) The capital of the country is Ottawa.

II. Fill in the blanks.

1) Canada is a nation in North America composed of two linguistic and cultural groups: … and ….

2) In the north of the country there are 330,000 … and 25,000 … who are the original peoples of the North, Central and South America.

3) They have no equal … with other … of the country.

4) The interior of the country is a vast ….

5) In the south Canada shares the … … with the United States.

6) The most admirable sight which attracts tourists from all over the world is the ….

III. Answer the questions.

1) Where is Canada situated?

2) What oceans is Canada bordered by?

3) How much is the population?

4) What are the two official languages of the country?

5) Where are the Niagara falls situated?

6) What can you say about the climate of Canada?


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