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Ex 5. Ответьте на вопросы и обсудите их. What’s your family like? 1. What type of family do you come from? What's something unusual or special about your family? 2. What are some rules that people have to follow in your family? 3. How does your family celebrate birthdays? 4. Is there a holiday your family always celebrates together? 5. Who do you talk to in your family when you have a problem? 6. What's the best thing about spending time with your family? 7. What's the worst thing? 8. If you have any brothers or sisters, what things do you enjoy doing together? 9. Do you have a close relationship with the other members of your family? 10. What's an advantage of being close to one's family? 11. Who takes care of the children in your family?
Прочитайте текст, выберите подходящее название для каждого абзаца. 1) About Myself 2) The Place We Live in 3) The Members of the Family 4) Our Free Time MY FAMILY Our family is neither big nor small. It consists of my father, my mother, my brother, and me. My father, a tall man with dark short hair, is 40 years old. He works as a manager at the firm. He likes his work and spends a lot of time there. My mother, a tall and thin woman with big blue eyes and fair hair, is younger than my father, she is 38. My mother is a teacher at the secondary school. She teaches her students foreign languages: German and English. She also spends much time at school, but she finds time to cook, sew, knit, and even to help my brother and me with our homework. My brother is only 10, and he is a schoolboy. I am 16. I am a student of the college. My college is far from our house, and it takes me half an hour to get there by bus. We are studying different subjects there, but my favourite ones are History and English. As to my appearance, I am slim and slender. My hair is fair, my eyes are blue. I resemble my mother. I like to dress in a modern style. Music is my hobby. I am fond of dancing at the disco. I like to buy and read English books too. Twice a week, I go to the swimming pool. Our family is nice, and everybody is easy to get along well with. We take care of each other. We spend much time together. Recently, we have bought a car, and now we often go down to the country to have a rest on weekends. In the evening, all members of our family watch TV, discuss everyday problems. Sometimes we go to the theatre or to the concert. LESSONS 9-10 MY FRIEND Ex. 1.Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Have you got a close friend/friends? 2. How did your friendship begin? 3. Where did you meet your friend? 4. How long have you been friends? 5. Can you rely on your friends? 6. Does your friend have the same lifestyle as you? 7. What are your interests? Which of them do you share with your friend? 8. Does your friend always make the same choice as you? 9. Do you have one or two best friends or a group of friends? 10. How important are your friends to you? 11. Whose opinion is more important to you: your parents' or your friends'? Why? KEY VOCABULARY Nouns 1. good friend 2. close/best friend 3. friendship 4. trust 5. openness 6. affection 7. attitude 8. value 9. confidence 10. gain confidence 11. a date 12. a movie date to date smb/go out with smb make a date 11. a girl (boy) friend
хороший друг близкий друг дружба доверие открытость привязанность, любовь позиция, отношение к чему-либо ценность уверенность приобретать уверенность свидание пойти с кем-либо в кино встречаться с кем-либо назначить свидание подруга (друг)
Verbs 1. rely (on) 2. share 3. choose make a choice 4. make friends with smb 5. meet smb 6. fall out with a friend 7. make friends again 8. smth goes wrong 9. get along well 10. have much in common 11. fall in love Appearance 1. good-looking 2. attractive 3. pretty 4. charming 5. plain/common 6. ugly 7. slim 8. plump 9. strong 10.tall 11.short 12.dark/fair/red hair 13.dark/blue/brown eyes Character Traits 1. friendly 2. loyal/disloyal 3. true 4. honest 5. false 6. sly 7. reliable 8. sociable 9. gentle 10.tender 11.kind 12.intelligent/bright 13.stupid 14.good-natured 15.polite
положиться (на кого-либо) делить, разделять выбирать сделать выбор подружиться с кем-либо познакомиться поссориться с другом помириться что-то не ладится хорошо ладить друг с другом иметь много общего влюбиться
интересный привлекательный симпатичный очаровательный заурядный уродливый стройный пухленький сильный высокий маленького роста темные/светлые/рыжие волосы темные/голубые/карие глаза
дружелюбный надежный/ненадежный верный честный лживый хитрый надежный (можно положиться) общительный мягкий чуткий, нежный добрый умный глупый добродушный вежливый
16.tactful/tactless 17.modest 18.shy 19.patient 20.generous 21.brave 22.self-centered 23.selfish 24.cruel 25.strict 26.hardworking
тактичный/нетактичный скромный застенчивый терпеливый щедрый смелый эгоцентричный эгоистичный жестокий строгий трудолюбивый WORD STUDY Ex. 4. Что бы вы сказали о человеке? Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова справа. Заполните таблицу.
1. Who never boasts? (хвастать) 2. Who is always ready to share what he has with others? 3. Who makes friends easily? 4. Who understands things easily? 5. Who is uncomfortable in the presence of others? 6. Who is not afraid to face danger? 7. Who works a lot? 8. Who can be always trusted? 9. Who is pleasant and friendly? 10. Who never tells lies, never cheats? 11. Who thinks only about himself? 12. Who is ready to give pain to others?
Proverbs and Sayings 1.Extremes meet. Крайности сходятся. 2.As busy as a bee. Трудолюбивый, как пчела. 3.Still waters run deep. В тихом омуте черти водятся.
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