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1. If you are going to wake up early tomorrow, go to bed early tonight. 2. If the medicine will cure it, I will buy it today. 3. I wish the house were not so expensive. 4. If she is working when we arrive, we won’t bother her.
Переписать фразы и перевести их с помощью определительных придаточных предложений. 1. There is only one signal to be detected. 2. There were many questions to be answered in this field of science. 3. Galileo was the first to observe sun spots with the Optic Tube in 1609. 4. The methods to be described were used at our laboratory. Переписать и письменно перевести следующие предложения, подчеркнуть герундиальный оборот. 1. Have you heard of control devices being used for controlling the manufacture of some industrial processes? 2. I know of a report being made every month. 3. They know of the density of the substance having been determined some time ago. 4. Our having returned so early surprised them.
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1. I would help you if I could, but I’m afraid I can’t. 2. It would be nice to stay here. I wish we didn’t have to go now. 3. I’m sure Amy will lend you the money. I’d be very surprised if she refused. 4. I wish Ann were here. She would be able to help us. Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-й абзацы.
Farming in Scotland 1. Cattle and Sheep Farms. Some farms specialize in either cattle or sheep production, but many farms keep both. In Scotland, cattle and sheep are usually reared extensively - they are mainly fed outside and on grass and they are only housed in the worst weather or when they are lambing or calving. 2. Beef cattle. The beef industry is the single largest sector of Scottish agriculture. Scotch beef is world renowned for its quality. Scotland has almost 30% of the UK herd. The majority of beef production operates through a quality assurance scheme with beef sold under the Specially Selected Scotch Beef brand. 3. Dairy Farms. Scotland had 182,000 dairy cows in 2013. 1,489 holdings had dairy cattle with an average of 130 cows per holding. Scotland has approximately 9% of the UK dairy herd. The UK has the third largest dairy herd in the EU after France and Germany, and the largest average herd size. 4. Dairy farms tend to be concentrated in the south west of the country where grass growth is conducive to high yields. More than 90% of Scottish dairy farms are members of the National Dairy Farm Assured Scheme which sets strict standards for farm practices. 5. Poultry. Recently there were approximately 15 million poultry in Scotland and 90,000 tonnes of chicken was produced in Scotland. The egg and poultry meat sectors are also highly integrated. 6. Cereals. The main cereal crop in Scotland is barley and 28% of the UK’s barley area is in Scotland. As well as seed potatoes, Scottish farmers grow 'ware' potatoes for human consumption. Oilseed rape goes towards producing oil for cooking but also for producing bio fuels. 7. There are 18,000 hectares of vegetables and soft fruit grown in Scotland. Scottish producers produce more than 2500 tonnes of raspberries and 4700 tonnes of strawberries. Field vegetables such as carrots are grown on the very best land. Other vegetables such as peas, beans and turnips are also grown, sometimes for animal feed and sometimes for human consumption. Some farmers also grow other vegetables such as cabbages, leeks, broccoli, mushrooms, Brussels sprouts. A small number of farmers also grow bulbs and flowers.
8. Прочитать 7-й абзац текста. Выбрать правильный вариант ответа на поставленный вопрос. What kinds of soft fruit are grown in Scotland? 1. Blackberries and gooseberries. 2. Huckleberries and salmonberries. 3. Cranberries and blueberries. 4. Raspberries and strawberries.
Вариант 4
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