Unit 1. Flu and common cold. 

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Unit 1. Flu and common cold.


Read the text and do the tasks below.

While reading, find the words and expressions that mean the following: 1) передаваться (об инфекции); 2) заражать; 3) распространенный; 4) штамм; 5) начало (болезни); 6) быстро / постепенно; 7) расстройство ЖКТ; 8) смертельный случай; 9) боль в горле; 10) истощенный (обессиленный); 11) осложнение; 12) подверженный (заболеванию); 13) появляться (о симптомах); 14) полностью выздороветь; 15) длиться.

Flu vs. Common Cold

Flu is a viral infection. It's passed on when people breathe in liquid droplets containing the influenza virus that other people sneeze or cough into the air, or when people touch objects contaminated with the virus. The virus can cause infections all year round, but it's most common in the winter. There are many strains, some of which are worse than others, such as swine flu (H1N1 strain) which has a more rapid onset, high fevers and gastrointestinal upset and has caused many fatalities, even in adults.

Symptoms include fever, headache, cough, sore throat and muscle aches. They appear quickly, last for about seven days and generally leave you exhausted for weeks afterwards. One minute you're fine, the next you can do nothing.

It's different from the common cold, in which the symptoms come on gradually, usually affecting only the nose, throat, sinuses and upper chest. When someone has a cold, they're still able to get about and usually recover fully after about a week. Flu can cause serious complications, including pneumonia, and can even be fatal.

Certain people are more vulnerable than others to the harm the virus can cause and are advised to have a flu vaccination. They include: everyone over the age of 65; children; people of any age with lung diseases (such as asthma), heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes or lowered immunity.


Complete the sentences.

1) Flu cannot be treated with antibiotics because …………

2) Flu can be fatal because …………

3) If a person next to you coughs or sneezes, you may…………

4) In case of flu you can’t go to work because …………

5) In case of flu you mustn’t go to work because …………

6) If any of your family has heart disease, he / she …………

7) If you suddenly have fever, headache and muscle aches, you …………


The text contains information about the difference between flu and common cold. Fill in the table using the information from the text. If any information is not available from the text, put “—“.

  Flu Common cold
Onset of the disease    
Course of the disease    
Organs affected    
Possible complications    
People at risk    
Fatalities / why?    


3. Using the information you have collected in the table, compare flu and common cold. Use both… and, unlike, as…as, not so (as)… as.

E.g. Both flu and common cold are viral infections.

Read the text about flu vaccination and use it to ask questions your patient might ask you about it. While reading, find the words that mean the following: испытывать (симптомы), укол, переносить (заболевание).

E.g. Why should I have a flu vaccination every year?

People at risk are advised to have a flu vaccination every year. This is because the flu virus changes slightly every year.

A lot of people think that the flu vaccination can give them flu. However, it doesn't contain the active virus needed to do this. It's true that some people experience symptoms of a heavy cold at the same time or just after they've had the flu shot. This is usually caused by one of the many common cold viruses that are around in the autumn and winter.

Remember, it's still possible to suffer heavy colds after vaccination, as the flu shot only protects people from the flu virus, not other viruses. You can get the flu vaccination from about October each year.

The best way not to get flu is to keep your immune system strong by eating a healthy diet, taking regular exercise, getting enough rest and relaxation and not smoking. You should also avoid people who are coughing and sneezing, especially if they're not covering their mouth and nose.


Make your dialogues between

1) a doctor and a patient interested in flu vaccination;

2) a doctor and a patient suspicious about (с подозрением относящийся к) flu vaccination.


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