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1. If I called him we could go to the park together. 2. If it is windy, people usually have a headache. 3. If she goes to the gym, she feels better. 4. If it is windy, the weather will change the next day.
Переписать фразы и перевести их с помощью определительных придаточных предложений. 1. Here is the text to be translated by tomorrow. 2. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the Moon. 3. The current to be measured is supplied from a battery. 4. Mendeleyev was the first to disсover the Periodic Law.
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1. He was proud of his son's having finished his work so well. 2. They heard of my going to Kiev. 3. We know of a luminescent lamp giving four times as much light as an ordinary electric lamp. 4. He is sure of his friend’s having taken part in sport competitions.
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1. He behaves as if he were the boss here. 2. I wish I knew the answer. 3. If your mother were here, she would be mad. 4. Не spoke as if he were a specialist on the subject.
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Environment and climate
1. Over the next 30 years, many of the environmental problems associated with agriculture will remain serious. Loss of biodiversity caused by the expansion and intensification of production often continues unabated even in the developed countries. 2. Nitrogen fertilizers are a major source of water and air pollution. The crop projections imply slower growth in the use of these fertilizers than in the past, but the increase could still be significant for pollution. 3. Global warming is not expected to depress food availability at the global level, but at the regional and local levels there may be significant impacts. Current projections suggest that the potential for crop production will increase in temperate and northerly latitudes, while in parts of the tropics and subtropics it may decline. Rising sea levels will threaten crop production and livelihoods in countries with large areas of low-lying land, such as Bangladesh and Egypt. 4. Food insecurity for some vulnerable rural groups in developing countries may well worsen. By 2030, climate change is projected to depress cereal production in Africa by 2 to 3 percent. Improved seeds and increased fertilizer use should more than compensate, but this factor will still weigh heavily on efforts to make progress. 5. Forestry and agriculture both contribute to human impact on climate. The burning of biomass - in deforestation, savannah fires, the disposal of crop residues and cooking with firewood or dung - is a major source of atmospheric carbon dioxide, while fertilizers and animal wastes create large emissions of nitrous oxide and ammonia. 6. Forestry can help to soak up some of the carbon released by human activities. Between 1995 and 2050, slower deforestation, together with regeneration and plantation development, could reduce carbon dioxide emissions by the equivalent of 12 to 15 percent of all fossil fuel emissions. 7. Farming also has a positive role to play. By 2030 the amount of carbon locked up in cropland soils, as soil organic matter from crop residues and manure, could rise by 50 percent if better management practices are introduced.
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What is a positive role of the farming?
1. Food production is the best positive role of the farming. 2. Animal production is positive role of the farming. 3. Crop production is the best positive role of the farming. 4. The amount of carbon locked up in cropland soils could rise by 50 percent if better management practices are introduced.
Вариант 2
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